Chapter 189 The Heartless Sword

Watching the three ghost kings enter the ghost domain, the water ghost king was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Master Mu, Chen's strength is too extraordinary. Is it really enough to send Senman and the others into the ghost domain?"

In fact, such words are completely offensive. After all, if Mu Wang really followed the opinion of the water ghost king, then among the ghost kings, one of the ghost kings would suffer disaster at any time.

Therefore, many ghost kings thought of this, but they didn't say anything. Only the powerful ghost king like the water ghost king didn't care about these things.

"There shouldn't be any more problems. Facing the four ghost kings, he has already used self-harm to fight. At this time, his origin is damaged after all. The three fallen ghost kings are enough to deal with him." King Mu thought After thinking about it, he finally spoke.

Some weaker ghost kings finally let go of their suspended hearts after hearing the words.

The ghosts turned their gazes to the domain again.

From the moment they discovered Lin Chen's anomaly, these ghost kings hardly took their eyes off Lin Chen.

But this time, a ghost king inadvertently glanced at a certain position in the ghost domain, and suddenly exclaimed:

"That is…"

All the ghost kings were taken aback for a moment, then followed his gaze, and all of them immediately showed surprise.

In the area, it didn't take long for Lin Chen to ride on the silver wolf again and run again.

Lin Chen is not sure whether there will be ghost kings from outside the territory, but no matter what, he will not be idle right now.

There are at least dozens of ghosts in this domain, and Lin Chen is also quite excited about the inheritance of this ghost domain. Now that they are here, he naturally cannot let them go.

Lin Chen rode a silver wolf through the mist. He was not in the world of Mu Wang and other ghosts, and saw that he still had combat power.

After all, judging from his own performance, it is normal for him to recover some strength after the battle is over, and it is impossible to continue to be decadent.

Such behavior can be regarded as making his disguise more real.

As long as a certain degree is maintained, it will not arouse suspicion.

His goal at this time is to continue to capture the remaining fierce gods.

In comparison, a single heavyweight ghost is indeed valuable, but for those ordinary fierce gods, if you catch more, you will only get more gods and trick coins.

Lin Chen wanted to attract more ghost kings into the domain, but it was because he had finally come to the horror world, and he would not be able to eat enough, which is really a loss!

The source of the gods' trick coins, the real big head, is still the ordinary fierce gods who have the upper hand.

However, Lin Chen's gains this time were much less than before.

After running for a long time, Lin Chen was very surprised that he didn't even see the shadow of a fierce god.

You know, there are a total of 200 fierce gods who entered the domain, and after Lin Chen caught about 100, there are still half of the fierce gods still in the domain.

Excluding some of the evil spirits who died at the hands of Yin Beasts and Mind Power Ghosts, even if the number is reduced, it won't be a long time without encountering a single evil spirit.

"Could it be that everyone knows about my situation and hid it all?" Lin Chen thought so.

After all, his previous battles were indeed too fierce, and it was normal for some fierce gods to hide in fright. Moreover, during the battle, he also noticed that Dill and the ghost had appeared on the scene, but at that time If you can't tell the difference, you don't care about them for the time being.

In the situation in front of him, Lin Chen naturally put his doubts on the two ghosts.

Lin Chen's eyes turned cold.

Blocking people's way of making money is like killing parents.

These two ghosts must not stay!

Lin Chen took out the fragments of the compass and immediately inspired ghost power. When he wanted to use this thing to find Dill and the others, he suddenly saw the fog billowing in front of him, and a familiar figure with a sword on his back came out.

The visitor's expression was calm, but his eyes were flickering. When he looked at Lin Chen, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, but he soon became firm.

And this ghost knew the truth and was looking for Lin Chen's Wuxin.


"Sword Demon!"

"What is he going to do?"

All the ghost kings who turned their eyes back again spoke out one after another.

Even though they had already seen some kind of accident in the ghost domain, no matter how they said it, Lin Chen couldn't move their minds more.

The ghost king with the sword on his back took a breath, and at the same time frowned tightly.

Although he behaved fairly calmly, his mood at this time was not much different from that of Senman Ghost King before.

When the younger generation encountered Lin Chen, they were equally worried.

"Oops! Because Chendi is running back and forth, the three ghost kings are still a certain distance away from Chen at this time. When the sword ghost meets Chen, it must be in danger."

A flash of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the ghost king who carried the sword, and he clasped his fists and said, "Master Mu, please help me break the ghost domain and let me enter the domain to rescue the sword ghost."

Mu Wang took a look at the ghost king carrying the sword, and finally laughed, and comforted him: "Jianlin, don't worry, even if the sword ghost loses, it will not die in a short time, and the three ghost kings will surely rescue the sword ghost if they enter the domain." .”

All the ghost kings understood that King Mu had shown great respect to the Yinjian family.

Although the sword ghost is not the highest ghost species, there is an extremely terrifying existence in the Yinjian family.

Even the Yinyue royal family is unwilling to offend this low-key legendary family.

"That's right, brother Jianlin, don't be impatient. After all, Sword Ghost is a legend, and Chen's combat strength has been damaged at this time. Maybe Sword Ghost will create a miracle for us."

"This statement is reasonable. The strength of the sword ghost, although it is considered an extremely strong existence in the legend, it may not be lost in this battle. Even if... it is really defeated by Chen, there are still three ghost kings in the domain. Yes, when the time comes, they will be rescued together.”

All the ghost kings persuaded one after another.

Seeing this, the ghost king with the sword on his back nodded heavily and stopped talking.

As far as the old man was looking at the scene in the domain, a glimmer of light flashed in the old man's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sword Ghost, what are you doing here? Do you want to gather?" Seeing Sword Ghost, Lin Chen asked like this, the smile on his face seemed to be the same as usual.

"No." Sword Demon shook his head, and then said: "I know everything."

Lin Chen smiled, he naturally knew what the sword ghost meant.

He said: "It was Dill who told you, this kid is not a man, how dare he spread rumors about me!"

The sword ghost said: "The aura on your body already tells everything. I really didn't expect that you are a human being."

Lin Chen was not surprised. In fact, any ghost would recognize his human identity when he saw the strong aura of a stranger on his body.

This is also what Lin Chen has been deliberately showing since he knew that his human identity was exposed.

"So why are you here?" Lin Chen asked.

"Either kill you, or help you." Sword Ghost said.

Lin Chen was startled, and then looked at the sword ghost with great interest. This ghost left a great impression on Lin Chen from the first time he saw it.

A ghost who can't drink, looks like a second-year student, and pretends to be a hero all day long, but has a sense of justice in his heart.

"You are fighting with the Supreme. If you are inferior, I will help you and return your favor. If you win, I will kill you. I cannot let you kill fellow ghosts at will." Sword Ghost said.

Seeing the sword ghost say this, all the ghost kings outside the region fell silent, while the man with the sword on his back showed strong admiration.

This is the true arrogance of my Yinjian family!

No matter at any time, there is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances!

Lin Chen said seriously: "Your strength is too weak, you can't help me, and you can't kill me."

"Since I was still weak, I have done many things that I couldn't do, but even though I knew it couldn't be done, I still never flinched." The sword ghost pulled out the long sword behind him, with a fierce aura unfold from it.

The sword ghost at this moment is like a human-shaped long sword.

"I advise you to think again. To be honest, although I was catching ghosts, I never thought of capturing you. With this sword strike, you are my enemy. Are you willing to bear the consequences?" Lin Chen jumped off the wolf and reminded.

"I never considered the consequences, but I only made one sword strike. Your breath is unstable, which means that you have been seriously injured. If you catch this sword strike, even if you lose, I will not continue to strike the sword, but if you win , I will also catch it without a fight." Sword Ghost said.

Lin Chen took a serious look at Sword Demon, then nodded with a smile: "Come on!"


A shocking light suddenly appeared out of thin air, extremely fierce! The thick fog between Lin Chen and Sword Demon broke away in an instant.

The power of this sword is far from comparable to the sword ghost's previous blow when he first tested Lin Chen, it is a real killing move.

And Lin Chen's body was also full of golden light, colliding with the sword light with the immeasurable holy glow.

a long time.

The light dimmed.

The figures of Lin Chen and Sword Demon reappeared.

At this moment, Lin Chen looked calm, holding the fainted Sword Demon in his hand.

The Sword Ghost was defeated, even though Lin Chen had controlled his own power, the Sword Ghost was still no match for him.

But this doesn't mean that Sword Demon's strength is weak. In that blow just now, Sword Demon erupted with a power that was not inferior to Reggae's at all.

And Sword Ghost said that his natal skill was never perfect, and his ghost power was only at the high level of the fierce god, not at the peak.

Being able to have such strength has already proved the potential of Sword Demon.

"You are quite interesting, and the grievances and grievances are clearly separated, but the world is not black and white."

This time, Lin Chen did not cut off the sword ghost's waist, but took out a pink sack and put the sword ghost in it too.

At the same time, a mouthful of blood can be forced out from the corner of the mouth.

Naturally, this was for the ghost kings outside the domain. At this time, he still hoped that another ghost king would enter the domain.

This kind of opportunity is rare, if you can deceive one more...

The next got on the wolf and left the vicinity with a few flashes of the silver wolf.


"Sword Demon has lost."

"Why didn't he take the waist of the sword ghost?"

"Maybe it's because of old acquaintances, but Sword Demon's sword hurt Chen again, which can be called a great achievement!"

All the ghost kings talked aloud.

At this time, Yan Lao who was on the side said, "Sword Demon is the legend who came to the Devil's Restaurant the first time. Even before entering the domain, he and Chen formed a team, but they never met."

After hearing the words, all the ghosts understood.

But there was still a sigh. After all, another legend was taken away, which inevitably made their hearts heavy.

Fortunately, there are still three ghost kings in the domain. As long as Lin Chen is caught, both the sword ghost and the previous supreme legend will be saved.

The ghost king with the sword on his back clenched his fists tightly, and wanted to ask Mu Wang to help him enter the domain many times, but he finally endured it.

(end of this chapter)

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