Duke of Grief

Chapter 949: dislike!

Ziegler's hand trembling slightly, he wanted to pass the cigarette **** to his mouth, but his arm shivered without listening.

The blood vessels on his forehead jumped straight, even if he didn't need to look in the mirror, he knew how terrible his face was now.

His mind was blank now, and he didn’t even have any ideas. He didn’t know what he was thinking or what he should think, but he just kept trying to bring the battle in the sky back to his eyes. Engrave into memory.

The mortal war has ended here, and the next is the war between gods and gods, even legends are difficult to participate in this kind of battle, unless it is like the old prince who has passed away, or like those who are quiet in the south. Around the mainland, continue to guard the old monsters of the Dragon Race, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the war.

If he were to make a choice, he would not choose to fight a powerful deity, let alone this deity or the magical master of this world...what did they do to defeat a powerful deity?

Even if Cervantes and Serena add up to be a'goddess of the earth', even after gaining legendary magic, earth veins and magic furnaces, even if there are tens of thousands of fanatical'believers' in this city Give him the power of faith, maybe Serena can really squeeze some power from it, but what's the use?

What they are facing now is a powerful divine power, how can they defeat such a powerful enemy?

Ziegler couldn't think of any results other than'failure'. Even at the level of the gods, most of the spell effects are no longer effective for them-even if Cervantes is not a real god, he is enough. Powerful-but even if it is the simplest battle, how can they beat a powerful god?

"Please give up, I have enough divine power to squander, but you only have this life."

Although this is said, the [Magic Net Spirit] released a [Magic Shockwave] to Cervantes. The magic shield in front of him condensed and strong only for part of the damage he resisted. 'S shock wave directly hit the black dragon's body.

This blow had made Cervantespi flesh, but a pair of fierce eyes still stared at [Magic Net Spirit].

He is not a real god. Although his strength can compete with the gods, he is not a **** and he cannot have a supernatural power.

This means that he cannot use [divine shield] to offset [divine shock wave]. What can he do with the magic shield?

So he can only use a body like steel to carry, no matter how many attacks need to use his body to carry!

But it was at this time that he was still laughing out loud: "Don't I say that? Go back!"

A huge dragon roar almost penetrated the ear of the Devil's Net. He looked at the legendary black dragon with bloodless expression on his head silently and raised his staff in silence.

The Legion of the Prayer belongs to him has fully retreated. Even if He does not distress the casualties of the Legion of Prayer, he will not let his subordinates die for no reason.

The storm gathered around them, thunder and lightning moved between the clouds and clouds, [Magic Net Spirit] looked at the black dragon in front of him indifferently, and watched him punching himself again and again, and the "magic shield" in front of him It will break soon after suffering a violent blow within seconds.

But this is useless...

At the moment when the Divine Shield broke, another Divine Shield appeared in front of the Spirit of the Demon Net. What is more desperate is that behind him is His Kingdom of God!

Even if this is just one of his incarnations, as long as he has a constant supply of divine power, even one incarnation can defeat Cervantes.

There is no mercy in the eyes of this deity. He has become a precision machine without self-thought in the impact of his beliefs. His actions are to make himself stronger and better maintain the order of the world. .

However, Cervantes does not accept it!

Even if everything he did was for the sake of the world and to maintain the order of the world, Cervantes did not like it!

He doesn't like the so-called fate, he doesn't like everything that he considers to be'bondage', this world is not only one way to go.

So he kept throwing his fists, hitting on the [Shield of Divine Power] in front of him like a violent storm, the flames and energy were blooming at the same time, even though his fists were already fleshed out and the bones were seen, he did not stop... …

Can't stop, won't stop, don't want to stop!

[Spirit of the Devil's Net] Just watching with cold eyes, the calm and calm look looks like an outsider, but he clasped his staff and commanded the storm and thunder.

The blood of the double fist swayed in the air, but it was ignored, and a greasy smile hung on his face, letting the blood burning like flames spew out, Cervantes used his fist and the wings behind him to push the position of the spirit of the magic net , One inch and one inch, one foot and one foot flew out of the city.

The body is made of steel, and the blood burns like flames!

The pulsating heart pushed the blood to flow in the blood vessels. The excited emotion ignited the magic contained in the blood. The flames filled the whole body of the black dragon. The fresh blood sprayed also ignited the surrounding void.

Listening to the lazy laughter coming from the ear, [Magic Net Spirit] showed his emotions for the first time after appearing.

He frowned slightly, and pointed the staff at the black dragon in front of him.

Hate him, hate him, hate him--

So, kill him!

At this moment, the thunderbolt integrated into the divine power obeyed the command of [Magic Net Spirit], and suddenly thrust at the black dragon.


Thunder blew, the electric light overflowed, and people's vision in the sky was occupied by the sudden burst of thunder, and the cheers came to an abrupt halt at this instant.

Looking at this scene, Ziegler showed a bitter smile, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes...

"Lord Lord Ten Thousand Years--"

At the moment when he closed his eyes, the crowd cheered suddenly in his ears. He opened his eyes in amazement and looked at the figure standing quietly in the sky.

He radiated endless light and heat this night, and brought light to people after the street lights went out.

The flames were floating behind him, like a glorious cloak, the moon was crowned by him, the imaginary crown was integrated into the fire, and Jin Cancan's light was so dazzling...

His hair was raised by an electric shock, but the enemy standing in front of him was no better!

[Spirit of the Devil's Net] The hand holding the staff trembles, and after more than 800 years, He once again gained ‘anger’.

"It's not you..." He said softly, but there was anger in his eyes. "Someone took my magic... But that's not you!"

At the moment when he launched the magic, the Divine Shield happened to be shattered, but the sky-high thunder was enough to kill the black dragon, so he did nothing more.

However, what he did not expect was that someone could take away his magic!

Although he only seized part of the control, he is the master of all the magic in this world. How could anyone dare to seize his magic? !

Cervantes grinned at the mouth~www.NovelMTL.com~ said proudly: "That's natural, after all, I'm only half of the "God of the Earth"!"

Immediately after that, Black Dragon narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked: "Right, did you still play well?"

The old pope and the head of the knight seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked back, slightly stunned, then kneeled on one knee at the same time, and dropped his head, "My Lord!"

With a serious expression, latinia hidden in her eyebrows and holding her daughter slowly walked out of the temple and looked up at the sky.

The priests who had already prepared for battle outside the temple saw the gods of their faith appear and knelt on one knee.

Latinia just raised a hand and pointed to the sky.

Then, Cervantes burst into flames, laughing wildly, and the laughter stabbed the ear of [Magic Net Spirit].

"The second round, the offensive and defensive interchange!!!"

... m.

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