Eighth Crown

Chapter 909: King Arthur of Lancer class (3/3)

in the courtyard.

Grey suddenly covered her heart, and the violent beating of her heart even entered Liu Xia's ears, and she couldn't help but cast an unexpected gaze.

Grey herself, on the other hand, was already shaky at some point.

The violent beating of her heart gave her tremendous strength, and the blood in her body was surging at a high speed, but the rapid transformation made her a little unbearable.

At a certain moment, she felt a string in her mind suddenly snap, and then her eyes went black, she was unconscious, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably.

Lancer, who was riding on the horse, subconsciously tightened his horse's belly, rolled over from the horse, and hurried towards Grey.

However, before she came to Grey's side, a dark shadow suddenly flashed by her side.


Grey's body immediately fell into the other's arms.

Before Lancer could react, the man had already laid Grey on the ground, stretched out his right hand, and placed his five fingers on the position of her heart on her chest.

Although she is a girl with a body close to a flat body, she has a slight bulge.

However, Liu Xia's expression was extremely flat, as if she was not affected by a little charm at all, and was concentratingly using magic power to investigate the condition of Grey's body.

As for Grey, who was laid flat on the ground, the hood she was wearing also slipped off her head, revealing the delicate and pretty girly face under the hood.

Although she was in a coma, the expression on her face was not so painful. Instead, she slept soundly and didn't seem to be troubled at all.

"This child...!"

The moment Grey's face was exposed, Lancer's intention to question Liuxia's identity was also abrupt, and a voice of obvious surprise came from under the helmet.

"Really, that's why she summoned me... But who is this child...?"

Her tone was full of doubt and confusion.

Apparently, he didn't expect to summon him, but it's actually a girl with exactly the same appearance as him when he was young, right?

"The descendants of a certain clan, in order to achieve their long-cherished wish, have lasted for more than a thousand years."

While searching for Grey's condition, Lucia answered Lancer's question.

"The result is this girl named Grey, so you should be able to understand?"

Although Liu Xia's words were vague, Lancer, who was the party involved, understood the cause and effect almost instantly, and then fell silent.

As the king who reigns in an era, she is surrounded by many unimaginable fanatics.

If you think about it a little, you can guess what those believers will do after she died in Kamran Hill under normal history.

And Grey is the result of that long-cherished wish that lasted for thousands of years.

"Two instruments!"

After making a unilateral reunion exchange with the King of Conqueror, the Second Emperor immediately noticed Grey's abnormality, hurriedly wiped away the tears on his face, and came to Liu Xia's side.

"How is Grey? What happened to her?"

Although Nisei himself is a master of magic knowledge, he cannot easily make a diagnosis without contacting Grey.

Not only him, Lancer beside him, Yard who appeared from the birdcage under Grey's hood, and the King of Conqueror beside II also turned their attention to Liu Xia.

"As a result, it's a good thing."

Liu Xia removed her hand from Grey's chest and speculated: "Grey was originally a replica of King Arthur. After signing a contract with the genuine product and connecting the magic circuit, it naturally came into being with the genuine product. Let's tune in."

"Simply put, Grey is transforming into the real King Arthur, and her heart is becoming the real red dragon's heart."

Therefore, according to the old legend, King Arthur is the red dragon of Britain, and he is the mortal enemy of Vatican, the humble king who is a white dragon.

Therefore, King Arthur has no magic circuit at all. She only has the heart of a red dragon in her body, and endless magic power is generated from her body between her breaths. Its characteristics are powerful enough to rival the fantasy species.

Originally, although Grey has the exact same appearance as King Arthur, she has not really reached the level of King Arthur himself. She still has a magic circuit in her body, and she cannot exert her real full strength when controlling Yade.

But after her magic circuit was connected with Lancer and the two signed a contract, her state was in tune with Lancer himself.

The specific performance is that the magic circuit gradually disappeared from her body, and her heart was changing to the heart of the red dragon.

If this change develops to the end, then she will undoubtedly become the reincarnation of King Arthur. At that time, maybe Grey will no longer be Grey, but a concept called "King Arthur" .

"Any change from connecting to Lancer?"

Hearing the words, the second generation looked at Lancer's eyes suddenly became complicated.

"Although the posture is different, is it really King Arthur that Grey summoned?"

He has a very bad sense of King Arthur.

Because in the Fourth Holy Grail War, King Arthur used a light cannon to cover his face, which caused him to especially hate King Arthur's face, so he even hated Grey's face.

Of course, Grey also hates her face, and the two are in perfect harmony, so she is willing to follow II to leave her hometown where she lives all year round and settle in the Clock Tower.

Although the Lancer in front of him and King Arthur in the Fourth World War are very different in stature, rank, and armament, they are both King Arthur, so his mood is very complicated.

"……Feel sorry."

Lancer-class King Arthur let out a soft sigh, then took off the helmet on her face, letting her apologetic face appear in front of several people.

"I didn't expect that summoning me would bring such trouble to the Master. If there is anything I can help with, please say so, and I will spare no effort to help."

That is without a doubt a beauty.

The appearance looks about twenty-five or six years old. Although the face model is somewhat similar to Grey's, it is a fully open posture, which makes this King Arthur look like a mature woman compared to Grey's youth. flavor.

The other difference is probably the golden hair with a lady's hairstyle at the back of her head, and the clear green pupils. From her eyes, it can be seen that she is of a noble character, A man of words and deeds.

Oh, and the gap in the chest.

Although the armor on her body has not been removed, judging from the high and bulging breastplate, her chest must have developed to its peak. It must be the heavy type, not comparable to a flat body like Grey.

"All in all, what happened to Grey is a benign change, not life-threatening, nor affecting her personality."

Lucia bent down and hugged Grey from the ground.

"After that, I will use magic to help her nourish her heart. She should be able to wake up tomorrow morning at the latest. If anything happens, I'll talk about it after she wakes up."

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