Duke of Grief

Chapter 981: Confrontation

"However, if this is the case, there is another problem that cannot be explained!" Ziegler frowned suddenly, "Why is the building in another area so messy? If it has been put into use, then no It should be so!"

"After all, it's just a guess. It doesn't require all conditions to be met... you stay here and don't move!" After leaving a sentence, Cervantes stepped forward and took everyone else. Startled.

   Ziegler even shouted angrily: "Cervantes, what do you want to do?"

   He quickly followed the black dragon's footsteps, grabbing the black dragon's left arm with some annoyance, "Do you know what you want to do?"

The taling may still be immersed in calculations, and have no spare time to pay attention to them, and even if he wants to know what the taling is calculating, Ziegler hopes to be able to use other methods to understand, because no matter how the taling is calculating What is definitely a very important question, and he also wants to know the answer to this question!

  No matter what the question is, he wants to know the answer!

"Do you know, if it is Serena, she will be like me, and want to know what the answer is, because she is a wizard like me!" Ziegler glared at the black dragon and said with his teeth. This sentence.

   "My head is sober!"

Cervantes did not show surprise at the rare red dragon that showed his anger. He glanced at Ziegler coldly, "I know what I'm doing! First, we don't know that Taring calculated How long, and how long to calculate next; secondly, we don’t know if that Taring can really calculate the final answer, and that answer is correct; finally, we have come here, compared to the heads of these arcanists, Maybe the heads of the two dragons are more suitable for calculation!"

  Followed, he shook off Ziegler's hand, and Ziegler only hesitated a little, and Cervantes had already stood before the furnace.

  If it is really as they guessed, the furnace that stands in front of him now is probably not a magic furnace, but a legendary element furnace that uses element destruction to produce magic power.

According to the knowledge he learned from Serena, with only one magic furnace, even the latest model of the magic furnace cannot keep such a huge research institute hidden in the alien plane for a long time, so now this furnace It must be an'element furnace'.

   The destruction of elements can produce huge energy. It can be seen that the application of the'mass-energy conversion formula' will destroy each other when two elements with opposite properties collide under the influence of external forces.

It is the most difficult thing to open the channel connecting the boundary of the element for a long time in a huge furnace, and also to limit the direction of the element’s movement and control the huge energy generated by the annihilation, even if many mages know how the element furnace is Running, but no one can solve these problems.

  If he can take this furnace back, how much can he promote the development of magical technology in the world of Assatom?

   Cervantes was thinking in his heart, while looking up at the spirit floating in mid-air.

   He pondered the wording. Although their current identity is ‘intruder’, they are also a place for others. As a reasonable black dragon, he should be more polite.

   "Are you the Taling here?" Cervantes said softly, "Answer my question!"

   He waited for a while, but got no response. At this time, Ziegler had walked to his side, frowning at the spirit.

   It stands to reason that even if this spirit is immersed in computing now, it should have the power to respond to Cervantes, but now it is motionless, and even no response at all.

   "Not quite right..." Ziegler whispered to Black Dragon.

   If they leave now, maybe nothing will happen, because this spirit has not been awakened, it should not prevent them from leaving. Once Cervantes wakes it up, maybe a battle will erupt.

   Ziegler is a little bit unimaginable, how can he defeat a tower spirit with element furnace as support.

  Now so many books are lying on the ground quietly, which certainly includes many magic books. Even if the tower spirit does not have any spells, they can be defeated by using a ‘magic pouring’.

   However, they certainly cannot come here empty-handed!

   Even if the two are irrelevant, Cervantes wants to move the things back here. From the moment he just started, Ziegler knew what he was thinking about.

   They are not a philanthropist. Even if they show a good character when they are dealing with people, they are always ‘evil dragons’. This has never changed.

The thing of'robbing others' is nothing in their eyes. Most of the dragon's wealth is stolen from others. Even for metal dragons, in addition to golden dragons and silver dragons, other dragon species may still It may be just a joke for them to defraud property from others by means of'deception', but the facts have proved that the dragon is not a good thing.

  An element furnace appeared in front of Cervantes. He must want to **** it back. Ziegler thought that if the spirit didn't go back, the black dragon was about to start.

   After all, this black dragon has always been quite grumpy.

   As Ziegler thought, Cervantes' face gradually appeared impatient.

   "All come!"

   Suddenly, he called back to the team members: "Give me back these books and tell me after they are loaded!"

   Afterwards, he turned his sight to the spirit again, at this time Ziegler knew that everything was over.

   Helplessly sighed, Ziegler used [The Master's Hand] to pick up those books from the ground and put them in his storage bag.

  Anyway, he could not stop Cervantes' next move, so he would rather bring these books back, anyway, they are also the books of the Arcane Empire period, and they have a little value.

   The thief didn't go away, the goose was silent, he was originally a dragon, what happened to grab something?

Although the members of the team are a bit dazed, since Lord Lord has ordered them in this way, and he has been standing there to protect them, so he obediently followed the Lord Lord’s command line~www.NovelMTL.com~Sevanti Si Leng's face was cold, and he was tired of waiting.

   This is not a battle related to life and death. He does not need to be forbearing and conscientious. Now there is only one tower spirit in this institute who can stand in front of him. Even if this tower spirit is supported by an element furnace, what about it?

   The number of books is far beyond everyone's imagination, but it can also be understood that after all, it is the collection of books in several large libraries, and it is impossible to go where it is.

   In a short period of time, it is impossible to distinguish which books are valuable and which are not, so except for a few books that have been severely damaged, most books have to be taken away.

   But there are too many books here. Even if you put all the water in other pockets on your body and fill the backpack and storage bag with books, there are still many books that have not been passive.

   However, Cervantes can't wait!

   "Cervantes, wait again--"


   Before Ziegler's words were finished, the Black Dragon picked up a glass jar beside him and threw it to the ground.

   The jar suddenly shattered, and the splashed nutrient solution and glass fragments hit the metal frame, and there were several crisp sounds.

   A big foot stepped on the white flower's brain, the brain suddenly shattered, and the spirit floating in the air suddenly opened his eyes.

   Ziegler withdrew his unfinished words and was ready to fight.

   This black dragon is too rash!

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