Duke of Grief

Chapter 948: God fight!


A roar of a dragon roared through the world, and people couldn't help covering their ears, but they still opened their mouths wide, screaming, and gazing wildly at the sky.

Yes, just like it was a few years ago!

A few years ago, their lord, who had just inherited the territory, did not even have the status of maid and grown-up in their hearts, but at that time, they saw that one of them was described as'evil in the legend and the knight. The'Extreme' Black Dragon spared his life to fight a god.

‘Just’ is just because a village was slaughtered by cultists. Although it is a bit unpleasant to say, how can people who live in this era take care of such things? How can there be time and energy to deal with these things?

When this incident spreads, it will bring fear to them, but besides, they still have to live and do what they should do, in addition to worrying, they are scared when they are free, fearing that they will also become cultists They can’t do anything except the dead souls under the sword.

But on that day, their lord lord and maid lord resolutely declared war with the cultists, and their declaration of war shocked everyone's heart.

But at the time, they did not regard it as one thing. After all, it had nothing to do with themselves, and the old duke had also led a team to kill many cultists, but there are still cultists active on this land. .

It was in that situation that their lord and maid grew up not only beheading all the cultists in the village, but also fighting against the evil gods that the cultists believed in--

For civilians, just civilians in a village, no dignitaries died in that killing, but this black dragon, who should be ‘evil’ in their impression, chose to fight a demon god!

Since then, he has become one of the unshakable beliefs in their hearts. Like his father, he has successfully broken into the hearts of countless mournful civilians.

This time, although he is no longer an enemy of God for civilians, where can he control so much at this time?

The red flame gushed from the roar of the black dragon. The magic and fire elements quickly coagulated, and the cone-shaped flame burned the whole sky.

what! ! ! ! !

There were constant screams from the sea of ​​fire suspended in the sky. Even if the rays continued to break through the barrier of the fire, but when they hit Cervantes, they were instantly extinguished.

He is the king of this earth, and everything in this heaven and earth will obey his orders!

He said that magic would be destroyed, then it would be destroyed. He said that the convergence of elements and magic would collapse, and then the brilliance of magic alone would collapse.

He is the wind of Cervantes Doig wailing, the unique [Dragon of Steel] in this world, the monarch of this land, the ‘God of the Earth’!

Cervantes laughed arrogantly, but this is not evil, this is overbearing!

"[Spirit of the Devil's Net], don't you really come out in person?!" He raised his head high and grinned, yelling at the **** behind the space door.

He knew very well that behind that gate was the [Spirit of the Devil's Net], in which he possessed countless divine powers, and the recruiters and the army of the Holy Spirit were free to move him.

However, in the war between God and God, there is no place for the weak. Even if the prayers and the Holy Spirit are strong enough, they have already died once. After the wash of the Styx, except for the devil king , Who else can remain strong during his lifetime?


Then they are just a group of weak people. How can an army of weak people face the gods?

The constant magic power supported Cervantes' "legendary stance", and everything about him matched the maid standing on the tower. Even, the power of faith was being transported from those fanatical people to his In his body, even if he can't transform it into'divine power', all this is supporting him.

The sum of him and Serena is not just ‘like a god’, but a real god!

At this moment, the flames in the sky stopped beating, the gusty wind stopped, the mist of water solidified in the air, everything stopped.

——【Supernatural Power·Time Stop】!

A thin figure slowly stepped out of the space door. In front of him, the flame barrier automatically separated, and all eyes would be focused on him.

[Spirit of the Magic Net] is wearing a simple black mage robe, and a pair of glasses that looks quite heavy on the nose. The appearance is not beautiful, but it has a strange attraction.

The empty eyes cast his sight on the flaming dragon, and he said lightly: "What are you laughing at?"

Since he appeared in this sky, Cervantes began to laugh wildly, and until now, his wicked laughter has not stopped.

"Because you're here..." Cervantes smiled, his gaze focused on the god.

The corners of his mouth grinned to both sides, and the iconic grin appeared on his face again, "In this way, I can end this war!"

[Spirit of the Magic Net] The eyes hidden behind the two thick lenses flickered slightly and said again, "Please give me that priesthood."

"No!" Cervantes laughed again, and then his huge body suddenly disappeared into the sky.

[Spirit of the Devil's Net] Immediately raised his staff, and countless magical lights flashed in front of him. The next moment, the figure of Cervantes appeared in the sky again, but this time he appeared in human form. Here now.

He raised his fist high, regardless of the magic that was constantly on his body, because there was less than three feet in front of him, and a **** was standing-the **** that was hostile to him!

Countless magic bombed the black dragon, but those spells did not contain any divine power, how could it hurt Cervantes?

The grinning laughter caused the people to boil again, and in their cry, Cervantes threw a punch.

Flames lingered on it, and the energy was hidden in it. The huge force rolled the frozen wind, and the magic began to gather according to the command.

A fist is constantly magnifying in the field of vision of [Magic Net Spirit]. He tried to blink, but somehow, the surrounding sky has been covered with unreal magic circles, representing the chain of'blocking' across the sky and the earth. To lock this space firmly.

But only at this moment, [Spirit of the Devil's Net] has gone through millions of thoughts and calculations, and the layers of shields are constantly appearing in front of him, but they are quickly broken under that one fistless fist.

But this also blocked the attack for a moment. In this brief moment, He has resolved the surrounding environment. The next moment, the endless seal will come on this land.

The street lights began to extinguish, and even the magic furnace of the Master Tower stopped running, and slowly landed from midair.

The wizards have lost their ability to cast spells, and this is the consequence of their resistance to [Magic Net Spirit], the ‘magic master’ of the Assatom world.

But ~www.NovelMTL.com~ This is not absolute!

[Xinghai Zhou] The mages have done everything they can, the sluice has fallen again, and the mortal war has ended...

Selena stood at the top of the tower and suddenly stepped out, stepping on the void in front.

Her skin is gradually becoming transparent, and countless formulas and models are manifesting in her body. These symbols constitute her body, making her soul break through the blockade, and then master the magic.

The next moment, she rose in the wind and flew to the sky.

——【Legendary Gesture·General Knowledge】!

Cervantes' eyes shone with the radiance of ‘divineness’, looking at the shield of thorns in front of him, but with a smile, he shattered it with his fist.

Next is the war between God and God!

... m.

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