Chapter 186 Home Delivery

Lin Chen was also stunned. The entry of these four ghost kings into the domain was definitely beyond his expectation.

He even thought about whether to trap Thousand Blade Ghost and Clone Ghost, turn around and run, activate the key in advance and leave here.

After all, not to mention the four ghost kings, even if he was alone, he would not be an opponent.

Not to mention the physical improvement after breaking through the ghost king, the improvement of the quality of ghost power, and other means.

The ghost power of the ghost king alone is much higher than that of the fierce god, easily over 100,000, which is five times his current level.

Moreover, four ghost kings also came, and they couldn't fight at all.

But fortunately, Lin Chen's mental power has been covering the field, and he quickly realized that something was wrong.

One is that he is in the ghost domain at this time, and the ghost king cannot enter at all.

After all, even his semi-finished ghost domain was blocked at that time, let alone the ghost king who had a complete ghost domain.

At the same time, Lin Chen really felt that the state of the four ghost kings was very wrong at this time, and the fluctuation of ghost power was very low.

Only around 50,000 to 70,000.

This kind of strength is really abnormal.

"Is it the fallen ghost king?" Lin Chen's eyes flashed, thinking of a certain possibility.

These are the words Qian Rengui said when he doubted him before.

Originally, he only learned about the existence of the Fallen Ghost King because of this, but unexpectedly, he actually met him today.

"Boy, you are so courageous. A mere human dares to go deep into my ghost domain and do such a big thing."


Thousand Blade Ghost and Clone Ghost were shocked, and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

No wonder I've never heard of such a No. 1 person, but I didn't expect it to be a human being.

But the shock it brought them was even greater.

Are humans really that powerful?

It's just too incredible.

"I didn't expect to be spotted by you, but I'm curious, how did you know my identity?" Lin Chen couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hmph! Damn human beings, you are not qualified to question us, quickly let go of the two supreme beings, otherwise you will surely die."

Lin Chen frowned, and the next moment, under the shocked eyes of the audience, an arm was inserted into the clone ghost's chest without warning.


The doppelgänger spewed out a mouthful of blue ghost blood, his face was full of pain, because he clearly felt that at this moment, Lin Chen's arm was holding his heart with incomparable precision.

As long as Lin Chen squeezes lightly, his life can be ended.

The heart and head are the deadly parts of ghosts, if they are really crushed, no matter how powerful the ghost is, they will definitely die.

"Damn it!"

"What do you want to do?"

The four ghost kings' expressions changed drastically, and they roared angrily.

"Can't you see it?" Lin Chen sneered, and then grabbed it lightly.

I saw that the crown of the clone ghost's teeth were tense, and couldn't bear it anymore, roaring crazily and excruciatingly painful.

"Answer me, how do you know I'm human? Otherwise, he dies."

Seeing that the avatar ghost has entered a life-and-death crisis, the ghost kings couldn't hold back anymore, and hurriedly said: "Don't do anything!"

"Don't talk nonsense, answer my question." Lin Chen said coldly.

"It's the Water Ghost King, he recognized you." Mo Chenggui King said hastily.

If he was present and caused Zhigao's death, then their broken ghost domain would appear worthless.

After all, he himself could hardly shirk the blame, and could not explain to King Mu and the family behind him.

"It turned out to be the Water Ghost King?" Lin Chen was taken aback, and then asked, "Why did he come here?"

King Mo Chenggui knew that the outside world had Mu Wang and other big shots watching, so he didn't want to answer, but the life and death of the clone ghost was in front of him, so he finally had to patiently explain.

Probably after listening to the ins and outs told by King Mo Cheng, Lin Chen suddenly understood.

It turned out that when I entered the domain, it triggered changes in the Changyin Mountain Ghost Domain, causing the ghost kings from outside to see what I had done.

It also alarmed Mu Wang Guijun in Mucheng Mansion, and at that time Mu Wang was having a meeting with Shui Guiwang and other ghost kings, so they rushed here in a swarm.

Speaking of this, Lin Chen also understood.

It must be that the Water Ghost King recognized his identity and saw his own strength, and worried that the Supreme Fierce God would be in danger, so he sent four Fallen Ghost Kings into the domain.

This made Lin Chen feel a little headache. He originally wanted to **** some ghosts here secretly, and then leave the horror world before the gate of the ghost domain opened, and make a fortune without anyone noticing.

However, the reality gave him a live broadcast. Whatever he did, there were about twenty viewers watching from the outside world.

At this time, I have become an attack by the people of the horror world...

"Next time I have to change my identity." Lin Chen thought so.

As for the others, he didn't care. After all, he didn't think he had exposed too many cards.

He has fought with Supreme until now. To put it bluntly, he has never used a real big move except for the body protection condensate technique.

The small river of time that allows him to possess the power of time, the fusion power of natal skills, ten slaps to subdue ghosts, and the semi-perfect ghost domain, this is the foundation for him to stand on the road of undefeated fierce gods and become strong.

Facing the four ghost kings whose strength had plummeted, Lin Chen estimated that he should be able to deal with it with one or two cards.

And when Lin Chen heard the other party call himself a human being, Lin Chen knew that the other party did not know that he had evidence of a ghost body.

Therefore, following the other party's guess, Lin Chen transformed the aura in his body, layers of anger spread out from his body, and there was no trace of a ghost anymore.

"This breath can't be wrong, you are indeed human."

"I've been catching ghosts for so many years, and today was the first day I met one who delivered to my door." Lin Chen couldn't help laughing while putting the two supreme beings in pink sacks.

"Sure enough, do you have a certain desire for the ghost waist? But there are secrets in the ghost waist, we have already guessed, as for what is hidden in your heart, we will find out when we capture you .” Mo Chenggui King said with a twinkle in his eyes.


Lin Chen was stunned. Is there any secret in the ghost waist?

However, at the next moment, the four ghost kings, who had no worries after seeing the Supreme being put in the bag, rushed towards Lin Chen together.

They were in a hurry, for fear that the pink sack would have the power to corrode and refine ghosts. In this case, time is the most precious thing.

Lin Chen's face froze, golden light bloomed on his body, and he immediately used the gold condensation technique to increase his defense.

Layers of golden light illuminated the sky, Lin Chen bathed in the sacredness, and fought with the four ghost kings.

During the battle, just the clash of fists and feet set off a thunderous formation, and the vicious **** who was so shocked that he wanted to come forward to watch the battle immediately retreated.

Lin Chen's face showed a dignified look. He had already felt that the strength of the four ghost kings was no less than his own, and they were even stronger.

And the four ghost kings were terrified in their hearts.

What are they?

He is the king of ghosts who overlooks thousands of fierce gods. His physical body has already been tempered and tempered, even if he is eliminated by the ghost king Daoguo.

But the damage to the physical strength is not very big.

But in this case, amidst the siege of the four ghosts, this human being can still maintain a tie. This kind of strength is simply terrifying!

"Put all your strength into it, don't capsize the boat in the gutter." Ghost King Mo Cheng yelled, and his body suddenly grew bigger, turning into a five-meter-tall giant ghost.

The other three ghost kings had a layer of scales on their bodies, which gave Lin Chen an indestructible feeling just by looking at them.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, white and black lightning appeared on his body at the same time, the whole body was reflected between yin and yang, and the breath suddenly increased.

His ghost power erupted without reservation at this moment.

When the four ghost kings felt the quality of Lin Chen's ghost power, their breathing was stagnant.

What kind of monster is this! ?

They can only watch it visually when they are outside the domain, but when they face it now, they can clearly feel Lin Chen's aura.

"The quality of his ghost power is much higher than usual! This white thunder method possesses the power of destructive heat, it is extremely powerful, and it is naturally restrained against us!" Mo Cheng roared.

He was sending a message to King Mu outside the territory.

Across a ghost domain, the voice could not be transmitted, but he knew that with King Mu's eyesight, he could naturally see his mouth shape clearly.

Sure enough, Mu Wang and other ghosts who were quietly watching the battle from outside the territory all had a twinkle in their eyes.

"As expected of a man of ten thousand people, this is not what I expected."

"Then what exactly is Bai Lei, is it really restraining my ghost clan?"

"What I didn't expect was that this human being could actually challenge the four fallen ghost kings. This is really scary."

All the ghost kings started discussing one after another.

King Mu also finally said: "The four ghost kings entered the domain, and this person's fate is already doomed. The most important thing right now is to rescue all the evil spirits."

"That's right! The Mucheng Mansion is benevolent and righteous, and the four ghost kings have even entered the realm. I admire you!"

"We wait for the family of the supreme evil god, and we will definitely remember the kindness of King Mu." The ghost king Senman and the guardian ghost king of Qianblai ghost even more and more.

Their hearts are the most anxious, the birth of a supreme fierce god, the family does not know how much effort has been devoted to it!

Before it could take off, the middle road collapsed, which made it difficult for them to accept it anyway.

Kaiyu Ghost King's lips turned purple even more anxiously.

Reggae was the first to be put in a bag, and his waist was cut. From the first time he saw that scene, he was in a bad mood.

"Everything is up to Brother Mo Cheng and the others." He cupped his fists and said.

In the domain, the battle has become increasingly fierce.

Their battles were wider than the earliest ones.

The entire nearby mountain layer was damaged by Lin Chen's battle with the four ghost kings.

But what is shocking is that under the attack of the four fierce gods, Lin Chen was only overwhelmed, and did not have much decline.

"His speed is too Lei Fa is activating his body and can't touch him at all." Mo Chenggui King growled.

"I'll trap him!" The female ghost king shouted, and the next moment, she dodged and left the battle group.

She made a formula in her hand, and a red glow appeared out of thin air.

Lin Chen's body froze, and his movements became a little sluggish. He was very familiar with this kind of power. It was the ability of Xu Qianjun's ghost slave, the blood-eyed ghost.

This turned out to be a ghost king-level blood-eyed ghost!

During this gap, Lin Chen received a joint blow from the other three ghost kings, and his body immediately flew backwards.

All the ghost kings were overjoyed, after fighting for so long, one blow finally worked!

But Lin Chen, who flew upside down, quickly stabilized his body. He looked at the four ghosts, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he passed the test.

He already has a full understanding of the strength of the four ghost kings, and he is confident in defeating the four ghosts.

But relatively speaking, he has to think about how to let Mu Wang and others outside exist, thinking that it is not so easy for him to win, and then send experts in.

(end of this chapter)

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