Duke of Grief

Chapter 982: End

The air brake time stagnate, the other members of the team are too late to prepare for the battle, and Cervantes has already completed all this.

If nothing unexpected, he has completely angered this tower spirit.

"Are you the Taling here?" Cervantes asked expressionlessly, arrogantly.

He raised his head and looked at the spirit floating in midair, but after a while, the spirit still didn't answer.

Black Dragon sucked his mouth in annoyance, "Answer my question, otherwise I will tear it down!"

"...Yes, I am the tower spirit here." The spirit floating in the air slightly tilted his head. "How long has the empire lost the war? Otherwise, a dragon like you could not appear here."

"Almost nine hundred years." Cervantes snorted, "According to our guess, what should you be calculating just now-so, what are you calculating?"

After hearing this, the tower spirit flickered, and after a while, it shook its head, "I can't tell you, even if the empire has been defeated, I can't tell you."

"Do you think you can continue to calculate?" Cervantes frowned. "I think you'd better hand over the data you calculated so that we can receive the legacy of Arcane Empire while we can What you are calculating continues!"

After a long silence, Ta Ling said quietly: "The brains of the two dragons... are easier to use than all the brains here."

It has no entanglement about why the two dragons and humans are mixed together. It seems that they are still the leaders of those humans, and this is also the two colored dragons that are known for their chaotic evil.

For it, there is nothing more meaningful than continuing to calculate, even if it knows that if it wipes out this team here, there may be subsequent troubles to come to the door.

But it doesn't care about these. The mission that the empire entrusted to it must be completed-even if the empire has been defeated, it may have been destroyed...

"Then do you want to try it?" Cervantes cuddled with both hands, "The brains of the two legendary dragons are not the brains of the natural dragons of the white dragon type. They are indeed more than all the brains here. It’s easy to use, so what? What do you want to do?"

Taring did not answer, and it suddenly fell silent.

Cervantes's lips were slightly warped, and he was in a good mood, because he was implementing the aesthetics of a dragon. It was a bit rusty not to have done this for a long time, but it was because of this that he felt comfortable.

"Tell you one thing, I'm going to move this element furnace back, and don't transfer it with your will. Without the element furnace, your calculation can't continue." Said, Cervantes extended with a smile Two fingers, "Now, you have two choices, hand over the calculated things, and then die, or take those calculated things to die, anyway, I don't care about it-this side of me Long cares a lot, but I don't care about his attitude!"

Ziegler opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Cervantes did indeed... He didn't care about his attitude.

With a sigh, Ziegler looked at the Taling depressively and persuaded: "Give those things out, we are now a group of robbers. The dragon next to me is the robber leader. What he said, we are going to What to do, if you don’t hand over those things, you really have to take those things to death..."

After others heard these words, they got goose bumps, and they felt a little stunned and uncomfortable in their hearts.

They never think of themselves as a group of'robbers', they are explorers of the ruins, and they are the promoters of the future magical technology-these things, the Lord Lord has already told them while they were on the road.

However, if you change your perspective and think empathically, they really seem to be a group of robbers. What you are doing now is undoubtedly robbing others' property.

Although it was the enemy of the entire Slo Mendes continent that was robbed of the property, the "Arcane Empire", but after listening to Mr. Ziegler, they always had a pimple in their hearts.

"What are you going to do?" Cervantes asked again, this time he increased his tone and looked a little impatient.

"...In order to calculate this problem, I gathered these arcanists who should have been evacuated here for the reason of'destroying the element furnace', and killed them all, making a'super brain' that enhanced computing power. "

"In order to calculate the whole problem, I removed all the irrelevant "calculation" objects here, and after learning, I used these materials to make more computing power enhancement units, because I and I were born here for this. ."

"In order to calculate this problem, I spent almost nine hundred years... I am still a member of the empire, and I am still performing my task."

Taling slowly raised his hands, his expression was indifferent, "This task was given to me by the Supreme Council, and it can only be done by me, so I can't give those things to you."

The surging magic suddenly stopped for a moment, then suddenly burst out in all directions.

It doesn’t matter if it smashes the ‘human brain matrix’, it wants to kill these robbers, and only then can it continue its mission.

However, at the next moment, the burst of magic suddenly turned around after smashing the ‘Human Brain Matrix’ and the surrounding unknown devices, exploding in this huge empty space.

Ziegler raised his hands high, his hands clasped, as if grabbing something.

His face turned red, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth, glaring.

Just absorbing this part of the magic power has exhausted him, and can only support a maximum of two or three seconds.

But he also knows that two or three seconds is enough for that black dragon!

The "Reactive Shield" in front of Taring was suddenly excited. It looked at the cracks gradually opening up in the front shield. A fiery flaming fist broke through the barrier and hit the body.

The spirit suddenly began to blink, and even the figure could not be maintained.

Taring couldn't even be surprised, his body had disappeared above the element furnace.

Without Tarling’s control, Ziegler made it easier to restrain the bursting magic power. I saw countless runes floating out of his body, and quickly formed several circles around the element furnace. The irritable magic gradually subsided.

As the rune circle continued to shrink, the surging magic gradually became quiet.

Ziegler, who started the "legendary stance", closed the furnace of the elements. At least until they transported the furnace to Wind City, this layer of seal will not be unlocked.

Cervantes stood above the furnace of elements, saw Ziegler almost done, and jumped from the furnace.

He had decided long ago that if Ziegler could not seal in time, he would directly dismantle the element furnace. Although a stronger explosion might burst out, Ziegler should be able to control it. The members of the team will not die, and this institute will not collapse.

Some heartbroken glances at the books on the ground that were burned to ashes by the eruption of magic, Ziegler sighed again.

He had long known that such a thing would happen~www.NovelMTL.com~ So he tried to stop Cervantes from shooting, but unfortunately, he did not stop Cervantes.

Despite his heartache, he didn't care much.

Once he thought that the technology from the Arcane Empire was unattainable, but after a certain period of time, his ideas were reversed.

The technology of the Arcane Empire is not so advanced. Perhaps these books are a shortcut that can accelerate the development of the times, but even without those books, Assatom World is destined to embark on a development centered on the development of'magic technology'. path of.

The development of magic energy technology depends on various spells, no matter which spell system can be developed in this era.

So he didn't care much about it.

"Go, go back..." Ziegler shook his head and sighed, somehow, he felt his heart was tired.

"That Taling is not completely dead yet. When he recovers, we will have trouble if we want to go again. After all, this is its territory."

... m.

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