Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 191: : The final land, Lord Chang Yin

Chapter 192 The Final Land, Lord Chang Yin

Chen De, who was far away in the human world, closed the chat system and couldn't help but slammed his mouth.

"Although it's going well, but the person who can make the Zhou group wait, this is the first job."

"Besides, this kid is lonely, what can he do? He won't be doing anything else."

Thinking of Linjiang City, which was originally peaceful, Chen De was so angry because Lin Chen was made into a turmoil, because he was the top person in charge of Linjiang City, so naturally he had to accept all the mess.

He has nothing else to do these days, he is basically wiping Lin Chen's ass. Lin Chen made too much noise on the top of Wangyue Mountain, disturbing ordinary people.

It was able to be suppressed not only because horror games have been gradually shown in front of ordinary people, but also because of Mr. Chen's excellent business ability.

After a while, Chen De opened the chat system again: "Zhou Group, I told that kid, you can add him as a friend, and then we will build a small group..."

Lin Chen sat cross-legged, as if he was adjusting his breath, and it took him a long time to stand up.

After the three ghost kings were stunned by Lin Chen, they all fell into a deeper darkness.

Lin Chen put away the pink sack and walked towards the front door.

Although Lin Chen still hoped that King Mu and the others would send the ghost king in again, he was already here at this time, and it was impossible to wait any longer.

Anyway, Lin Chen has almost done what should be performed and what should be done.

Whether there will be a ghost king or not will depend entirely on fate.

The door opened and was replaced by a light curtain. Lin Chen took a few glances and walked into it with Silver Wolf.

Although this light curtain has energy fluctuations, it is not dangerous. It is probably used for perception.

When Lin Chen crossed the light curtain, he only felt a kind of spiritual force sweeping over his body, other than that, there was nothing abnormal.

Perhaps this is to detect whether he is the real fierce **** realm, and whether he has the qualifications to enter the arena, that is, twenty mental ghosts, it will be set.

Inside the door is a courtyard, which looks very neat and clean, and has a huge space.

There are rockeries, springs, and ancient trees.

"It looks like a place where ancient literati lived." Lin Chen scanned the surroundings and whispered.

At this moment, a calm voice sounded from a small stone table in front.

"You came."

Hearing the sound, Lin Chen was startled, because with his perception and vigilance, he didn't notice anything before the sound!

He followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man in white sitting at a stone table, drinking tea and looking at him with a smiling expression, as if he had seen something extremely interesting.

"Ghost?" Lin Chen's eyes flashed.

But when Silver Wolf saw the middle-aged man, he was so frightened that he stood upside down with wolf fur all over his body.

Apart from anything else, he lay on the ground, completely paralyzed, as if he had encountered some extremely terrifying existence, and was trembling with fright.

"You little wolf is a bit interesting. I hugged you when you were enlightened. I wonder if you still remember?" The middle-aged man said, with a tone of nostalgia and nostalgia.

Fear flashed in Silver Wolf's eyes, and he was still lying on the ground, but his big head was dotted.

The middle-aged man smiled gratifiedly, and then said to Lin Chen, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared, and hearing the conversation between the other party and Silver Wolf, Lin Chen already guessed the identity of the middle-aged man in his heart, but he was not sure because it was too scary.

"Are you waiting for me? We don't seem to have met each other before." Lin Chen asked, and he naturally wouldn't take any unnecessary actions before clarifying the identity of the other party.

"This is the first time you've seen me, but I've noticed you from the first second you entered the ghost domain." The middle-aged man smiled lightly.

Lin Chen's heart shuddered when he heard the words. He didn't expect that there was a pair of eyes peeking at him from behind.

"If I didn't let you in on purpose, when the semi-finished ghost domain in your body collides with this ghost domain, you and your ghost domain may be reduced to ashes in an instant, boy, with the ghost domain spirit You dare to break into the ghost domain without concealment, you are so courageous." The middle-aged man said.

Lin Chen was shocked when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, this person even knew the spirit of his ghost domain, and these two words finally allowed Lin Chen to confirm the identity of the other party.

He took a deep breath, his face was gloomy, and he said every word: "Chang Yin Lord!"

The middle-aged man nodded, he didn't seem surprised that Lin Chen guessed his identity, but he praised him with a smile:

"You reacted very quickly, much stronger than the two previous juniors, but it's a pity that you turned out to be a human being. In fact, when I found out that you were a human being, I was really surprised. I have never heard of any ability to suppress and disguise, which can completely package a person into a ghost."

Lin Chen cut to the chase and said, "So you're waiting for me here to kill me? To eliminate harm for your horror world?"

While speaking, Lin Chen had already locked the key of the Devil's Restaurant firmly with his mental power. As long as the other party made a slight change, he would activate the key at any time and leave the horror world!

"I'm already a dead person, why kill you? And if I really want to kill you, I won't take the initiative to show up and talk to you before doing it. This is completely meaningless." Chang Yinjun shook his head road.

Lin Chen noticed a certain meaning in Chang Yinjun's words, raised his eyebrows immediately, and asked, "You mean you are really dead?"

Lord Chang Yin nodded: "That's right, what you see at this moment is nothing more than a remnant thought that the real Lord Chang Yin will stay and take another look at the world for him."

"Cannian? I didn't expect to have such a means after reaching the level of Guijun." Lin Chen was dubious, but he didn't let go of his vigilance.

But relatively speaking, as long as it is not a living ghost, the danger is naturally greatly reduced.

"This is just a small trick. It's nothing compared to your stealing the sky and using your body to simulate the breath of ghosts. In fact, if you didn't take the initiative to release the unique breath of human beings, even I wouldn't have seen you. His true identity." Chang Yinjun said with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Lin Chen touched his nose and just smiled.

Lord Chang Yin said: "My existence also has another meaning, which is to guide those who enter the domain from outside."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "It sounds like you're not going to reject me as a human being?"

Chang Yinjun nodded and said: "Yes, although I hope that my successor is a ghost, but your strength has already wiped out this regret. For me, there is nothing like finding a ghost after death. A powerful and highly qualified successor is something that makes me even more gratified."

Hearing this, Lin Chen sized up Lord Chang Yin, then looked down at Silver Wolf who was still lying on the ground, and said with a smile on his face, "Okay, since that's the case, let's start."

Chang Yinjun nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, in the hall ahead, there are two little fellows who are undergoing trials at this time, you are the same as them, you only need to step into it, and you will receive the notification of the start of the trial." hint."

Lin Chen nodded, knowing that the other party was talking about water ghosts and dark blade ghosts.

"Strength, god, ghost, skill, heart, five dimensions, ten levels of tests."

"Every time you pass a test, you will get a key, and finally get the key to open the treasure box. There are endless wealth, powerful skills, and the authority of the ghost domain in the box. How many rewards you can get depends on Let's see how many tests you can pass."

"Through the third floor, you can get some of the treasures I left behind."

"On the fifth floor, you get a part of the authority of the ghost domain. You can use the power of the ghost domain to help you teleport away, or you can directly disintegrate the ghost domain and eliminate the forbidden area of ​​the ghost domain."

"On the eighth floor, there will be most of the rewards, including some treasures I once collected."

"If you can reach the tenth floor, you can get the natal skill beads I left behind and have all the permissions of this ghost domain."

"Although after you obtain the inheritance of the ghost domain, the ghost domain will dissipate out of thin air within three days, but during this period, you can definitely use it to do something for you. After all, your current situation is not very good."

As Lord Chang Yin who has been watching behind the scenes, he naturally knew the danger Lin Chen encountered, so he grasped this important point and reminded Lin Chendao.

Outside the domain, since Lin Chen entered the gate, the ghost kings could no longer clearly see the scene inside.

But still stuck here, no ghost king left.

"He has already entered the final place. It depends on how many floors he can pass the test. As long as he is not above the eighth floor, he will be safe. Only if he is above the eighth floor can he obtain too many ghost domain permissions and increase the speed of teleportation." distance."

"Eight layers? Impossible! The difficulty of the inheritance test of the ghost domain is too high. If you can break through the five-fold test, you can disintegrate the ghost domain, but even this kind of standard is rarely achieved by Tianjiao. It will be much higher than this number!"

"That's right, and this person's origin has been damaged after several battles, and it cannot be easily recovered in the short term. In this case, passing the five-level test is already the limit~www.wuxiamtl.com~ And he As long as he does not reach the eighth floor, he will use the power of the ghost domain to teleport away, and he will not be able to leave this place for a hundred miles if he dies.

All the ghost kings were discussing, but now they were no longer discussing how to enter the domain to capture Lin Chen.

Everyone is waiting for Lin Chen's results.

Either Lin Chen would end up in the ghost domain three days later and be forcibly teleported out, or Lin Chen would break into a certain level, gain some authority in the ghost domain, use the power of teleportation to leave self-righteously, and finally found that he was teleported into the army of ghosts...

No matter which result it is, Lin Chen's ending seems to be doomed.

In the field, Lin Chen thought for a while, and then he understood in his heart. Looking at Chang Yinjun's very kind smile, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay! I will definitely live up to your high expectations."

After all, Lin Chen put the silver wolf in the pink sack, regardless of Chang Yin's surprised gaze, then turned and walked towards the main hall ahead.

But Chang Yinjun looked at Lin Chen's back in a daze, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and at this moment his smile started to become a little weird.

The kind smile that was still there before seemed like it had never appeared before.

(end of this chapter)

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