Chapter 184 The Tragic Clone Ghost

A series of blade lights hit Lin Chen's body, making the sound of gold and iron clanging.

Qian Rengui was startled, he didn't expect Lin Chen's body protection skill defense to be so terrifying, it seemed to be even harder than the Thunder Dragon's body protection just now.

At the same time, the golden light on Lin Chen's body made him squint his eyes, feeling dazzled.

The next moment, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blue ghost blood spurted out. His body finally lifted off the ground, and Lin Chen raised one hand in the air.

Qian Rengui's face swelled into a sour purple color. To him, this kind of posture and situation was nothing more than the greatest insult!

Looking at the thousand-bladed ghost who was in great pain.

In the eyes of the ghosts, Lin Chen's figure was like a demon god.

A supreme vicious god, the true arrogance of the ghost world, the peerless and mighty Thousand Blade Ghost is so humblely held in his hands, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't open it, this is really shocking!

The thunder dragon turned into pieces of lightning arcs, and finally disappeared. The clone ghost finally solved the white thunder dragon, but the price was that the clones condensed by a large amount of ghost power were completely shattered.

At this moment, he was panting heavily, looking at Lin Chen solemnly, and his heart was filled with infinite shock.

What is this thing!

Is the Fallen Ghost King really that strong?

Fierce? Even more impossible, I have never heard of any kind of ghost that has so many terrifying abilities!

Reggae let out a roar, and fell to the ground amidst a burst of fiery lightning from the black dragon. Although he was still conscious, his whole body was scorched black, his breath was sluggish, and he completely lost his fighting power.

The fire ghost fell to the ground, also completely devoid of ghost power, and what was even worse than the reggae was that the source of his natal fire was gone, not even a year or a half, and it couldn't be recovered at all!

And the huge fire python that has been transformed has been completely swallowed by the fire dragon at this time, and the fire dragon's aura has become stronger and stronger. Just standing there, all the ghosts present felt a kind of rush. The dryness that comes.

The ghost power on the wood ghost was gone, the clothes on her body were torn, and her exposed body was covered with blood. From the beginning to the end, after being entangled by thorns, she had no ability to move.

With the strength of one person, suppress two supreme beings and three legends.

This terrifying record shocked all the ghosts present, as well as the ghost king from outside the territory.

"We must not let him leave Changyin Mountain!" King Mu said in a deep voice.

The eyes of all the ghost kings were all on Qian Rengui, with anticipation in their eyes.

They have already noticed that Lin Chen has relaxed at this time, and now is the best time for Qianblai Ghost to use the strongest blow!


It seemed that Qian Rengui had heard the voices of the ghost kings outside the region, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and the ghost power in his body surged wildly.

"Slash to open the sky!"

Just in an instant, a ray of light that seemed to cut through everything in the world flashed out, surged from the ground, and rushed into the air.

Under the sharp edge, it was Lin Chen who was at the ruler with the Thousand Blade Ghost!


Amidst the excited gazes, Qian Rengui roared with madness in his eyes.

This attack carried anger, humiliation, all his ghost power, and the heart to resist all injustice in this world!

"Go, Qian Ren!" the clone ghost roared.

"It's all up to you, you must defeat him!" Heitan-headed reggae whispered, looking at the place where the strong light burst out, his fists clenched unconsciously.

"Kill him!" the fire ghost roared.

The wooden ghost didn't say a word, but an extremely eye-catching brilliance flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"Come on!"

The ghost kings outside the territory also became nervous.

Under the strong light, it was impossible to see the real situation of Lin Chen and Qian Rengui, only Qian Rengui's crazy anger and the sound of the blade light attacking Lin Chen.

At this moment, the final result touched the hearts of all ghosts.

Soon, the soaring blade light rose from the ground, and spread out after reaching the ghost power layer above.

The power of the explosion stunned the vicious gods who were looking for the mental ghost.

"This is the supreme aura, it's so terrifying!"

"It seems to be the place where Boss Chen fought Reggae just now."

"Ah? Even the Supreme is gone? It's really too much of a bully. They must be pushing back like this because Boss Chen is a foreign evil spirit like a copy of the thriller game."

"It's a pity that Boss Chen is such a good ghost. No matter how strong he is, he will be hard to resist in the face of the supreme attack..."

In the arena, the light faded away, revealing the figures of Lin Chen and Qian Rengui.

More than 20 figures inside and outside the domain were all staring at this scene closely.

Finally, they saw clearly what had happened. The next moment, the pupils of all eyes shrank suddenly, and expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

I saw Lin Chen's figure standing proudly, his body surface was shining golden, and there was no scar at all, only on his palm, there was a knife mark that was as deep as the bone, but no blood flowed out.

"how is this possible!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

There was a sound of exclamation, whether it was the clone ghost or the three legends, there was a chill in their hearts, and their faces were full of shock.

They all felt the energy of the light blade clearly, and even thought that if they faced this attack, they would either die or be disabled.

However, for this terrible morning, there was only a small wound left.

This made them unacceptable in their hearts.

A terrified expression appeared on Qian Rengui's face, only he who was close at hand could clearly see what happened just now.

Lin Chen didn't have the ability to dodge his surprise attack, but Lin Chen didn't intend to dodge at all. When the ghost power in his body was turbulent, Lin Chen's expression changed, and he obviously noticed all this.

And when the blade light formed and cut towards Lin Chen, Lin Chen showed a mocking smile on his face, which proved that all this was within his controllable range.

That's why he let out that roar.

To boost morale.

But the final result shocked him unceasingly. Before his eyes, he saw Lin Chen grabbing his Heaven Opening Slash with a hand that shone with golden light!

The attack that used the whole body's strength caused Lin Chen only a wound of a few centimeters.

This hit him too hard.

"Your Majesty is not bad."

Outside the territory, there was a ghost king who gritted his teeth and said every word.

The king's body is not bad, which means that the defense power has reached the extreme level of the fierce god, even approaching the level of the ghost king.

Under the ghost king, indestructible!

"Has his physique reached this point? In this generation, only the ghost has the body that is not bad for a king. It is simply too terrifying to have thousands of people!"

"Besides, he has only broken through Fifteen Heavens, how did Fifteen Heavens achieve his current strength? It's terrifying!"

Even though it is the realm of the ghost king, some people are still chilled.

A human being who can possess extremely powerful strength is rising in front of them.

"No matter what, this human being can't escape Changyin Mountain." Mu Wang said again.

It's just that his face has darkened now. It is obvious that Lin Chen's performance has also had a great impact on his heart.

The ghost kings looked at the four figures galloping in the domain, and a trace of anxiety flashed in their eyes.

"Hold on!"

In the area, Lin Chen slapped Qian Rengui's body into mutilated pieces. This true supreme, just like the three legends of Reggae, completely lost his fighting power.

"You're the only one left." Lin Chen held on to the Thousand Blade Ghost with one hand, and the knife mark in the other hand healed itself in an instant.

With his ghost body at this time, coupled with his already terrifying physique, in terms of self-healing ability, even the thousand-blade ghost and the clone ghost can't match him.

The avatar ghost took a deep breath, even though there was already panic in his heart, his supreme pride did not allow him to run away without a fight.

As the only one in the field who still has fighting power and fighting spirit, the clone ghost asked: "Why did you do this, whether it is legendary or supreme, it is the key force for our world to defeat the human world. What does this have to do with the demons?"

"It's just a personal need." Lin Chen said with a smile:

"Except for the thousand-blade ghost who once tempted me and made me feel a little bit dissatisfied, the other fierce gods may not have any enmity with me. It is more of a need to solve them. However, clone ghost, your words are completely different. It's different, there is a certain grudge between you and me."

"When did I offend you? Today is the first time I meet you!" The clone ghost sneered.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Let's do it, show your true strength as a pseudo-supreme, and then send you on your way. In the future, I will send your master Shuigui Wang to see you."

The pupils of the ghosts shrank, and they immediately understood that the enmity Lin Chen mentioned had something to do with the clone ghost's master, Shuiguiwang.

Outside the territory, all the ghost kings turned their attention to the water ghost king's face, especially the ghost king Senman, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

I have heard of cheating fathers and masters, but this is the first time cheating apprentices.

"It's probably because I hindered him when he broke through, and this kid has a big temper, so he has been hating him ever since." The Water Ghost King said helplessly.

"The power of ten bodies!"

The avatar ghost condensed its strength, and ten phantoms flashed across his body, and quickly merged with himself. In just an instant, the aura of the avatar ghost became stronger.

The next moment, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lin Chen.

However, only a "bang!" was heard.

Before the clone ghost touched Lin Chen, he was kicked back to the original place by Lin Chen's volley kick.

"Come again."

The doppelgänger's face turned livid.

But at this time, he didn't care about getting He merged with the clone again:

"Twenty body strength."


"Thirty body strength!"


Every time it gathers, the aura of the avatar ghost becomes stronger, but in the end, it is still kicked back by Lin Chen.

However, the strong doppelgänger was not discouraged, and as the week passed, his fighting spirit became higher and higher.

However, at this moment, he seemed to be inexplicably tragic.

Until the end, the power of the clone ghost had reached a limit. Even Lin Chen was a little surprised by this power.

"The strength of a hundred bodies."

The strong ghost power erupted on the body of the clone ghost, his eyes were full of fighting spirit rather than complete, and his back looked more like a war **** who wanted to smash Ling Xiao.

Looking at the clone ghost at this time, all the ghosts felt a sense of bleakness in their hearts.

(end of this chapter)

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