Eighth Crown

Chapter 910: Take advantage of one night

This night, not only the Ghost Mansion, but also the Tohsaka House, Matou House, and the direction of Liudong Temple had undergone large-scale magical tidal changes.

It's just that these places are surrounded by large-scale enchantments, so the flow of magic power cannot be detected by the outside world.

The familiars made by the second generation can only be observed outside the barrier. Once they get close, they will definitely be killed by the masters of those mansions.

Liu Xia didn't care about the summoning of heroic spirits from other places, and used her magic power all night to help nourish Grey's heart.

Early the next morning.

After the morning sun spilled into the room from the window, Grey, who had slept all night, woke up from her deep sleep as expected.


On the bed, after being disturbed by the sunlight, Grey let out a snort, frowned slightly, and gradually opened her eyes, revealing somewhat dazed green eyes.

"woke up?"

A very familiar dull voice came from the bedside, causing Grey's consciousness to gradually return to the cage.

The next moment, she noticed that the position of her chest seemed to be a little hot, a bit like being held by someone's hand, so she glanced down——

"Wow ah ah!"

Grey screamed, and was so frightened that she quickly sat up from the bed, her face instantly flushed red, she hid in the corner without saying a word, and covered her face with her hands, with a faceless expression.

"Your heart is changing to the heart of a red dragon."

Liu Xia withdrew her hand very calmly, and did not take it seriously.

"I adjusted your heart for you, and the subsequent changes should ease a lot, at least it won't affect your consciousness."

At present, this is still a change without any side effects. The reason why Gray fainted was only because the strengthening of her heart was too sudden and intense, which made her unable to bear it for a while.

As long as the process of change eases, so that she can bear it, naturally she will no longer be in a coma.

However, this is not a change that will be completed in a short time. In Liu Xia's observation, it takes at least seven or eight days to adapt to Grey's heart if it wants to transform into the heart of a red dragon.

Of course, this is only limited to the situation where only the heart is changing. If there are other changes in Grey due to the over-synchronization with Lancer, which makes her move closer to King Arthur, I am afraid it will be troublesome.

"...That, don't tell me..."

Grey blushed, and showed her shy and angry eyes from between her fingers, "Mr. Liangyi, the handle... that, the heart that's been adjusted... for one night?"

"That's right."

Liu Xia nodded very simply, her expression extremely indifferent.

Why are you not embarrassed at all? !

Grey only felt that the temperature on her face was continuing to rise, and she didn't need to look to know that her face must be as red as a tomato at the moment, maybe she could boil water.

One night!

Just put it on her chest all night!

In other words, she was taken advantage of for one night!

Although she didn't do anything else, she had never seen a few of the opposite **** since she was a child, and she had never even been touched by a boy, let alone her chest.

The too innocent girl quickly fell into a fierce brainstorm, her brain was obviously overloaded, her eyes gradually blurred into mosquito coils, and she might faint again at any time.

However, Liu Xia's indifferent expression relieved her nervousness somewhat.

Moreover, Liu Xia hadn't slept all night, and the act of helping her to nourish her heart here also caused a little ripple in the girl's heart, making her heart throb slightly.


Grey huddled in the corner of the bed, and although she still covered her face with her hands, she thanked Liu Xia in a small voice like a mosquito.


But after she thanked her, a hungry grunt followed from her belly.

After the girl paused for a while, she buried her head in her knees, and her whole body formed a ball like an ostrich, and she felt like she wanted to be autistic.

"If you're hungry, then get up and have breakfast."

Liu Xia glanced at her silently, then left a sentence, turned and walked out of the room.

It wasn't until Liu Xia left that Gray felt the embarrassment and anger in her heart eased, but when she recalled her previous performance and the faint burning sensation in her chest, she couldn't help turning around on the bed, saying "Ugh. Ugh!" a humiliated whimper.


After half an hour.

When Grey managed to manage her mood and came to the restaurant, Liu Xia had just made breakfast and brought the plate to the long table.

Among the three, the second is a typical person who does not touch the sun, and Grey can cook some relatively simple food. Originally, Grey was in charge of the three meals, but after Liu Xia occasionally showed his craftsmanship, the two decided together. , gave him three meals.

"Grey, are you feeling better?"

The second was already sitting at the dining table at this time. After seeing Grey's figure, he hurriedly cast his gaze at her, and there was a rare nervous look in his eyes.

"Yes, Master, it's all right now."

Grey had put the hood back on, and she felt a lot more at ease when her face could not be seen.

"Sit down, it's dinner time."

Liu Xia brought out the last plate and said to several people.

"Oh! It looks pretty good!"

The bear-like red-haired strong man suddenly released his spiritualization and appeared in front of several people. He rudely picked up a plate, opened his mouth and stuffed the sliced ​​bread into his mouth.

"Yeah! Delicious! Delicious! Is this just bread? Why is it just bread so delicious!"

The strong man's eyes lit up, and then he sat on the chair without treating himself as an outsider at all. He caged all the plates next to him in front of him, and started drinking.

"Hahaha! You are welcome! You should enjoy the rare second life! Hey, Lancer over there, how about you come out and enjoy this food too?"

Seeing that bold demeanor, Grey couldn't help being startled.

However, the second generation had a look as expected, showing a slightly amused expression.

It was because he knew that the Conqueror King would definitely be unable to hold back, so he asked Liu Xiaduo to make a few breakfasts.

"No, I'll let it go."

Lancer-class King Arthur did not take the initiative to appear, but just let his clear voice appear in the restaurant.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?"

The strong red-haired man forked a piece of pork cutlet with a knife and lifted it up, letting the fragrance fill the entire restaurant, with a seductive child-like smile on his face.

"This young man named Liangyi cooks more delicious dishes than the court chefs in Yu's past? Yu Du couldn't help but want to bring him under Yu's command!"

"...No, no need."

This time, Lancer hesitated for a while, but he still refused.

"If I show up, I'm afraid it will spoil the Master's enthusiasm."

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