Eighth Crown

Chapter 911: The battle plan proposed by II

"If I show up, I'm afraid it will spoil the Master's enthusiasm."

After Lancer said these words, several people in the restaurant could not help but stop their knives and forks, allowing the atmosphere to cool down for a while.


The two Masters present did not seem to like her very much depending on the situation.

It shouldn't be against her, maybe she just hates her identity as King Arthur, or she hates someone who is specious to her.

But whether it is II or Grey, although he won't say it based on etiquette, he doesn't seem to like her face very much.

Lancer was keenly aware of this matter, so even if the King of Conqueror repeatedly invited her, she didn't intend to show the entity.

If she appeared at the table and took off her helmet to eat, both Masters would probably feel uncomfortable.

Does she not like good food?

How is that possible? Delicious food is one of her few hobbies, but if it makes the Master feel uncomfortable, she can only choose to temporarily abandon this hobby.

This King Arthur is too understanding of people's hearts, and sympathetic.

"Um... is it?"

The King of Conqueror pondered for a while, then brushed the beard on his chin.

"It's a lack of consideration. Your delicacy is admirable, but it's not the way to keep going like this..."

Even if he said that, the knot in their hearts has been around for a long time, and there is no way to untie them in a short time.

Especially Grey.

Since childhood, he has lived in a family whose long-cherished wish is to resurrect King Arthur. He has to accept various adjustments constantly. He is regarded as the reincarnation vessel of King Arthur, and even his parents and family members are gone.

How much damage that face did to Grey was unimaginable.

This can be seen from her words and deeds that she wears a hood all day, there is never a mirror in the room, and she is willing to come to London with King II on the condition that she "must hate her face all the time".

The atmosphere in the restaurant fell into an unspeakable embarrassment for a while.

The second world could not help but stop the process of eating, and Grey tightened the hood on his head.

The top-level heroic spirit King Arthur was summoned. This is certainly a happy thing, but at the same time, it also caused many complicated ripples in the hearts of several people.

"Anyway, I've done a lot, so it's better to keep some."

When everyone was silent one after another, only Liu Xia slowly put a piece of poached egg into his mouth and made such a proposal to several people, his expression was extremely calm, and there was no sign of embarrassment at all.

"fair enough."

The King of Conqueror twitched the beard on his chin. Hearing this, he couldn't help nodding, and then he laughed again, "I just hope that as a king, Lancer, you don't mind eating what we have left over!"

"No, there is no distinction between high and low food!"

Lancer's voice couldn't help raising a few decibels.

"Originally, Servants don't need to eat. If you are willing to give me food, it is enough for me to thank you."

The atmosphere at the table eased a little, and everyone spent the breakfast without any risk.

Grey looked at Liu Xia with a little more gratitude.

She doesn't like to cause trouble to others, even King Arthur himself with that face, she doesn't want to let the other party get into trouble because of her.

But she is a very clumsy person. She doesn't know how to deal with the situation just now. If the atmosphere just now continues to be maintained, if a few people are unhappy, she will probably blame herself for several days.

However, what surprised her was that the legendary King Arthur seemed to be a little different from what she had imagined before.

In her past imagination, as a legendary King Arthur, he would definitely be that kind of awe-inspiring king, full of majesty and unequivocal.

But Lancer's previous words made her feel a rare tenderness from it.

"Like a mother..."

Such an idea suddenly popped into Grey's mind.

When she was just an ordinary child in the village in the past, her mother would also treat her with that kind of gentle attitude, that kind of slender and delicate love, very similar to Lancer's attitude toward her now.

However, ten years ago, after she gradually had the appearance of King Arthur, she became the only hope for her hometown.

In the past, she would look at her mother with that kind of gentle eyes, but later the eyes that looked at her were full of fanatical beliefs, and she no longer regarded her as a daughter, but a revived king.

Although they are close relatives, they are close at hand, but Grey feels far away, with cold hands and feet.

Since becoming King Arthur's reincarnation vessel, she has lost everything she had in the past.

Thinking of this, Grey became a little depressed again.


After dinner.

After Grey helped Lucia to remove the dinner plate, the Second King gathered everyone before the table and started the battle meeting.

Although there are three followers on their side, and each of them is an unimaginably powerful type, in the eyes of ordinary magicians, it is no different from winning.

But the Second World did not get carried away because of this. This was already an established matter beforehand. The important thing is that he did not intend to be careless until he helped the conquering king win the final victory.

"Liangyi, I have an idea."

A cautious light flashed in the eyes of the second generation, and he said to Liu Xia: "Do you have any skills and Noble Phantasms that match the Rider class?"

"Except Berserker, skills and Noble Phantasms of any class can't help me."

Liu Xia responded to the second world in this way, but the plain tone gave people a strong sense of confidence, which made the King of Conqueror and King Arthur, who became a spiritual child, look sideways.


The Second World looked at Liu Xia unexpectedly. After returning for a month, he seemed to be completely unable to see through the depth of Liu Xia, but this was also a good thing for them.

"In that case, I would like to invite you to disguise as Rider, as a Rider summoned by the Holy Grail, to participate in this Holy Grail War."

"Because the King of Conquerors participated in the last Holy Grail War, his skills and Noble Phantasms may have been exposed long ago, and the enemy knew and prepared countermeasures, so I plan to hide Rider and let you pretend to be Rider and stand in the foreground, Let him be a surprise soldier, presumably the enemy may not have thought that there are three servants on our side, right?"

I see.

Hiding the Conqueror King whose information had already been exposed, and using it as a surprise soldier at a critical moment, Liu Xia pretended to be a Rider on the bright side, thereby misleading other groups.

This is indeed a good strategy. Except for the celestial monarch who already knows Liu Xia's true body, in the face of any Master and Servant, I am afraid that they can be deceived.

The Conqueror King on the side looked very calm, even too calm.

The second should have passed his temper with him and told him about the last Holy Grail War, so he was not surprised at all.

"Okay, just do it."

Liu Xia agreed unconcernedly.

"That's good."

Seeing that Liu Xia agreed, the second world was relieved, and then his expression became uplifted.

"If that's the case, then let's go to the Matou's house in a while!"

"Last night, the Matou family was destroyed."

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