Chapter 185 Finally Arrives


The clone ghost turned into an extreme shadow and rushed towards Lin Chen.

This time, Lin Chen also took the initiative to greet him.

The battle between the two broke out in the arena, both of them were physically strong, and their speed turned into afterimages, constantly fighting and separating.

And the ground in the arena, with every contact between Lin Chen and the clone ghost, violent explosions occurred, and huge deep pits appeared one after another.

The speed of the two was so fast that even the three legends were dazzled, and they couldn't keep up with the movements of Lin Chen and the clone ghost for a while.

He couldn't help but become more and more horrified, and at the same time, he was sweating for the clone ghost. Lin Chen's strength has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Right now, he can only expect the clone ghost to perform miracles!

As for Qian Rengui, he watched all this nervously, his face getting worse and worse, and his fists were clenched.

His ghost power was exhausted, but his eyesight was still there, and he could clearly see that the clone ghost had fallen into decline under Lin Chen's attack.

Every punch of Lin Chen caused great damage to the clone ghost, causing his body to crack again and again.

Blue blood continued to overflow from his mouth.

Although Lin Chen was open and closed, he always responded calmly to the attack of the clone ghost.

After a while, the ghost power of the clone ghost showed a clear tendency to collapse.

This is a sign that the fusion body is about to be shattered.

Sure enough, under Lin Chen's last powerful punch, the clone ghost's aura dropped sharply, and the blessings of hundreds of clones were completely broken. The clone ghost spewed out a big mouthful of ghost blood, and fell straight upside down, hitting the ground heavily .

And Lin Chen's figure finally calmed down. Standing among the ghosts, his figure exuded the golden light brought by the gold condensation technique.

Like a god.

The five ghosts were completely defeated, and their eyes were filled with sadness.

In their disheartened hearts, Lin Chen, the winner, moved again.

Has been entangled in the battle for a long time, so there is no time to pocket the previous legendary fierce god, and this time it happens to be dealt with together.

He took the lead in walking to Reggae who was closest to him at this time, and grabbed his collar.

"You... What are you going to do? Ah!" Reggae's eyes flashed a fright, and just as he finished speaking, a very shrill roar came out of his mouth.

The sound was full of pain.

Blue blood splashed, and a brand new legendary ghost flew out.


The fire ghost and the wood ghost exclaimed, their eyes were full of anxiety, they didn't expect Lin Chen to strike directly without saying a word.

Outside the territory, Kaiyu Ghost King's eyes were about to split, and he was so anxious that it was difficult to attach.

The other ghost kings were completely silent. The defeat of the two Supremes and the three Legends was definitely a big blow to them.

Is it really so scary that there are thousands of people?

"Why hasn't Ghost King Mo Cheng arrived yet!" Ghost King Kaiyu roared anxiously.

Right now, only the presence of the Four Great Ghost Kings can save Reggae.

Senman Ghost King and Thousand Blade Ghost's Dao Guardian Ghost King both had extremely ugly faces.

The five ghosts were defeated, but the four ghost kings hadn't arrived at the scene. In this case, facing the ruthless Chen, the situation of the five ghosts was already in jeopardy!

"Hurry up, keep going, the four ghost kings will be here soon."

Seeing the four fallen ghost kings approaching the land of mist, one ghost king said so, but his eyes showed anxiety.

The Battle of Banjie Mountain is about to begin.

During this period, no matter whether it is the two supreme beings or the three legends, there must be no loss, otherwise, this loss will undoubtedly be too great for the horror world!

Even Mu Wang, the ghost king, had already turned down his face at this time, as if water was about to drip out at any moment.

His gaze became dark, and a dark and terrifying aura emanated from him.

The furious intention made all the ghost kings present feel cold secretly.

In the domain, the four fallen ghost kings were speeding all the way, and they were not far from where Lin Chen was.

The leader of the four ghost kings, Mo Chenggui King, didn't say a word, but his expression gradually sank.

He had already noticed the aftermath of the battle between Lin Chen and the ghost kings from afar, the blade light soaring into the sky, the four ghost kings naturally also saw it in their eyes, and immediately judged it, knowing that it was Supreme entering the arena.

Originally, Mo Chenggui King felt relieved because of this, but as the distance shortened, he found that the direction of the battle became quieter.

This kind of quiet made Mo Chenggui King feel an ominous premonition for no reason.

"Quick!" Unknowingly, Mo Chenggui King's voice was already full of obvious anxiety.

"What did you do to me!" Reggae's face was extremely pale in pain. At this moment, he clearly felt that his body was greatly damaged, and this kind of injury was completely different from ordinary injuries.

The empty, missing part of the waist, as if it could never be restored.

This terrified his heart.

"Nonsense, squat, don't you guys call me a waist stealer? Isn't this what I should do?" Lin Chen rolled his eyes, then took out a pink sack, and put Reggae in it.

This legendary fierce **** Reggae, who is invincible in the outside world, went straight into the waiting room without even saying the third sentence.

"Kaichen!" The fire ghost and wood ghost roared again, extremely anxious.

"Don't worry, it's your turn." Lin Chen appeared next to the fire ghost with a flash, and also grabbed the fire ghost's body.

"Damn you!" the fire ghost roared with endless hatred and anger in his eyes.

Lin Chen laughed and said, "You should thank me. If I'm not mistaken, the wooden ghost and the thunder ghost released a wood-type skill on top of your head."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes, and then said, "I'm not insulting you, but the one who suckled you is insulting you."

"What do you mean?" The fire ghost asked coldly.

"That is to say, on your head, a vast prairie has already been planted by wood ghosts and reggae." Lin Chen explained.

The fire ghost was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned red, and he roared angrily, "You fart!"

Lin Chen shook his head, and with a flash of the fire ghost, he came to the wooden ghost who was bound by thorns, and said coldly, "Tell him the truth, otherwise, he will die."

The wooden ghost's body trembled, and her face was still terrified, but at this moment, her eyes flashed a glimmer of hope: "I said, will you not kill me?"

Lin Chen nodded: "I never kill female ghosts."

Seeing this situation, the fire ghost was taken aback for a moment, an unbelievable look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a daze, "Wood Spirit, could it be..."

The wooden ghost's face was extremely pale, but finally nodded in pain.

"You!" The fire ghost's eyes flashed red, but finally he lowered his head powerlessly: "I forgive you."


Lin Chen's eyes widened, only to feel that his knowledge had been magnified again by the three Reggae masters.

Immediately, he waved his hand with a speechless face.

Two sword lights flashed past, and the fire ghost and wood ghost were also put into the pink sack.

Not killing her doesn't mean not selling her, nor does it mean not cutting her waist.

The thorns collapsed, and the fire dragon transformed by the red lotus fire, as if it had completed its mission, soared happily and returned to Lin Chen's body.

The doppelgänger ghost and the thousand-blade ghost gathered together, and seeing the fate of Reggae and other legends, the two ghosts already felt a sense of sadness.

But right now, with no ghost power, seriously injured, and no chance to escape, he saw Lin Chen walking towards him step by step.

A deep sense of despair rose in the hearts of the two ghosts.

"Are you really going to die here?"

"Can you tell us your true identity, who are you?"

When Lin Chen heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Chen."

Qian Rengui shook his head and said, "I've never heard of your name."

Laughing, Lin Chen arrested the Thousand Blade Ghost and the Clone Ghost, and said, "This is normal. My profession, logically speaking, I don't want ghosts to know my name."

Your Job?

Facing the puzzled gazes of the Thousand Blade Ghost and the Clone Ghost, Lin Chen did not continue to explain, but stretched out his hands and grabbed the two ghosts.

The pupils of the two ghosts contracted. In their eyes, Lin Chen's hands looked like the hands of demons from hell.

Outside the territory, the atmosphere among the ghosts became more and more solemn.

The three legends have already been planted, and they can only hope that the pink sack is only used for storage, so that everything will be available in time.

As for Senman and the guardian ghost king of Thousand Blade Ghost, beads of sweat kept dripping anxiously, staring at the four figures in the domain without blinking.

Those were the four ghost kings who were rushing towards Lin Chen.

In the realm, Mo Chenggui King's face was heavy. For some reason, the closer he got, the more he felt his heart throbbing.

It seems that something extremely bad is about to happen.

They have come close, and the scene at the center of the battle is already looming.

But after seeing everything in sight, the hearts of the four ghost kings gradually sank.

This is the scars all over the ground, the traces left by the battle, and the entire surrounding terrain has been changed.

There are traces left by the fire method, thunder method, and wood method, as well as countless knife marks drawn by sharp blades on the ground.

Just by looking at it at a glance, one can imagine the intensity of this battle.

"In the end what happened?"

"What about Reggae?"

The four ghost kings Before they entered the domain, only the three legends fell into decline, far from reaching this level.

I didn't expect that I saw such a scene in such a hurry, and I couldn't help but feel "thumping" in my heart.

Finally, after scanning their eyes, they saw Lin Chen standing in the distance, but the next moment, all the ghost kings froze.

The brain was shocked to a blank.

I saw that the two supreme beings were already exhausted to the extreme at this time, their faces were pale, and there were patches of blue ghost blood on their bodies, as if they were not far from death.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, was holding a pink sack, and was doing the movement of opening it to cover someone.


"Stop your movements!"

"Where are the three legends?"

Shocked, the four ghost kings hurriedly shouted.

(end of this chapter)

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