Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 266: : The human captives of Camp No. 1

Chapter 267 Human Captives of Camp No. 1

At this time, the condition of the seven people was very poor, and they were trapped on the stake like prisoners.

People like Sirius and Hang Xinghai were still bleeding, and their breath was very weak.

The dark and humid environment, combined with their **** smell, made people feel very pungent.

When they saw Lin Chen and the three of them entering, they all raised their heads and showed hatred.

"Evil ghost!"

Sirius' eyes were full of contempt, and he said with disdain.


Before Lin Chen and Mu Yun had any reaction, Dark Crow got angry and slapped Sirius on the face.

This slap was very heavy, leaving a red palm print on Sirius' face, and Sirius even spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with teeth.

Dark Crow gave Sirius a cold look, then turned around and flattered: "Your Highness, these people are not only three-star, but also the arrogance of the great group, the quality of ghost power is not weak, the most important thing is, They all had intersections with Chen, so I tried every means to capture them."

And the little saint suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Chen is also what you can call? It's not Uncle Chen's opponent, but it's shameless to turn around and use the ghost king to forcibly capture our three-star player!"

"Hehe, this is a war, not a game, and it's not only in the same realm that you can fight." The Dark Crow Ghost King said sarcastically.

"We despise you for not being able to beat Chen, but you put your mind on us." Moon Demon said, she is a pretty and charming girl, but at this moment, her eyes are red, and she has lost her former charm.

"Chen, I will naturally look for opportunities to find him. In front of my ghost domain, even if there are tens of thousands of people, they will die!" Dark Crow Ghost King said boldly.

With the beautiful ghost in front and Chen not present, he himself is indeed very strong, so naturally he won't show timidity just because of a few words.


As soon as this remark came out, someone sneered suddenly, that was Mo Yin, the arrogance of the magician war group, he was not good at words, but this sneer already showed his attitude.

"How dare you fight against my uncle just because you are a waste? Wait to die, my uncle's strength is something that this waste of you will never be able to touch!" At this time, Hang Xinghai spoke. The one who has always been tough with Raven.

Before Lin Chen arrived, he had insulted him many times and was seriously injured by the Dark Crow. As soon as he had recovered, he cursed again.

Lin Chen had been observing all this, and couldn't help but secretly nodded at this moment.

These few people were not friendly with him before, but at this time, no one insulted himself in reverse to please Raven in order to survive, which is also rare.

And it seems that they were caught here because of him, so Lin Chen naturally couldn't let them go.

As for Hang Xinghai, the cheap nephew, let alone, although Lin Chen didn't take the initiative to talk to him, but the little nephew had to save him.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen intentionally showed a cold smile, stepped forward and said:

"Are you familiar with Chen?"

What happened between the abyss ghost and Chen, everyone and ghosts knew, Lin Chen spoke at this time, and didn't give anyone a sense of inappropriateness.

"You are the ghost of the abyss, right? My uncle shouldn't have let you go. He should have put you ghosts in pink sacks and suffocated to death." Hang Xinghai was out of breath, but his face was full of sneers.

Lin Chen had a straight face, but he almost laughed in his heart.

He co-authored himself to sell the sack to stop the ghost. In the eyes of outsiders, it was the sack to suffocate the ghost to death...

"You're looking for death!" The Dark Crow Ghost King was furious, and he was about to strike, the ghost power erupted, and this blow was a deadly blow.

However, Lin Chen took a step forward and blocked it.

"Your Highness Nine..." The Dark Crow Ghost King was a little surprised.

"Since it's related to Chen, I want to ask more about their situation." Lin Chen said.

The Dark Crow Ghost King immediately withdrew his ghost power and said, "No problem, just ask."

Lin Chen nodded, then looked at the Six Great Talents and said, "According to my investigation of Chen, you and him only had conflicts before, and you didn't have any relationship."

"Hmph! You know quite a lot. Yes, the relationship between us and Chen is not good, but we have the same attitude towards you evil spirits." Sirius snorted coldly.

"The relationship between us and Chen is an internal matter of our human beings. Is it possible to help you evil spirits insult the same kind?" Moon Demon sneered.

"Hehe." Moyin's laughter was still full of sarcasm.

"It seems that you are quite united?" Lin Chen deliberately sneered, full of threats.

"This has nothing to do with you. After meeting Chen, I will take revenge for my past, but this is on the premise that you evil spirits are extinct." The little saint said.

"You don't have this chance."

Lin Chen shook his head, made a pun, and then said:

"Death is imminent, do you think you can still leave this tent?"

The cold Hua Shen said: "Many people died. Even though we occupied hundreds of war zones, many people were still killed by ghosts, but they never flinched. Since some people can be brave enough to die, we can naturally do the same."

No matter what the character of these six arrogances are, none of them is weak in the face of family and country hatred.

This is worthy of their organization's investment in their resources.

Lin Chen calmed down for a while.


Since I tied you up once at that time, and saved you this time, it will be considered even.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen turned his head to Muyun Ghost King and said, "Sister, I want to interrogate them alone, and then fill my ghost domain with their flesh and blood. You don't mind, do you?"

Ghost King Mu Yun pinched Lin Chen's face affectionately, and said with a smile, "Of course not, I'll wait for you outside."

After finishing speaking, Ghost King Mu Yun walked away with long legs.

In fact, in the memory of Abyss Ghost, this Muyun Ghost King is also a vegetarian ghost who has no interest in human flesh and blood, which is relatively rare.

So for her, it doesn't matter.

And Dark Crow, the dog-licking ghost king, slipped out with a flattering smile when Lin Chen looked away.

At this time, only Lin Chen and the seven players were left in the hall.

Lin Chen casually created a mental barrier to cover the place, preventing others from peeping.

After doing all this, Lin Chen looked at the seven people.

"You don't need to ask, we won't tell you, if you have the ability to kill me, don't think about searching for the soul, our big organization has secret techniques to protect their spiritual memory, you will get nothing!" Sirius said .

Seeing the generosity of the seven people going to their deaths, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a bit of evil in his heart, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll send you on your way."

"Evil ghost!"

"It's a pity that we are only three stars. If our natal skills are sublimated, we will definitely be able to slaughter you evil spirits!"

"It doesn't matter. Before I came here, I killed ten fierce gods, and it was worth it."

"It's a pity that I didn't find that big villain Chen to settle the score. It's cheap for him."


Everyone angrily sent out their last words, even at this moment, none of them begged, and put down their dignity in order to survive.

Perhaps this had something to do with their knowing that they would die no matter what, but the magnanimity they showed really made Lin Chen secretly praise him, but he just took one more look at the Moon Demon who said "to settle the score with him".

"It seems that you really want to die? Then I will satisfy you."

Lin Chen showed a cruel sneer, and then a purple light flashed in his eyes, and the huge mental power directly impacted the minds of the seven people.

These seven people stepped into the fierce **** with a high amount of hidden ghost power, and their strength was not considered weak, but under Lin Chen's mental impact, they all fainted in just an instant.

"It's good luck for you too."

The tranquility was completely restored in the tent, Lin Chen muttered something, stretched out the pink sack, and took them all in.

When it was Moon Demon's turn, he patted her round buttocks hard, leaving an indelible palm print with his internal force as punishment.

After a while, Lin Chen took the initiative to walk out of the room.

He looked at the "steaming" steaming cauldron in the distance, took a deep breath, and said to the dark crow: "You are doing very well, are there any other living humans in the camp? Take me to see .”

Dark Crow was overjoyed. A compliment made him, the Ghost King, so moved that his eyes almost turned red. Under the agitation of emotions, he nodded again and again, and then brought Lin Chen and Mu Yun to another camp.

"The living humans are all here. I am now in charge of guarding these humans. If His Highness the Ninth Prince has something that is important to you, you can choose it at will. The quality of the meat is guaranteed to be fresh."

Following the gracious introduction of the Dark Crow Ghost King, Lin Chen stepped into the tent and saw some players inside.

A total of seventy humans, both two-star and three-star players, and even two four-star players.

At this time, the faces of these players are dim, some expressions are full of horror and despair, and some of them know that they must die, and they are extremely calm.

There were also people who turned against each other, and even called out to be human slaves who voluntarily turned into evil spirits, looking for the last chance of life.

"I want all of these people, is there a problem?" Lin Chen asked.

"So many?" The Dark Crow Ghost King was taken aback, but when he saw Lin Chen's searching gaze, he immediately swallowed his saliva and nodded repeatedly: "No problem."

These human beings are not too valuable~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Besides, for Dark Crow, as long as he can please the Abyss Ghost, even if it costs more, he will not hesitate.

"Sister, go out and wait for me." Lin Chen said.

Ghost King Mu Yun was a little surprised. In her eyes, Abyss Ghost was also a ghost who was not interested in human flesh and blood.

But thinking of the battle of Tianjiao, Ghost King Mu Yun still didn't say much, and attributed everything to the Abyss Ghost who almost died in the hands of Chen Chen, which is why he had such great resentment towards humans.

The two ghosts left wisely.

Lin Chen once again shielded everything with mental power as before, and carried out a mental shock on all the more than 70 humans here.

Except for the two four-stars who made Lin Chen waste a little bit of work, the others passed out in an instant just like the previous seven.

Lin Chen stretched out the pink sack and put away everyone here, whether they were silent or begging for mercy, Lin Chen put them away.

This is not the time to count these things. Those who bowed their heads to ghosts are right or wrong. He doesn't need to distinguish, and someone will naturally settle with them later.

(end of this chapter)

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