Duke of Grief

Chapter 996: interconnected

   "Hurry up, others have already started the "root server" they built in early autumn, but we need to drag it to mid-autumn!"

  Flois Oak held the pipe in his hand and sprayed clouds and mists at the mage under him.

   If it wasn't because they were busy enough, he might spray their dogs **** directly, complacent.

   In fact, even the vast territory, the Ogden Empire, which needs to build several ‘branch servers’, has already built its own ‘Internet server’. The slowest progressing organization is the Kingdom’s Association of Kingdom Masters in the Kingdom of Colo.

This makes Floyce feel very faceless. If he is facing other people, he will not feel lost, but he is now facing other legendary mages on this continent. The slow progress of the construction makes the He was very embarrassed.

   It is said that the mage of other mage organizations have already used their respective ‘networks’. If it is not because of the slow progress of their kingdom, the Principality’s network may have been able to connect with the network of Mendes.

If the Ogden Empire’s network wants to connect with the Mendes continent’s network, there are still some technical difficulties that need to be solved, but if nothing unexpected happens, it may be a few months before they jointly manufacture the'sputnik 'Can rise above the mainland.

   Before they had no technology, now the major magistrates have been able to communicate with each other and communicate with each other. In this case, they can integrate the technologies needed to manufacture ‘artificial satellites’ and work together to create a ‘communication satellite’!

Moreover, this'communication satellite' is just the beginning. Now they have the idea of ​​creating an observation satellite for'out-of-ground' observation. When the magical environment of Sloan Mendes is stabilized, they will carry out the'observation satellite'. 'Manufacture and launch.

   This continent has continued to confuse their vision, they will turn their gaze to the astral world, to the starry sky outside the world!

   What they are doing now is just the beginning.

   "Give me a hurry, it's just debugging before the official operation, is it really that troublesome?!"


   The cold wind blew the ground, and on the frost-covered white ground stood a tall black tower with a huge signal transmitter on top.

  Tall antennas appear to penetrate the sky dome, and in the cold wind the stubborn and unwilling to bend the outer wall of the tower shone with bright colors.

   The radiance of magic flowed on the runes and the magic circle, and the polar witches stood inside the tower chanting obscure spells.

   They danced Miaoman's body together, it seemed that they were holding a solemn ceremony.

  Elena, the head of the polar witch, stood on a high platform, her eyes closed slightly, and there were words in her mouth.

  The magical power hidden in the earth and the wind and snow rises with her singing and the dancing of the witches, the radiance flashes between heaven and earth, like the sparkling waves rippling on the water.

  The wave of magic power radiates from the tower to all directions. The illusory screen is quietly suspended on the inner wall of the tower. The witch sitting around can call out the ‘network panel’ at any time.

   ripples across the land of ice and snow, across the inaccessible snow mountains, and flew north of the "Holder Wilderness".

   In that direction, there is the Kurkut Empire, there is the Principality of Violet, there is an alien country, there is the Moore Commercial Federation...

   That is where the human kingdom of Mendes converges. There are several mage organizations, and the network they are making is spreading all around.


   The sudden scream made the witches stop the dance and let Elena slowly open her eyes with a slight light.

  The wheels of the times started to spin up...?


   "Two ‘branch servers’ were placed in each of the four directions of the empire, and with the main server of God’s capital, the ‘network’ would cover the entire empire!”

  Calvin called out loudly, standing next to him, Gregorian, who had nothing to do, they looked up and there was a starry sky outside the glass on the roof.

   Starlight seems to be inspiring them too, and the ‘master server’ shining in front of it is playing its role.

   The'network' connected the empire's land into one piece. After that, no matter what happened in any corner of the empire, they in the imperial capital could instantly know.

  Compared with the "radio communication network" they are building, they have very strong communication capabilities, but it seems not so stable.

  At least when contacting the defenders on the edge of the Black Forest, the connection is often interrupted.

   In the case of "radio communication" or even "wired communication", this is not the case.

   The "network" composed of magic waves spreads information quickly, but it is not very stable. Although "wired telecommunications" is slow, it is stable, which is quite suitable for the situation of their empire.

   As for the Principality of the Winds of Sorrow, they have a ‘Great Wall’ that can shield the interference from the Black Forest, so it’s enough to just communicate with the ‘Magic Wave’.

   "Gregory, do you feel it?"

  Calvin opened his hands and made a hug, with a happy smile on his face, "We will usher in a new era!"


   "Your Majesty, how are you feeling?"

  The elven king was silently observing the giant tree in front of him, but a greeting came from his ear.

   "If you want to control... Isn't it as convenient as the Principality over the wind of mourning?" The elf king didn't return his head, and asked Master Druid around him.

"It is true." Master Druid did not evade this defect, and then he explained very seriously, "However, our technology also has sufficient advantages, that is, those "root servers" made by the mage organization can not have 'Stable'."

"Because our "root server" is a combination of biology and machinery, although it is difficult to control, and it is difficult to observe its state, it can maintain a sufficiently stable frequency to radiate magic waves to the outside, and it is also not normal. It requires us to maintain, it can grow and repair itself."

   "As long as we have it, we can successfully join the "Internet" and become a force standing in front of the times again, and the elves will surely revive!"

  After listening to Master Druid, the Elven King also saw the dignified color on his face.

   nodded, and the elf king said seriously: "Yes, the elven clan will be revived, we will not let the clan be reduced to others' playthings!"

   "So, let's connect!"


   "The times have gone one step further..." It was said like this~www.NovelMTL.com~ Ruerno sighed, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

   Next will be the era of magical machinery, not the ‘age of the mage’, but the mage is also a very important existence for the future era.

  However, he was dying, maybe he would die before seeing that era...

   For him, this is a kind of sorrow, but also a kind of suffering.

   As a mage, a mage with a strong curiosity may not be able to witness the arrival of the ‘age of knowledge’. Isn’t this sad?

  However, at the same time, he is also full of relief for that era. Even if he can't see it, there are still many people who can replace him to observe. Those students who have inherited his spirit will replace him to witness the future era.

   This is enough, it is enough...

  Thinking like this, the crystal screen in front of him suddenly lighted up. He looked down and found that it was a message from Charlemagne.

Seeing this, the bitterness on his face faded away, and the heartfelt joy filled the whole heart.

   Yes, he did not see the coming of that era, but everything he has witnessed now is enough to satisfy him.

  A new era has finally arrived!

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