Chapter 269 Immortal Jump

The banquet continues.

Topics are constantly changing.

Lin Chen also picked up the wine glass, leading the topic from time to time, and completely blending in.

Seeing the "Abyss Ghost" drinking suddenly, with a blush on his face, many ghost kings cheered.

From time to time, the ghost king came to toast.

"Are you ghost kings worthy of drinking with His Highness the Ninth Prince?"

The dark crow ghost king was furious, and he stood up suddenly. He wanted to stop him, but Lin Chen stopped him with a look.

A ghost king with a one-horned head came forward, cupped his fists and said, "I didn't expect His Royal Highness Ninth Prince to be so friendly. I admire you very much. I'm here to offer you a glass of wine."

His eyes were full of longing, and there was still an imperceptible fire of desire in the depths of his eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled, stretched out his jade hand, and touched the ghost king's horn proactively, saying: "You are a citizen of my Yinyue Dynasty, and a talented person among the ghost kings, so I naturally love you. "

The one-horned ghost king was overwhelmed by the flattery, he quickly knelt down, drank the Yin wine in his cup, and said, "I am willing to go through fire and water for His Highness Ninth Prince."

Lin Chen smiled like a virgin, and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the Devil Flame Ghost King on the main seat flickered slightly.

Your Highness Ninth Prince, is this going to collect people...

The one-horned ghost king stood up and looked at Lin Chen, while Lin Chen seemed to be smiling without saying a word, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and a wave of mental energy converged into a thread, making a voice that only Lin Chen and the one-horned ghost king could hear :

"After the banquet, you go to the woods in the south and wait for me. Don't let other ghosts find out. The farther the better, I will go find you and give you an unforgettable memory."

The one-horned ghost king was stunned, his eyes were almost popped by Lin Chen's words, but he quickly realized that the one-horned horn on his head was obviously bigger, and it looked harder, suppressing his inner desire. Excited, she turned and returned to her desk.

Although the one-horned ghost king was trying his best to restrain himself, it was obvious that his body was trembling slightly, and even his breathing became much heavier.

Seeing this, the Ghost King naturally wouldn't let go of the opportunity to drink alone with Lin Chen.

Those who are self-respecting and handsome, those who rely on strength as their background, and the ghost king who is also regarded as an aristocrat, are all in the front.

For these ghost kings, Lin Chen felt their characteristics equally, and selected fourteen ghost kings, and secretly left behind the sound transmission.

Let them wait for themselves in all directions in the southeast, northwest, and silent places.

After receiving the sound transmission, the ghost king was shocked at first, then ecstatic, all of them returned to the table with grinning mouths as if they had eaten honey.

When he raised his head to look at the other ghosts, there was already a hint of pride in his eyes.

Seeing all this, the Dark Crow Ghost King's eyes were red and sour to the extreme, he quickly got up, took the wine glass and moved over, and raised the wine glass with a smile on his face.

Seeing the Dark Crow Ghost King, Lin Chen inadvertently rolled his eyes, took a sip of his wine, and told him to leave without making any extra movements.

The Dark Crow Ghost King, who was waiting for Lin Chen's favor, was dumbfounded, stayed where he was, and finally walked back to his desk like a walking dead.

Lin Chen glanced at him.

It's not that he doesn't want to catch this ghost, but that Lin Chenzhen left him a voice transmission of a tryst invitation, and this kid might lose control of his excitement and pass out, which would be a big mess.

In the end, even the Demon Flame Ghost King drank a glass of wine with Lin Chen, and the banquet was considered over.

All the ghost kings left the camp one after another, especially the selected ghost kings, who were in a hurry, as if something great was waiting for them.

One by one cautiously avoided the sight of other ghost kings, and finally turned into black light, and burrowed into the jungle from different directions.

Lin Chen didn't leave in a hurry, but discussed the internal affairs of No. 1 war zone with Demon Flame Ghost King. After a long time, he left under the respectful **** of Demon Flame Ghost King and the others.

It's just that no ghosts noticed that Lin Chen turned around a corner and plunged into the forest.

The breathing technique combined with the ghost-level black veil skirt on his upper body made Lin Chen look like a ghost. His speed was not very fast at first, but it was not until he was really far away from the camp that his speed was completely accelerated.

He was acting in the forest at top speed, his excited eyes glowed, his face was full of greedy smiles, and he looked like an evil ghost. If an ordinary person saw this state, he might faint from fright on the spot.

In the distance, the one-horned ghost king stood beside a lake, staring at the dungeon moon formed by the power of rules.

Under the moonlight, his figure looked very lonely, like a knight.

"The environment here is good."

"I have dealt with some unsightly yin beasts, but it's a pity that they left behind a lot of blood."

"However, the smell of blood should be a good foil for me and His Highness the Ninth Prince."

The one-horned ghost king whispered, looking forward to it.

"I didn't expect His Highness Ninth Prince's insightful eyes to meet until late at night."

"I hope His Highness Ninth Prince's meaning is correct as I think."

"Extremely stunning... I even have the opportunity to ascend to the sky and become a son-in-law."

"It's been a long time. Will she stop coming?"

At this time, the one-horned ghost king's mind had already flown into the sky, and in his imagination and longing, he was still a little worried about gains and losses.

Even the icy night wind could not extinguish the fire in his heart.

Behind him, footsteps came.

The one-horned ghost king immediately turned his head, seeing the peerless figure in the black gauze skirt, his eyes were straightened.

Really... really here!

"Ninth... Your Highness Ninth." The One-horned Ghost King swallowed, his voice became a little dry.

The corner of the mouth of "Ninth Highness" raised a beautiful arc, and the lotus steps moved lightly.

The one-horned ghost king was stunned, as if he had seen the most beautiful scenery in the world, but this smile almost broke his heart.

However, what he didn't notice was that the smile brought by that arc was actually a sarcastic sneer!

Lin Chen said, "Close your eyes first..."

"Huh? Oh!"

The one-horned ghost king was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately complied with the meaning of "Ninth Highness".

"It is also a kind of fate that we can meet in the vast sea of ​​ghosts."

Plunging into darkness in front of his eyes, the voice of "Nine Highnesses" slowly sounded in his ears, which gave the one-horned ghost king a strange enjoyment, and he couldn't help echoing: "It's fate, it's fate."

At this moment, the one-horned ghost king already felt that he could smell the fragrance of "His Ninth Prince", which made his heart flutter extremely.


Just when the one-horned ghost king was dreaming, a white palm had already squeezed his heart.

Dozens of small blades entered his body at the same time.

Under the severe pain, the one-horned ghost king clearly felt that his ghost domain was being deprived of it constantly.


The one-horned ghost king was cold from head to toe, without any other thoughts, he struggled desperately, his eyes were full of horror, and he said in disbelief: "Your Highness, why is this?"

Lin Chen said, "You don't even know about Immortal Dance?"

Immediately, he exerted more force in his hands, not giving the one-horned ghost king any chance to resist.

The one-horned ghost king was in pain, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Your Highness, let me go, please let me go! I only came here according to your arrangement, and I dare not have other distracting thoughts!"

Lin Chen smiled.

This "Nine Highnesses" was naturally Lin Chen in disguise.

Moreover, the experience of cleaning up the ghost king many times has made him very proficient in cutting the ghost domain. In order not to cause a sensation, he even exchanged a lot of happy blades at once, and used the exclusive knife technique together, and the effect was amazing.

This ghost king in the middle stage has been caught in the heart, and the ghost domain has been cut off, and it is already difficult to break free.

I saw that the beautiful face of "His Ninth Prince" suddenly changed, the left side still looked like an abyss ghost, and the right side suddenly turned into a man's face.

This change almost scared the unicorn ghost king to death!

The hairs all over his body stood up, and he said in surprise: "You are not His Highness Ninth Prince! Who are you?"

"Isn't I the Chen you guys were discussing just now?" Lin Chen's voice sounded very calm, but under the moonlight, it seemed extraordinarily pervasive.


The one-horned ghost king was completely shocked. He never expected that the Ninth Highness in front of him was actually that man in disguise!

This made his heart extremely cold, and at the same time, he thought of something that made his hair stand on end.

This incident made the ghost king tremble:

"Ninth... Where is Your Highness Ninth?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "You have too many questions."

At this time, Huang Quan had been cut off, and Lin Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore. With a flash of the knife, he directly cut off his waist with the scream of the One-horned Ghost King.

In the end, the pink sack spread out, and this powerful middle ghost king disappeared without a sound.

The process was extremely smooth, and when Lin Chen opened the mental barrier, he didn't make a sound.

"There are fourteen more..."

Lin Chen licked the corner of his extremely **** mouth, and ran towards another direction with a weird smile on his face.

In fact, Lin Chen could clearly perceive the positions of the remaining fourteen ghost kings.

After breaking through the 20,000 mark mentally, Lin Chen can use mental power to leave an imperceptible mark on other people.

This is why Lin Chen proposed to let these ghost kings wait for him in the forest.

Only half an hour later, Lin Chen's figure reappeared in the ghost camp. He looked very calm, as if nothing had happened.

But in fact, there are fifteen more ghost kings and fifteen complete ghost domains in his pink sack!

Just like the one-horned ghost king, Lin Chen used almost the same routine to successfully take down the other fourteen ghost kings with ease. UU reading

There was no surprise in the whole process.

It has to be said that acting as an "Abyss Ghost" is indeed a good choice, at least no matter what you do, it will be smooth.

This kind of thinking accompanied Lin Chen until he returned to Muyun Ghost King's tent, and it was completely over...

After playing around for a while, the tent completely calmed down.

Lin Chen rested his pillow on his jade arm, gritted his teeth and said silently:

"System, resell it to the mining area!"

【Successful reselling...】

[Balance of God's Guild Coin: 9.3 million]

[Mind Team: 1640]

The Xinli group finally reached more than 1,600 groups in one fell swoop, which has met Lin Chen's expectations for Xinli.

But for now, this is not a safe place, and the "Abyss Ghost" can't disappear for too long, so I had to suppress my inner expectations for my ghost domain and return to the camp.

(end of this chapter)

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