Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 190: : The inside story that will deal a major blow to the human world

Chapter 191 The inside story that will cause a major blow to the human world

"What should I do?" Looking at the dense thunder and lightning on Lin Chen's body, Ling Feng Ghost King asked with his scalp numb.

"Should we retreat tactically first?" Kaiyu Ghost King swallowed.

"He has the ability of the space system, you can outrun him?" Ghost King Ling Feng sneered.

"Then what to do?"

"Let's explode, he explodes and I explode too!"

After the two ghost kings quickly discussed the strategy, they started the self-harm mode one after another.

Kaiyu Ghost King also brought out Thunderbolt, and his Thunderbolt was also pure black, and with the blessing of a large mouthful of original blood, its power increased dramatically.

The same is true for Ling Feng Ghost King. The light blade floating in the void has also been strengthened under the explosive seed.

Lin Chen was almost stunned by the operations of the two, because he clearly felt that the ghost blood spit out by the two ghosts contained extremely thick ghost power.

I was a fake vomit, but I ran into three real ones.

But at this time, Lin Chen naturally couldn't back down.

The ghost power and internal power in his body erupted at full force, and he quietly fused 50% of the ghost power and internal power, and then performed ten slaps to subdue ghosts one by one, and then used the yin and yang two-color thunder method and the breath restraining technique as a cover.

At this time, Lin Chen could be said to have used his true strength.

The next moment, the sound of thunder exploded, and Lin Chen fought with the two ghost kings.

There was no power left between the two sides. Obviously, both wanted to decide the real winner in this blow.

At this moment, even the ghost kings outside clenched their fists.

It was absolutely beyond their expectations that Lin Chen could still erupt with such a powerful force.

But in any case, the outcome of this blow is the real key!


The strong light enveloped Lin Chen and the two ghost kings.

Can't see anything in it at all.

Watching the battle with the silver wolf from a distance, the two wolves stared like copper bells in shock. As a former ghost king, it can be regarded as having some insight.

But he still couldn't imagine that this kind of attack power would be erupted by the existence of the fierce **** realm.

Immediately afterwards, the silver wolf's eyes showed worry again. After all, Lin Chen had already been recognized by it, so naturally he didn't want anything to happen to Lin Chen.

Wave after wave of energy rippled from the light curtain.

It was said to be a one-hit decisive victory, but in fact, within the light curtain, the roar continued,

The intensity of the collision inside can be imagined.

Under many nervous gazes, the explosion of power stopped, and the surrounding light also slowly dissipated.

The silver wolf in the domain and the ghost kings outside the domain all held their breath, staring blankly at the location where the battle broke out, waiting for the result.

Finally, the figure inside appeared.

A tall and straight figure stood in place, and on the ground were two very familiar existences of the ghost kings.

Seeing this scene, all the ghost kings outside the territory stopped breathing as if struck by lightning.

Even King Mu shook his body, obviously he was greatly shocked.

The three ghost kings are gone again, the price of capturing Lin Chen is really too high!


"how so?"

"The two ghost kings are actually defeated!"

The ghost kings finally came to their senses and exclaimed with disbelief on their faces.

Obviously, the result of the battle was beyond their expectations, and it was even a little unacceptable.

Because the standing figure was Lin Chen, and the ones lying on the ground were Ling Feng and Kai Yu, two ghost kings!

A human, after defeating three legends and two supreme beings, defeated seven fallen ghost kings successively.

This kind of record is simply appalling.

"Extreme Ghost... Will Extreme Ghost be his opponent?"

After a long time, a ghost king said so.

Speaking of the former number one fierce **** in the ghost world, his tone already contained a strong lack of confidence.

"I don't know, but none of the top three are mediocre people. The ghost king who rebels against the fallen world should be able to do it, but it shouldn't last as long as him..."

"We must not let him leave Changyin Mountain alive, let alone leave Huangquan alive!" King Mu took a deep breath and finally spoke.

There was a strong killing intent in his tone.

"But Mr. Mu Wang, he is about to enter the final land at this time, even if he is sent to the realm, he may not be able to catch him."

"That's right, all the mind ghosts in the domain have already been caught by this kid. If you can't make up twenty of them, you won't be able to enter the final place."

King Mu is naturally aware of this, and it is true that no external force can interfere now, but with him here, he does not believe that Lin Chen can still run.

"It doesn't matter, I'm mobilizing troops now, and it won't be long before this place will be heavily surrounded, and with me here, as long as he dares to leave Changyin Mountain, he will be captured on the spot immediately." King Mu said.

"Could it be that you want to call the Mucheng army over?" A ghost king asked in shock.

The Mucheng army is exclusive to Mucheng and is a private army, but those who can enter it are all elites.

Even the most ordinary soldiers have ghost powers at the level of fierce gods. Some centurions and thousand commanders are all at the peak of fierce gods. They are all famous or even high on the list.

And Chief Wan is a ghost king-level existence!

This is definitely not a small force.

It can be described as the elite of the elite!

"That's right! No matter what, we can't let him have any possibility of escape." King Mu nodded and said, and then stopped talking. Obviously, he was already using some means to gather people.

The faces of the ghost kings couldn't help being a little weird.

Calling troops to surround this place just to deal with a fierce **** is undoubtedly a bit of an overkill.

But they knew that it was due to King Mu's character, and Chen's repeated slaps on King Mu's face had already aroused the anger of this high-ranking Lord Ghost.

Only in this way can we demonstrate and defend our majesty.

However, the Water Ghost King said at this time: "Lord Mu Wang was afraid that Chen had successfully obtained part of the inheritance of the ghost domain, and teleported away with the power of the ghost domain, so he must have mobilized the troops."

A flash of admiration flashed in King Mu's eyes. He had noticed the expressions of the other ghost kings a long time ago and knew what they were thinking.

But he didn't explain it.

Summon the army just to fight for face?

I, Mu Wang, are not so superficial!

When I am a faint?

He didn't want to say anything more to these ghost kings, but he saw that the water ghost king had already mentioned it, and he also made his meaning clear.

King Mu then explained: "The purpose of doing all this is to prevent this human being from actually obtaining part of the inheritance, gaining the authority of the ghost domain, and using the power of the ghost domain to teleport himself out."

"That way, even if it's me, I may not be able to catch up easily!"

"That's why I mobilized my troops and scattered them in different directions. Then, with ten miles as a station, ten layers of encirclement will be arranged within a hundred miles. At that time, no matter which direction Chen teleports to, I can know his movements. It's as easy as pie. capture this man."

All the ghost kings were a little ashamed when they heard the words, and hurriedly lowered their heads and said, "Lord Mu Wang is far-sighted, I admire you!"

"As long as Yichen's strength recovers, he has a great possibility to break through the fifth test in the ten tests. At that time, he can indeed use the power of teleportation to escape hundreds of miles away." The ghost king analyzed.

"Fifth level! Although I don't like this human being very much, I have to say that it would be great if this person is a fierce **** in my ghost world. With the fifth level inheritance, he can completely destroy a forbidden place." The ghost king sighed softly.

The horror world is poisoned by ghost domains without masters. These unowned ghost domains have their own forbidden areas, which greatly reduces the territory of the horror world's dynasties.

And because of the restriction that only two levels are lower to enter, and the extremely difficult tests, these unowned ghost domains are really difficult to solve.

Even if it is the highest ghost species, there is no guarantee that it will 100% break through the five tests left by the domain master and disintegrate the ghost domain. This difficulty can be imagined.

But all the ghost kings have to admit that this human right now does have the strength to do this.

This is indeed a peerless arrogance.

These words touched the hearts of every Ghost King and King Mu.

Yes, with Lin Chen's strength, it's hard not to make them love talents.

Looking at Lin Chen in the domain, King Mu's eyes flashed, and a new idea came to him spontaneously.

As the commander of the battle of Tianjiao, he knew an inside story, an inside story that could bring a huge blow to mankind in the battle of Banjie Mountain.

And it seems that this inside story could not be better applied to Lin Chen.

"If you can catch Chen, perhaps, you don't have to really kill him..." King Mu's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself.

In the area, Lin Chen took a few breaths, sat on the ground, and remained motionless for a long time. It seemed that the battle just now had exhausted him a lot.

In fact, at this moment, Lin Chen was engrossed in the chat interface.

Because he discovered that Chen De, an old fellow, had been calling him all the time.

From before, Lin Chen noticed that in the ghost domain, his chat system was not blocked by the special field environment here like other ghost players.

Instead, it is always online.

Lin Chen guessed that this is most likely due to the differences in the chat systems between humans and ghosts.

Currently, only when Lin Chen's chat system is in the dungeon will he be completely unable to contact outsiders.

Lin Chen knew that there were many eyes outside the domain staring at him, and he continued to "explode seeds" and defeated the three ghost kings again.

So I don't want to act like I'm alive and kicking and leave.

Just taking advantage of this time, I contacted Chen De to see what the other party wanted from me.

In the chat interface ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ seeing Chen Dena's constant calling for messages, Lin Chen asked directly:

"What's the matter, Old Chen?"

Chen De: "You finally replied, an old friend wants to see you."

Uncle Chen: "Who?"

Chen De: "Zhou Group."

What kind of old friend is Zhou Zuo?

Lin Chen resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and said directly, "You want to tie me up for human experiments?"

Chen De: "You kid, you are talking nonsense, you don't know Zhou Zu, he is a person worthy of admiration, and you are full of hidden ghost power, and he helped you hide it. The leader seals his mouth, even if this is not considered affection, there is absolutely no enmity."

Uncle Chen: "What does he want to see me for?"

Chen De: "About the Battle of Banjieshan, and it is not necessary to meet in reality, you just need to give him a friend slot in the chat system, and you can meet in the form of holographic projection."

Uncle Chen: "I see, you can ask him to add me, I'm busy now, I'll agree when I'm free."

(end of this chapter)

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