Duke of Grief

Chapter 980: 'answer'

What appeared in front of them was a wide dark space.

The light flows in some crystal objects that may be energy pipes, and colorful lights travel through the pipes from time to time, illuminating the entire space without any lights.

Then, countless corpses piled up in front of them. The skulls of those corpses were all pryed apart. After the brain was taken out, it was placed in a jar filled with nutrient solution and placed in the center of this wide space.

The brilliance of magic shines on the glass jars. These jars are concentrated on a few tall shelves, fixed by the stabilizers that come with those shelves, and continue to deliver magic power for them.

In the center of those shelves, there is a huge round furnace, and several metal rings bind the furnace to prevent its magic power from leaking and hurting the surrounding brain.

The surging magic power undulates in front of them. A small amount of magic power flows through the energy pipeline and is transported to other parts of the institute. Most of the magic power is used to maintain the operation of these'human brain matrix'.

An illusory spirit floated quietly in the air, eyes closed, and did not wake up with the arrival of Cervantes and Ziegler.

Looking around, there are only debris left in this wide space. It seems that all buildings have been demolished to make this'human brain matrix'.

There are also many mechanical devices placed around the'matrix of the human brain'. Mysterious devices that do not show their general use are slightly audible, and there are many scrapped materials remaining around these devices.

Even the furnace in the center of the site is full of repairs and repairs. Except that the "human brain matrix" does not seem to have been replaced, other things have been repaired and replaced many times.

Cervantes took a breath and whispered to himself: "Is the crises of wisdom machines?"

It can be seen from the clothes of the bones that fell to the ground that they should be the researchers of this ruin. After more than 800 years, the robe on some people has been extracted from the "characteristics" and turned into ashes, but can also be returned Some rags can prove their identity.

The spirit body floating above the round furnace should be the "Talling" of this research institute if he didn't guess wrong. I don't know what happened. He actually killed the arcanists working here and took their The brain was dug out to make a'human brain matrix'.

Judging from the traces in the outer living area, this tower spirit should still perform its duties in accordance with the instructions set by the arcanists.

So, is everything that it is doing now also the command given by the arcanist, or is it because it misunderstands the command of the arcanist to cause this to happen?

The soldiers and mages are still immersed in their inner fears, even though they have already seen the sea of ​​corpses in the battle against the Black Forest, the cultists, and the undead monarch, but now, when these things are before them, They still feel fear.

If these arcanists escaped, or were killed by something else, then they might be indifferent to this, but everything here shows that the spirit body killed these arcanists.

At this moment, Cervantes asked nonchalantly: "Zigler, what do you think that Talling is doing?"

"Calculate..." Ziegler took a deep breath, closed his brows, and whispered, "It takes so many Arcanist brains, only one'calculation' can explain, but the question is, what is it What are you calculating? How have those brains been preserved for more than eight hundred years without decay? Where do the materials that keep the brain from decay come from?"

These three questions point directly to the core. This is the question they urgently need to know the answer to.

The reason why they will explore this relic is to obtain some unknown technology from here and use it to promote the development of the magic age.

They had never seen that furnace, and it was impossible to know whether the furnace belonged to the "Magic Furnace" or the "Elemental Furnace" without further investigation.

They can ignore the number of secrets hidden in this ruin, they are all past tense anyway, but the only unknown technology is what they need to take away.

Even Ziegler felt awkward. Cervantes’ decision was undoubtedly correct. They came here and probably knew what was going on here. Those books were piled up in the'human brain matrix' Around.

The books that disappeared from the library are here. That Tarin should have learned a lot of knowledge from these books, and this knowledge should be able to be used in the calculations it is doing now.

"What should I do now?" When thinking of the knowledge that Taring was calculating was probably one of the'truths' he had been seeking, Ziegler's brain had been unable to calm down and think. In desperation, he only Ability to send inquiries to the Black Dragon around.

Cervantes did not answer immediately, but was thinking about something.

After a moment of pondering, he suddenly asked: "Zigler, do you think what the Taling is calculating now is sufficiently confidential for the Arcane Empire?"

"This is for sure!" Ziegler nodded. The answer is yes. Otherwise, the bones of these arcanists will not appear here.

Maybe they were gathered in this research institute to study this project, so when the arcane empire was at war, the tower spirit would choose to kill all the arcane masters and make their brains' Human brain matrix'.

For those who can become Arcanists, their talents are definitely not too low, and their brains are well developed, and they don’t know how many “extraordinary” there are. After becoming “extraordinary”, the magic will gradually merge with the body, so The transcendentals are able to use various'transcendental abilities'.

Whether it is a rebirth of a broken limb, or the ability to directly use magic without memorizing formulas and spells, or to sneak into the shadows, these are the abilities that ordinary people can't imagine.

The bodies of the transcendents will be transformed by magic, and the brains and souls of the casters will be affected by the magic.

If we say that the matrix contains the brains of the extraordinary, then the superposition of computing power should be huge. So, what exactly is the Taling calculating? Only so many brains are needed, and more than 800 years later. The calculation is still not over today?

Is this kind of thing ‘confidential’? Definitely count!

"So, why is the location of this institute so close to the surface, and the gate we passed is even behind a shallow vein, why is there a gate at two other places not far away?" Sevan Tis's eyes gradually became sharper, "Overall, it is'not secret enough!'"

Following Cervantes' prompt, Ziegler's confused brain could finally calm down a bit and start thinking.

It is too strange that the secrecy cannot match its "confidentiality".

"Remember the map we saw before? It's the map near this mine..." Cervantes' voice was low~www.NovelMTL.com~ Ziegler also understood how this was after a moment What's going on!

His eyes glared, and he blurted out immediately: "[Half-plane Mansion]!"

"This research institute is manufactured on the principle of "Half-plane Mansion". Until now, this research institute has always existed in the eccentric plane, not in the main material plane, and does not communicate with any matter, so it is only here It will be completely closed, and only three gates not far away will be needed, and'synthetic air' will be needed!"

"It is not that geological activities and fierce wars have caused such strange changes in the terrain, but that this research has appeared on the main material plane from the eccentric plane and communicated with the material, which will cause the terrain to change... etc. Wait, if you think so, maybe the faint sound we got down on the elevator may also be caused by something in the earth squeezing the space of this institute!"

"The vein of this mine may not only be a shallow vein, but a deep vein!"

"All problems are with this research institute!"

... m.

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