Chapter 268 Banquet

"There are still 15 spaces left. My bag has not been so full for a long time." Lin Chen muttered to himself, and stayed inside for a while before walking out of the tent.

Lin Chen looked at Mu Yun and said, "Sister, let's go."

Mu Yun nodded.

The Dark Crow Ghost King wanted to follow up again, but Lin Chen stopped him and said, "Dark Crow, my lover is a world-class hero who will not use small means to bully the weak. In the future, in my critical moment, he will step on dark clouds." Come save me, you can do it, come to me again."

After leaving a word, Lin Chen and Mu Yun left together.

The Dark Crow Ghost King was stunned, staring blankly at Lin Chen's graceful back, with ecstasy on his face.

"She... is she giving me a chance?"

A wave of episodes passed like this, and no accident happened to Lin Chen in the camp outside the No. 1 war zone.

As for those ghosts, Lin Chen has already seen them.

In the camp of the No. 1 war zone, there are six ghost lords, all of whom have strong auras, which shows how much the ghost clan attaches great importance to the No. 1 war zone.

But what makes Lin Chen feel comfortable is that the abyss ghost has a high status. Even if the ghost king treats Lin Chen very respectfully, no one will even use his mental power to sweep him, let alone accidentally reveal his identity.

Lin Chen also saw many ghost kings who entered the No. 1 war zone to compete for inheritance.

In fact, there is no limit in this regard, as long as you are not afraid of danger and are willing to come, those ghost kings will not refuse you.

The Mu Yun and Dark Crow he had seen, including the Demon Flame mentioned by the Ghost King, were considered to be the most powerful in all aspects here.

They are the only ones whose ghost domain has reached more than 8,000 meters.

The remaining ghost kings, either have strong ghost powers of their own, have reached advanced or even peak ghost powers, or are talented people with a ghost domain of 7,000 meters.

These are all popular players.

In fact, the original number is more than that.

But those legends that have already reached the peak of the fierce gods and a large number of legends have already been cleaned up by Lin Chen at one time. Otherwise, the most likely to be inherited are the extreme ghosts and time-stopping ghosts.

The inheritance of the No. 1 war zone not only assesses the strength, but also the potential.

Demon Flame Ghost King is a young man with a black mark of flames on his forehead, just the first time he saw him, Lin Chen stared at him.

The flames on his body are obviously not weak, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, this ghost will definitely be the first ghost king to be dealt with by Lin Chen.

As for other ghost kings who are not weak, they naturally flatter Lin Chen and Mu Yun a lot.

Lin Chen just showed his face, and received many ghost king-level ghosts, which made him almost laugh out loud under his calm appearance.

Ghost king-level ghosts are worth a lot of money, and they can be sold for a high price in minutes in the horror world.

Naturally, Lin Chen would not refuse anything that was delivered to his door, and he was merciless.

The only pity is that this bitch, Mu Yun, has been by his side, otherwise, Lin Chen would have made some tricks to catch ghosts secretly.

Mu Yun was very cold-tempered to the outside world. During the period, many ghost kings also sent invitations to Lin Chen and Mu Yun to hold banquets and the like, but they were all rejected by Mu Yun.

The work and rest of this high-cold goddess is mostly at home. It seems that only "Abyss Ghost" and No. 1 War Zone will arouse her interest.

This made many male ghost kings who secretly yearned for secretly beat their chests and sigh endlessly.

Lin Chen suffered even more!

Because once this woman does not go out, she basically lies on the bed.

Naturally, Lin Chen couldn't escape, and was pulled to the bed by her every time, and was ravaged by her.

In the eyes of other ghost kings, she is the holy lotus on the iceberg. In the eyes of Lin Chen, she is a rose with thorns, not only aggressive, but also extremely enchanting!

Lin Chen only had two words for her evaluation:


At this moment, Lin Chen was lying powerlessly on the bed, wanting to cry but without tears.

Secretly regretted that she had sneaked in in the form of an abyss ghost, because she had already confirmed that this stunning female ghost king was not out of her mind at all!

"My physique is 28000! I was deformed by her!"

Thinking of that strange feeling, the corners of Lin Chen's eyes almost got wet.

"Little Rouer, I'm here."

Mu Yun's voice sounded, Wen Run's body was directly attached to Lin Chen's side, and she said seductively.

Believe it or not, I'll give you a flying stick?

Lin Chen cursed in his heart, but his face showed a helpless expression: "Sister, I'm tired..."

"Hee hee, silly girl, you want to lie to me? You are the king of ghosts, why are you so tired?" Mu Yun said with a sly look in her eyes.

"I really can't do it..."

Lin Chen's face was filled with torment.

In fact, if this was not the ghost camp, Lin Chen might have turned into a ghost knight long ago, but he still controlled himself when he thought of the ghost kings around him.

Lin Chen felt that he was living in a purgatory of ice and fire, and when he was tortured, he secretly sighed at the strength of his spiritual will.

At this time, he can only look forward to the opening of the No. 1 war zone.

"When the war zone opens, I will pry open the keyhole of the inheritance treasure box, and see if I don't deal with you, you bitch!"

Lin Chen said harsh words secretly, but his face showed the shyness that an abyss ghost should have. However, this expression made Mu Yun's aggression more bold and fiery.

It wasn't until night fell that Lin Chen lifted his skirt, got up and said, "Sister, I really can't do it anymore, I'm going to relax."

Mu Yun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I know you won't be idle, so go."

Seeing that she let him go so easily and didn't charge forward again, Lin Chen was overjoyed.

Quickly got rid of the opponent and walked out of the tent.

Outside the tent, as soon as Lin Chen appeared, he saw a fierce **** approaching.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince, we are about to invite you and Ghost King Muyun, and there is a feast for Ghost King Moyan." The fierce **** said respectfully.

Lin Chen frowned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the unpleasant things were immediately forgotten.

Here's your chance!

"Lead the way." Lin Chen's pleasant voice sounded.

"Then..." The fierce **** hesitated.

"My sister doesn't like excitement." Lin Chen said.

Hearing the words, the fierce **** had no choice but to nod, and then led Lin Chen all the way to a magnificently decorated tent.

This place is extremely cloudy, and it is not difficult to see that many evil spirits have gathered.

Lin Chen's face was calm, but he just took a second look at the magic flames and black fires on both sides of the tent for lighting, and then walked into it.

In the tent, there are more than 30 silhouettes of ghost kings gathered.

Mo Yan, Dark Crow, and several ghost kings above 7,000 meters above the ghost domain are among them.

These ghost kings were originally sitting in their respective seats, but when they saw Lin Chen enter, they all showed a hint of joy.

They stood up one after another, bowed and said, "I have seen His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"Excuse me." Lin Chen's calm and pleasant voice sounded, which made some ghost kings itch.

Lin Chen glanced at the ghost kings, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, walked to an empty table and sat down slowly.

He was dressed in a black dress, with a slender body and well-proportioned bumps. There was a slight smile on his beautiful face, and he was blessed with a noble status. The eyes of some ghost kings who looked at him were straight.

Especially the Dark Crow Ghost King, he thought to himself: "His Ninth Prince seems to have more charm..."

At the same time, he looked forward to the day when His Highness Ninth Prince was in danger and came to the rescue by stepping on dark clouds.

In the high section of the ghost king, the Demon Flame Ghost King with the 8,500-meter ghost domain sits at the main seat. As the host, he took the initiative to smile and said:

"Thanks to Your Highness the Ninth Prince for giving me this face. Today's gathering is not for other reasons. I just hope that everyone can coexist peacefully in the No. 1 war zone and work together."

As soon as this remark came out, the ghost king immediately echoed, saying that no matter who gets the inheritance, he is the number one hero in the horror world. It seems that the atmosphere is very peaceful.

Lin Chen sat on the side, sneering secretly.

These ghosts seem to be peaceful, but in fact, if they really want to enter the war zone, they will fight at any time for some resources.

The banquet was in progress, and Lin Chen was idly listening to the discussions of these ghost kings.

"Is the war in War Zone 195 over? Why is there no news?" A ghost king raised the topic, which attracted Lin Chen's attention, and he couldn't help but wonder.

After leaving War Zone 195, Lin Chen hadn't heard any news from there.

But normally, more than a day has passed, and no matter how big the battle is, it should be over.

At this time, even the ghost king here didn't know the result of the battle between King Mu and Zhou Geng, which was really abnormal.

"I don't know, but it is said that the army rushing to the No. 195 war zone is very large. Maybe at this time, Lord Mu and my master have defeated those humans and are cleaning the battlefield." Demon Flame Ghost King said with a light smile.

"Human beings are weak, and their foundations are even weaker. A head-on confrontation won't make a difference. Everyone drinks and waits for the news." Ghost King said.

Immediately, all the ghost kings laughed. The atmosphere was excellent, and they raised their glasses one after another. Seeing this, Lin Chen also took a sip.

"On the other hand, that morning, you should pay more attention. Logically speaking, he should have broken through to four stars at this time, so he should not be underestimated." Demon Flame Ghost King said.

As soon as Chen was mentioned, fear flashed in the eyes of all the ghost kings, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

"This person is indeed powerful. With his three-star background, after achieving four-star, his strength may instantly rival the high-level ghost king." A ghost king said.

"Damn this man, he killed so many of us, even His Highness the Ninth Prince..." The ghost king suddenly realized something in the middle of speaking, and turned his attention to Lin Chen.

The other ghost kings also looked over, and the whole tent suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm also very interested in Chen."

Only then did the ghost kings nod their and started discussing again.

"What scares me even more is Chen's ability to appear and disappear. It is said that he can simulate the aura of ghosts, including the ability to disguise himself. This is too scary."

"Yes, a hidden enemy is more terrifying than an obvious one."

"And I heard that this person specializes in eating ghosts, and his pink sack is the nemesis of ghosts!"

"It should be eliminated as soon as possible. This kind of talent will definitely become a serious problem for me in the horror world in the future."

At this time, a ghost king suddenly joked: "Maybe, that person is among us ghost kings, listening to our discussion."

As soon as this remark came out, the originally dull atmosphere suddenly became active.

"Haha, no matter how courageous he is, it's impossible for him to go deep here."

"If it's true, it's still a good thing? We have so many ghost kings here, so he must come and go."

All the ghost kings made a joke and smiled, and Lin Chen naturally did the same, with a slight twitch of his mouth, and looked at all the ghost kings in the tent harmlessly.

(end of this chapter)

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