Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 189: : How can you continue to burst seeds?

Chapter 190 How Can You Still Explode Continuously?


Lin Chen picked up two fragments of the compass that had been thrown on the ground, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Sure enough, Dill and the succubus threw the compass away when they realized they were wrong.

"It seems that we can only find them by bumping our heads."

Not long after, Lin Chen finally encountered another wave of fierce gods in surprise.

This is a team composed of five fierce gods.

This group of vicious gods was in extremely poor condition, their clothes looked tattered and their bodies were covered with scars, they looked horrible, obviously they had experienced an extremely tragic battle.

"Boss Chen, it's great that you're still alive!"

"The water ghost and the dark blade ghost are crazy. They have been slaughtering the fierce gods who have entered the domain, and robbing the ghost of mental power. It's frantic!"

"Huh? Boss Chen, your breath..."

After seeing Lin Chen, this group of fierce gods were so excited that they cried out, but it took a while before they discovered the human aura on Lin Chen's body.

After hearing the words, Lin Chen finally understood why there were so few fierce gods in the mountains. It turned out that they were all killed by the last two legendary fierce gods, Water Ghost and Dark Blade!

Lin Chen said angrily, "Damn it, there is such a thing. No wonder I searched for you for a long time."

"Boss Chen..." The five fierce gods showed vigilance in their eyes, and began to back away slowly.

They already noticed that something was wrong. Lin Chen's popularity was too high, and he didn't look like a vicious ghost at all.

This is too abnormal.

Thinking of the battle between Lin Chen and Supreme and Reggae, as well as the disappearance of Supreme Fierce God, they all had a creepy feeling.

"Where did the water ghost and the dark blade ghost go?" Lin Chen didn't care about the performance of the five ghosts, but asked angrily.

The fierce **** who questioned Lin Chen wanted to ask questions, but was stopped by his companion calmly, and said to Lin Chen:

"They went to the final place above, and killed so many of their kind, their mental ghosts have reached 20, which is enough for them to have the qualification to enter the final place."

Lin Chen nodded, and then said: "Look at your situation, if you continue to walk in the mountains, you will encounter danger sooner or later. I am a kind-hearted person, and I can't see this."

The five fierce gods who were still extremely vigilant were slightly taken aback when they heard the words.

But before they could ask any questions, a large net formed by black lightning suddenly appeared and covered them...

Lin Chen caught the five fierce gods again, rode the silver wolf, and walked straight up.

Sure enough, along the way, the fierce gods encountered became rarer and rarer, and even the mental ghosts could not be found.

Thinking that at least twenty-three fierce gods had died at the hands of the water ghost and the dark blade ghost, Lin Chen's heart ached a little.

"Reckless waste! Don't let me catch you!"

"Why does he look very angry?" Outside the domain, a ghost king asked suspiciously.

"It seems to be related to the water ghost and the others. Since he heard the news about the water ghost and the dark blade ghost, his state has been a little bit wrong."

"Have you not understood yet? This human being is extremely hateful, and he has already taken all the fierce gods present as his possessions." The Water Ghost King said, with anger on his face.

He had the most contact with Lin Chen, and he knew that Lin Chen had a great need for the evil spirits from the time when Lin Chen blackmailed the Sixth Great Regiment.

"What? Damn it, it's so rampant!"

"Hmph! The three ghost kings are already rushing towards him, he won't be able to dance for long!"

All the ghost kings were furious.

The water ghost and the dark blade ghost are indeed slaughtering fierce gods, but they are all for the purpose of competing for the Changyin Mountain ghost domain. This kind of behavior is not so evil in the horror world.

Lin Chen was totally different, he was slaughtered indiscriminately from the very beginning, especially when Lin Chen murdered even Legendary and Supreme, which was fundamentally different from the former.

Especially with Lin Chen's human identity.

It even rose to the struggle between races.

The behavior of the two parties is simply not comparable.

Therefore, and on the point of competing for the ghost domain, the hearts of the ghost kings must be more inclined to the water ghost, such as "their own people", to compete for success.

Although there are many dangers in the final inheritance, if a human being is really allowed to take away the inheritance of Huangquan, it must be a great shame to the horror world!

"The three ghost kings have already found Chen's direction. At this speed, they can stop this person before Chen enters the final place. At that time, everything will be over." A ghost king said.

In the area, Lin Chen continued to move towards the top of the mountain, and finally, he crossed the foggy land and came to a much more open place.

There is no more fog here, and the surrounding scenes have become extremely clear. After his vision is not restricted, Lin Chen suddenly feels refreshed.

Along the way, he almost looted everything in the Mist Realm.

At the very least, he won't encounter any mental ghosts in the back.

At this time, in Lin Chen's own ghost domain, counting the spirit ghosts obtained from the captured evil gods, there were already more than 150 groups.

As for the rest of the fierce gods, Lin Chen also captured ten of them again.

On the whole, Lin Chen caught a total of 110 fierce gods in this trip!

Leaving aside the ominous gods who died dangerously in the domain, and the ominous gods who were killed by the water ghost and the dark blade ghost, Lin Chen estimated that there were no more than ten fingers left in the domain at this time.

Therefore, Lin Chen also completely left the land of mist.

After coming to this position, Silver Wolf's state has changed, and he seems to be more nervous than when he first entered the Mist Land.

"You're fine, how about changing to another place for a while." Lin Chen patted Silver Wolf's big head angrily.

Silver Wolf whimpered suddenly, looking very aggrieved.

Then it used both hands and feet, coupled with constant fluctuations in mental power, to inform Lin Chen.

This place gave it a sense of fear from the bottom of its heart. It was already the bedroom where the ghost king lived, so it naturally didn't dare to approach it.

"Is this going to be close to the lair? Could it be that the so-called forbidden area of ​​the ghost domain can be solved so easily? If this is the case, it can only show that the ghosts in the horror world are too useless."

Lin Chen muttered.

Outside the territory, the ghost kings saw Lin Chen's mouth shape and were so angry that their noses almost crooked.

"This human being is simply a ground turtle!"

"The ghost domain can become a restricted area, how can it be so easy to solve?"

"You are still outside the door. The lock of the treasure left by the ghost king cannot be opened by ordinary people. Only by entering the palace of the ghost king and passing the ten tests between life and death can you obtain the key. There is a chance to obtain a certain inheritance treasure.”

"It's ridiculous for a little human being to speak wild words."

The ghost kings poked Lin Chen's spine and cursed, but Lin Chen naturally couldn't hear them. At this time, he had already arrived at a gate.

Just as he was about to open the door leading to the final place, the mist surged behind him, and in an instant, three figures emerged from the mist.

Seeing this familiar face, Lin Chen was overjoyed.

Sure enough, it is still here!

"Chen! Let the clone ghosts out, and spare you!"

"Humans, let the Thousand Blade Ghosts out!"

The ones who came here were the three guardian ghost kings that Lin Chen had seen outside the territory before, Senman ghost king, Kaiyu ghost king, and Ling Feng ghost king.

Another three big fish!

After all, whether there will be a ghost king entering the domain again, even Lin Chen himself is not sure.

Unexpectedly, Mu Wang from outside the territory actually sent three more ghost kings. This was indeed a big surprise. Lin Chen held back his excitement and jumped off the silver wolf.

And the silver wolf roared at the three ghost kings, full of threats.

Seeing this, the three ghost kings, who were already furious, said angrily: "What a **** beast, you know this man is human, but you still serve him, I will kill you today!"

The silver wolf was furious, and breathed out a mouthful of ice.

"Small tricks!"

Ling Feng Ghost King snorted coldly, and countless blades of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, blocking all the breath of the silver wolf.

Lin Chen was a little surprised. He knew that this was the elder of the Thousand Blade Ghost, but he didn't expect to have such similar abilities.

However, Lin Chen soon discovered the difference between the two.

There is still a gap between Lingfeng Ghost King's sword light and the Thousand Blade Ghost's in essence. It seems to be far inferior to the Thousand Blade Ghost in terms of quantity and flexibility, and the sense of sharpness is also far inferior.

Of course, in terms of power and influence, Ling Feng Ghost King's blade is still stronger, and the power contained in it, just by looking at it, far exceeds the ability of Thousand Blade Ghost.

Lin Chen knew that this was an advantage in realm. After all, even if Ghost King Lingfeng fell into the ghost domain after falling into the realm, his ghost power still had about 80,000, which was double that of the peak fierce god.

There is no need to say much at this time.

The three ghost kings finally found Lin Chen's goal, including their eagerness to save ghosts, so naturally they wouldn't talk nonsense.

Lin Chen also waited for a long time before finally the three ghost kings arrived.

When the two collided, a battle broke out in an instant.

Lin Chen first kicked away the silver wolf who was going to fight alongside him, and then he activated Leifa.

"Is it Leifa again? This power is really impressive. You are worthy of being a man of ten thousand people, but how much power can you display at this time?" Senman Ghost King said with a flash of his eyes, revealing a touch of confidence.

The other two ghost kings also showed disdain.

When they entered the domain, they had already seen that Lin Chen's original source was damaged. Although he didn't appear to be injured on the surface, after the four mouthfuls of blood spewed out, his combat power would definitely be greatly reduced.

At this time, Lin Chen is nothing more than a strong outsider.

However, the faces of the three ghost kings soon showed shock and disbelief.

Just heard a "poof".

A mouthful of blood was spurted out by Lin Chen, and in an instant, Lei Fa, who had absorbed the blood, became violent again.

"Why does this kid have so much blood? Could it be that all he spit out is waste blood?"

At this moment, whether it was the three ghost kings in the domain or the ghost kings outside the domain who were planning to watch a good show, they were all dumbfounded.

Lin Chen's behavior is not uncommon.

With the blood of the source, the power of the skill is greatly increased, which belongs to the move of desperate counterattack.

But the blood of the original source is extremely precious, and it is an act of injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-inflicted injuries.

This can be said to be the most common burst seed ability~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, Lin Chen’s continuous burst seed ability is almost unheard of, how can a person have so much original blood ?

"Damn it, if he explodes, we will explode too!" Senman Ghost King was in a hurry, roared, and spurted out a mouthful of blue ghost blood containing strong energy, and his body's aura suddenly increased greatly.

His eyes were red, as if he had fallen into a rage, he rushed towards Lin Chen directly.

The next moment, Senman Ghost King's body flew upside down, his body surface was scorched black, and he lay on the ground directly.


Kaiyu Ghost King was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out, and he swears directly.

But don't wait for him to think about it.


The sound of vomiting blood sounded again, and then dense thunder and lightning wrapped around Lin Chen's body. Looking at Lin Chen, who was extremely pale, but his abilities had once again strengthened.

Ghost King Kaiyu and Ghost King Ling Feng were so startled that they suspected that ghosts were born.

"Explode again?"

(end of this chapter)

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