Duke of Grief

Chapter 994: Root server (on)

   Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Maid, and Latina stand in front of a huge machine that occupies almost an entire factory building, looking up at this giant magic machine full of all future fantasies of everyone present.

  The streamer flew in the transistor channel, and the magic power and electric energy were bound in the body, and no leakage of it happened at all.

   This huge machine has only eight sides to control the screen distribution in eight directions, except that it directly cuts off the energy supply, there is no other means of control.

  This can ensure that the data in the "root server" will not be tampered with in any way, and this technology of "information sealing" of the magic energy machine is obtained from the polar witch.

  Although their ‘Internet Federation’ only established a ‘channel standard’, privately, they would not think that their technology was sufficient to create a ‘root server’, so they would exchange various technologies.

  Some technologies that are not too important, but are not easily sold, can be used in such places.

   This time, the polar witch can be said to be full of money. For this technology, [Xinghai Zhou] naturally paid a lot, but the harvest was also quite fruitful.

  If it wasn’t for building the ‘Internet’, they wouldn’t have exchanged technology to this extent. It’s important to know that many of these technologies can be used as the ‘bottom of the box’.

The main structure uses the technology from the [Highland Mage Association], and the control technology is the most outstanding [Xinghai Boat]. The "magic wave" uses the technology of the Kingdom of Corot [Kingdom Master Association] when radiating to the outside. Their legendary mage is a master of plastic energy.

'Magic wave' is also a kind of radiation. It is a very serious problem to make it possible to spread the signal without affecting the human body, but the legendary master of the Ogden Empire, Maxim, from the'Battlefield Master', has successfully Solved this problem, which is very surprising.

At this time, how to make the signal transmitted by the "magic wave" not to be interrupted for some rare reasons has become a problem, and the organization to solve this problem is even more surprising-the elf family has cultivated A kind of plant that is not intelligent and can not mutate in a rich magic environment. This plant can record these problems. As long as the plant records those'causes' in advance, when the problem occurs, they will Can automatically deal with problems.

   It can be said that every ‘root server’ does have a ‘root’ now, and they all need to plant plants in the server to solve the problem.

  Each mage organization's'root server' uses its own unique technology, but also uses the technology of other organizations, but the core technology is slightly different.

   This ‘Internet’ was created by many people, and a lot of whimsy was born during the manufacturing period, which provided its own strength for the development of the magic technology of the world of Assatom.

   "It's so beautiful..." Looking at the giant magic machine in front of him, Ziegler couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

His eyes seemed to be shining. On this huge machine, he saw many technologies he had never seen before. Although he also did a lot of work to make this'root server', but there was too much work to be done. Many times, he could not see the technology from other mage organizations.

   But just today, the day this giant magical machine was born, he was finally able to see all these dream things.

  However, what made him even more strenuous is that after this machine was manufactured, the technological development of this world will become faster and faster, entering a fast lane in a new information era.

If the technical development used to be a wagon that walked cautiously on a country road, now it is riding a fast horse and running on the Kangzhuang Avenue, which is flattened by horseshoes and wheels after passing a countless carriage. In the future, it is driving With a magic locomotive running on the concrete road without any obstacles!

  Just imagine the future like this, he is already excited enough.

   Soon, the world will enter an era of technological take-off. Many unprecedented technologies have been created, and the knowledge that obsessed him can overwhelm him.

Although he knows that this is just the accumulation of information after the information has been circulated, but compared to the previous era in which dozens or hundreds of years did not necessarily have a new technology released, it was already perfect for him. Times.

   In the future, more than ten years... No, in a few years, or even a year, new technologies will be available, and more and more knowledge will be "discovered" and "summed".

   Not only the mage but also ordinary people who cannot be a mage with creativity and eyesight!

   Ah, that was really a good time...

   Ziegler has fallen into his own fantasy, but Cervantes did not go to see him, and his full attention was attracted to the huge machine.

  Rarely, he was preoccupied with observing something he could never understand.

   For him, this is a time-wasting behavior, generally he will not do it, but at this time... This is not a waste of time, this is to witness the arrival of an era!

   This room can accommodate his dragon form, and can even have half of the surplus, but now, it is almost filled by this huge machine.

   He was able to distinguish the meaning of the above runes and circles, but after combining them, he could not understand, but this did not prevent him from sinking his heart to appreciate this ‘key to open the door to a new era’.

  Latina is not as immersed as those two dragons, but imagines what happened after the ‘Internet’ officially appeared in this world.

She heard that Serena mentioned two things: online shopping and express delivery. Although these two things are relatively luxurious for people of this era, with the development of the times, these two things will face public.

   Communication between people means the exchange of information. Once the Internet appears, people's exchanges begin to become frequent and the flow of information accelerates, and many things will come into being.

  However, until now, many people are still “bound” by the land and still being exploited by the nobility.

  Farmers account for a large proportion of the world's population. Farmers in other places are not like peasants in the Principality of Sorrowful Winds. Due to the exploitation of nobles, they cannot lead a better life.

  If the peasants are not freed from the landlords~www.NovelMTL.com~ If the labor force is liberated, not only will a lot of labor force be wasted in vain, but also the development speed of this world will be slowed down.

If this is not done, people will not be able to have more wealth in their hands, so even if the Internet appears, the number of people who use it for "online shopping" will not increase, and even because the nobles have a new information channel, they can be more It is easy to monopolize trade channels, which may lead to the phenomenon that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

   This may cause her divine power to decline, even Joanna, who has the ‘Internet’ priesthood, will have problems!

  No matter what the reason is, she can't continue to let the nobles go their own way, and their existence has greatly endangered the lives and ‘property safety’ of their mothers and daughters.

   Gradually, Latinia seems to have some understanding of why Sera would build the'Internet' at this time.

  The shortcomings of the aristocratic system were already obvious in the original era. If it comes to the'Internet era', it will be even more exposed.

   Apart from themselves, everyone will recognize the impediment of the aristocracy to the development of the world.

  Only cultists will be thankful for the existence of these nobles, but they have never been on the table, and it is still the Orthodox Church and the major countries that rule the world.

   So, those aristocrats are likely to come to an end after the arrival of the "Internet Age"...?

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