Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 187: : Are you going to help him or kill him?

Chapter 188 Are You Going To Help Him Or Kill Him?

Outside the domain, the atmosphere became solemn again, and the faces of the ghost kings were very ugly, and at the same time, there was an unconcealable shock.

Never expected that the four Luojing who had already gained the upper hand were defeated in the blink of an eye.

Lin Chen's strength once again exceeded their imagination.

At this time, the hearts of the ghost kings throbbed even more.

Because there was a terrifying aura that seemed to come from the abyss, coming from King Mu.

This breath was so suppressed that the ghosts were sweating coldly, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

At this time, Mu Wang, the ghost king, was completely angry, and there was an undisguised killing intent on his face.

In order to stop Lin Chen, he eliminated the Dao fruit of the four ghost kings, but instead of catching Lin Chen, he lost the four ghost kings.

King Mu had never suffered such a big loss in his life, and he still suffered from a junior like Lin Chen.

This has aroused Mu Wang's real fire.

His body soared into the air, and the ghost power on his body became violent, and the entire periphery of Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain was shrouded in gloom.

Changyin Mountain Ghost Realm hummed, as if warning the outsider.

A force that seemed to destroy the world swept out.

"not good!"

"Lord Mu Wang, calm down!"

"If your power forcibly collides with the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, it will inevitably cause the Ghost Domain to self-destruct. At that time, no matter whether it is the fierce **** in the domain or the human being, they will surely die, including the ghost king present!"

All the ghost kings were in a hurry. If this ghost domain exploded, they would not be able to run away. Only a peerless ghost king like Mu Wang could resist the self-detonation power of the ghost king level ghost domain.

When ordinary ghost kings come, they may not be able to withstand them, let alone ghost kings like them.

"Master Mu King, please think twice!" All the ghost kings clasped their fists together and said.

King Mu was still standing in the air, and he didn't have the slightest intention of giving up.

When all the ghost kings were burning with anxiety, the water ghost king came out and said:

"Lord Mu, if you destroy the Ghost Domain, it will be a chicken-and-egg fight. Whether it's the four ghost kings or the supreme legend, they just entered Chen's bag at this time, which doesn't necessarily mean death, and Chen has a big secret on him. Destroying this person in this way may not be worth the loss."

The pros and cons of this statement are very clear, and finally moved Mu Wang.

His figure fell from the sky, carrying an unparalleled sense of oppression.

"Right now, the most important thing is to find a way to rescue the ghosts captured by Chen. After all, the longer the time, the greater the probability of the ghosts dying." The Water Ghost King continued.


Dill and Phantom looked up in shock, obviously noticing the change in Huangquan.

"what happened?"

"It feels like the ghost domain under us is under some kind of threat."

Shocked, the second ghost became even more terrified.

The power of the ghost domain is already very obvious. If it really wants to explode, then they in the domain will undoubtedly die.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the whole ghost domain to calm down.

Only then did the two ghosts let out a sigh of relief, but when they looked at each other, there was still a lingering fear in their hearts.

Of course, this throbbing was not due to the changes in Huangquan, but from Lin Chen.

At this time, he had already changed his mind, not to mention staying away from Lin Chen's position, and even threw the compass in his hand like a hot potato.

"Here, he shouldn't be able to catch up, right?"

"Hopefully, he saw us in the battle just now, but he didn't come after us. Maybe he has no interest in us for the time being."

"Oh my God! He's actually a waist-stealer, and we even had a drink with him."

The two ghosts whispered, and they had discovered Lin Chen's abnormality.

In fact, since Lin Chen fought the three legends, they have already come nearby, and when Lin Chen fought the highest, they could see it clearly.

When they heard that Lin Chen was a waist-stealer, the second ghost's heart went cold on the spot, and cold sweat dripped down his back.

After searching all over the mountain, they may not be able to find a second one who is more deadly than them. They even took the initiative to follow a ghost-killing maniac, and even tried to form a team.

It's really a dead end for yourself!

"Fortunately, he's fast enough, we haven't caught up, otherwise, we would have been gone long ago." Dill, a strong man, turned pale with fright.

Because when they arrived, they saw Lin Chen defeat the three legends and overwhelm the two supreme beings. The impact on them was too great.

The ghost also constricted his pupils, thinking that he had given Lin Chen a hint of winking in the restaurant, and even made goosebumps all over his body.

I was terrified.

"What should we do now?" the ghost asked.

"I have no choice but to hide. If the Supreme can win, it's okay, but if even the two Supremes are finished, then let alone, we don't have to earn money in this ghost domain, so we can hide wherever it is safe." Dill Road.

Just as the two ghosts were discussing in low voices, the fog in front of them rolled, and a young man with a sword came in.

At first, the second ghost was taken aback by this abnormal movement, but after seeing who came, they were immediately overjoyed.

"Sword Demon!"

"No heart!"

Wu Xin seemed to be on his way, but when he saw the two ghosts, he was taken aback and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Dill and the ghost were like seeing their relatives. Before Lin Chen was there, the sword ghost was not very important in their eyes, but now Lin Chen is a bad ghost... The sword ghost suddenly rose in their hearts .

No matter what the legendary fierce **** is, it is also an extremely powerful helper!

Dill was about to step forward, but he suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "Is your compass still there? Throw it away, don't let Chen catch you too!"

"What? Why are you arresting me?" Sword Demon subconsciously took out the fragments of the compass, but when he heard this, he was stunned and asked.

Seeing this, Dill and the ghost hurriedly explained. The two ghosts kept talking, and after a while they told the sword ghost what happened just now.

Originally, the Sword Demon, who had been in another direction and did not hear the sound of the battle, was also stunned for a long time when he heard it on the first day of junior high school.

"Where is he now?" Sword Demon asked.

"I don't know, we left before the clone ghosts were defeated." Dill said.

Sword Demon lowered his head, looked at the compass fragment in his hand, poured ghost power into it for the first time, and the compass fragment immediately responded to Sword Demon, guiding the direction.

"What are you going to do?" Dill asked in surprise when he saw something was wrong.

"I'll go find him." The sword ghost left a sentence, passed the two ghosts, and walked forward.

"Are you crazy? That's a ghost! It's a waist-stealer! Even the three legends have lost together, and the Supreme may have fallen into his hands. Are you going to die?" Dill was in a hurry, and it was hard. Meeting such a powerful teammate, it is impossible to let the sword ghost mess around.

However, the sword ghost at this moment seemed to be in a bad mood. He glanced at Dill gloomyly and said, "Get out of the way."

Dill froze, and his expression became extremely unnatural, because he could already feel that the sword ghost had begun to exude a sharp aura, which was firmly locking him.


Dill was at a loss for words, and finally got out of the way angrily.

But looking at the back of Sword Demon, Dill suddenly thought of something, and said with a flash of eyes: "Sword Demon, are you going to help him or kill him?"

The sword ghost's pace faltered, but he didn't stop and continued walking.

Dill completely understood, and he said with an ugly face: "Do you really think this morning is the same as the previous morning in the restaurant?"

"Everything he's done before, such as being generous and hospitable, is just a disguise!"

"You don't have much friendship, do you? On the contrary, there were conflicts. Why did you go to die?"

During Dill's questioning, the figure of the sword ghost gradually disappeared in the mist, but his voice came over.

"A jug of wine, a word, when I was at war with the clone ghost, he didn't leave like you, that's enough for me to go to him, as for whether to help or fight, I don't know the answer."

At this time, Lin Chen had already settled down in front of a cave.

He let the silver wolf guard the entrance of the cave, while he ran into the cave and swallowed a lot of medicine. It didn't take long for the consumed ghost power and internal energy in his body to recover to a great extent.

When he walked out of the cave again, Lin Chen took out the pink sack, released the two supreme beings and the four ghost kings inside one by one, and took the kidneys before taking them back again.

He naturally felt the violent fluctuations in the ghost domain before, and knew that he must have angered the ghost king outside. Fortunately, everything was fine in the end, and Lin Chen did not use the copy key to leave this world.

At this time, it is estimated that the kidney was taken out "in public" outside the cave, just to show Mu Wang and Shui Guiwang from the Outland, at least to prove that the "hostage" is still alive.

In this way, it is possible for them to call on people again to save the ghosts...

The ghost waists of the four ghost kings all have extremely strong ghost power, which means that even the fallen ghost kings are not cheap.


Senman Ghost King, who had been worrying and anxious all the time, was overjoyed, and shouted, "They're not dead yet! That sack is most likely just a stored space treasure."

"So, the other fierce gods are still alive?"

"Great, as long as you are alive, you will be saved!"

All the ghost kings spoke one after another, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Especially Kaiyu Ghost King and Thousand Blade Ghost's Guardian Ghost King breathed a sigh of relief.

No one knows how worried and nervous they were before.

But King Mu said: "Senman, Kaiyu, Ling Feng, the three of you descendants are all in the hands of this human being. My Mucheng Mansion has already sent four ghost kings. Is it up to you to contribute now?"

All the ghost kings stared, UU read www.uukanshu.com but did not speak.

The three ghost kings were startled, and their hearts thumped, they all knew what the so-called effort represented.

But in the end, the three ghosts looked at each other, then nodded emphatically and said: "It should be so, please ask Mr. Mu Wang to help me break the ghost domain."

Perhaps, the three ghosts have too much unwillingness in their hearts, but in this case, whether it is for the family or for themselves, they cannot let their arrogance be abandoned.

Mu Wang smiled and said: "Very good, entering the ghost domain, not only can you save hundreds of comrades, but I, Mucheng Mansion, owe you a favor."

In the end, under the coercion of King Mu, the three ghost domains burst open, turned into powerful energy, and dissipated in the air.

However, the three ghost kings' aura dropped greatly, which was similar to the situation of Mo Cheng ghost king and four ghosts before.

"The supreme and legendary evil spirits are both in his hands. He has already cut off the ghost's waist. After a long time, it is even more difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen again. I can only wrong you." Mu Wang said.

After panting for a while, the three ghost kings entered the ghost domain with the help of King Mu.

(end of this chapter)

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