Duke of Grief

Chapter 995: Root server (below)

   "Cervantes, what do you think this is?" Just as almost everyone was immersed in the'beauty' of that huge machine, Ziegler, standing beside the black dragon, asked suddenly.

   Without waiting for Cervantes to answer, he whispered voluntarily: "I think this is'art'!"

   "Not an artwork, but'art' itself!"

The corners of his mouth widened slightly, and his eyes were all focused on the huge machine. He stared intently, and his greedy eyes flew over the exposed runes and magic circles. If he wasn’t worried about his face, he almost lost control .

   Cervantes glanced at him only once, and then turned to look at the maid. At this time, the most excited person should be her.

   But, unexpectedly, he did not see the tears in his eyes, he did not see the mixed feelings, the maid's face remained calm as usual, as if he had just completed a trivial matter.

  Even if the magic machine in front of her could open the “information age” she had always dreamed of, she could take this opportunity to let everyone discover that the decayed aristocratic system is hindering the development of this world, and she has never moved.

   "Sera, what do you think?" At this moment, Latnea asked suddenly.

   She turned her head, and her eyes seemed to be filled with confusion. Although she did not specify what she wanted to ask, Cervantes knew what she wanted to say.

   They are too familiar with each other, even if they have only been with each other for less than ten years, but understanding each other can make them understand what they want to ask and say under the eyes of the other.

   "I don't need to do anything..."

   There are noisy people in this room. Busy staff members pass behind them from time to time, and sometimes people at one end yell to the other end through this huge machine.

   But in the ears of Latina, Cervantes, and Ziegler, Serena's voice was particularly clear.

They looked sideways and only heard her whisper: "As long as people see the shortcomings of this aristocratic system, they will make a series of adjustments. This is the "tide of the times", even if there are many forces in their hands. The nobles of the world can’t resist. Next, they have only two choices. One is to reflect on themselves and then transform. Second, if they don’t repent, they can only be buried with the decaying system... Power can’t pry the roots of this era, but as long as the world enters the next era, the shortcomings of the aristocratic system are immediately exposed, even if the system cannot be completely subverted within a time, but as time goes on, this The world will gradually enter the industrial age."

"Those nobles are never generous, even many are short-sighted. They only look at the interests of the present, but they cannot look to the future. If they continue to squeeze civilians in this way, then it will only take a few years. Those who were originally in them A guy who looks like a fool can surpass them with a demographic dividend."

"Generally, people without learning can’t control magical machinery, and can only use original machinery for production. The technology behind other places will make them miss opportunities in the early industrial era. If someone realizes the seriousness of the matter at this time, it won’t help. , Because whether it is to start a school to study or reduce taxes to allow civilians to support more children, it will take some time to increase the population of the territory. During this long blank period, other people have already surpassed many of them. ."

Speaking of this, the maid gave a slight pause, and then her mouth twitched, and said with a smile: "At this time, they will panic find that the truly literate "talent" cannot be transferred from an important position, and the illiterate person can only Let them use the original machinery for production. Even if the Glorious Church and the Knowledge Church open church schools to spread knowledge to the civilians, for ordinary people, they need to do their utmost to survive, otherwise the family and themselves will not have any guarantees. Time to study? The only ones who can learn are businessmen and some rich peasant children. But as these people, how can they do those jobs?"

"They have been paralyzed by the original machinery that I almost'delivered' to them. I didn't expect that they really thought that gold coins would be able to buy production tools that would allow them to go from'workshop production' to'factory production'. I believe they must have scolded me for being'stupid' in secret more than once!"

   Serena smiled happily, because she set a trap for those nobles from the beginning, and now, it is the harvest time!

   Yes, she had planned this from the beginning!

  Although she also wanted to help those poor civilians, the main purpose was to prepare for the overthrow of the noble class.

  If we do not let the aristocratic class disappear today, we just defeated the "nobility", and we cannot allow the civilians of this world to lead a real good life.

   Even if the nobles of today are defeated, in the future, there will still be new nobles that will emerge and gradually deteriorate and degenerate. If the essence of the nobility has not changed, the civilians will eventually fall to the present situation.

   Can't pin hope on the conscience of others. This is the most foolish thing. If you really want to completely change the world, you must defeat the noble class today.

  Although she knew that she could only overthrow the nobles of Mendes, and could not affect the Ogden Empire, which had undergone institutional reforms, but for now, this is enough.

The Ogden Empire is now increasingly under the leadership of His Majesty Caesar XIII, and has formed a system similar to the "centralized system". During his reign, the nobles should not dare to make small moves .

  Unsurprisingly, when his rule came to an end, the civilians of the Ogden Empire would not return to their original lives.

  Not only are the civilians unwilling, but even the ruling class will not allow that to happen.

   Decades of time will allow them to see the great changes brought about by the ‘labor force’ to the world, and as rulers, they will also benefit from it, so the Ogden Empire need not worry at all.

   "Preheat, preheat!"

   Suddenly, a loud cry made the room fall into silence.

  After hearing this sentence, the staff who were still clamoring had quieted down. They closed their mouths and looked up from the busy work.

it has started……

  When this sentence appears, it means that the huge machine placed in the center of the room will be officially started.

At this time, a mage squeezed from the crowd and walked to the maid in a low voice: "Maid maid, now the "root server" has begun to warm up. The official start requires personal authorization from you and the lord. …"

   The maid nodded slightly and took a deep breath. "Seth~www.NovelMTL.com~ Let's go!"

   Cervantes only discovered at this time that Sera was not nervous, but her nervousness did not show on her face.

   The crowd in front made a way for them, and the black dragon and the maid walked side by side to one of the control panels of that huge machine.

   "Joanna, start scanning." Glancing at the maid quietly, Cervantes suddenly reached out to hug her shoulders and said when she hadn't responded.

  Selina was slightly surprised, and then her confused face appeared on the screen in front of her.

   With the flower in front of him, Cervantes' right hand clicked on the "OK" button with a sudden thunder, and when she turned her head to look, she only saw a hippy smiley face.

   The black dragon's picture of the maid was frozen on the screen. Behind them, a cheerful laughter suddenly sounded.

  The magic power rotates inside the machine, and the runes and magic circles engraved on the surface light up one by one, lighting up the whole machine.

   Then, the cheers of excitement almost overturned the roof, and the crystal panel in the hands of the tester received the signal at the same time.

   Sound waves echoed from wall to wall, penetrating everyone's eardrums, but they didn't care, raised their hands high, and their faces were full of excitement.

   The Principality of the Wind of Sorrows, [Xinghai Zhizhou] officially launched the ‘Root Server’!

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