Duke of Grief

Chapter 950: Escaped...

[Magic Net Spirit] Looking at the black dragon in front of his eyes, his pupil shrank, and the figure disappeared into the air at the next moment.

Cervantes's smile froze in his face, his expression a little dumbfounded, and it seemed that he hadn't been able to respond to what happened.

Oh, yes, from the beginning just now, the "Miscellaneous Lock" has been temporarily turned off, and even the magic furnace can not provide him with energy supply, so [Magic Net Spirit] can also use teleport...

At the next moment, the street lights on the street lit up one after another, and people recovered from the frenzy, and looked around in confusion.

At this moment, two deafening binges appeared in the sky:

"Bitch, what do you **** want to do to my daughter?!"

"What do you want to do to my daughter?!"

They looked up in surprise again, but saw that the sun in the night sky fell rapidly towards their location, and the boundless sense of oppression suddenly enveloped people's hearts.

They couldn't tell whose voice it was, but Ziegler blinked, but suddenly took a step towards the Temple of Fortune.

In front of the temple of fortune in the temple area, the clergy were chaotic. The priests were deterred by the coercion of the gods. They could only stay where they were and watched the hostile god's belief in their beliefs, but could not move.

Latina didn't even have time to say anything, she already pulled a flail from the void around her and fell to the spirit of the magic net.


[Divine Shield] withstood the attack from one **** and two legends. Although it only supported this second, for [Magic Net Spirit], this blink time is enough!

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Joanna, who was protected by Lattina behind her. Latinia, who was about to spray out despite the anger in her eyes, passed her.

But at this moment, a staff appeared out of thin air, pulled towards the head of the [Magic Net Spirit], and flew him out hard.

The dizzying maid came out of the space door on the side. She gritted her teeth and watched the magic spirit of the magic net that was blown out and tumbling twice on the ground. The unretracted staff slammed to the ground and the chain was renewed. Imprisoned the city's space.

[Spirit of the Devil's Net] Before he could stand up, the violent black dragon came down from the sky, wrapped in the violent wind and flames, and bombarded him with a huge acceleration of gravity.


Before that, the maid's staff was another meal, and the land around Cervantes' land suddenly swelled up. A cylindrical slab surrounded them, and the impact was transmitted to the circle of slabs.

A moment later, the stone slab burst, but at this time, Latiniah raised a palm and shaped the magic around the stone slab, solidifying the air and the gravel together.

Although she could not stop the two guys in the middle of the battlefield together, she was able to protect her followers from harm.

Some rubble passed the priests, and some rubble just hovered in front of them, scaring them out of the cold sweat, looking straight at the stone in front of them that almost killed themselves Block, the brain is blank, the only thought is'I am dying'.

When the slate burst, the staff in the maid's hand uncontrollably bounced off the ground, but she was not a bit frustrated and annoyed.

She looked at the black dragon's eyes, and even couldn't help grinning, the madness in her eyes was exactly the same as that of Cervantes-no different!

At this moment, she clenched her staff and swayed her. At the same time, Latina also let go of the control of the gravel.

Just like time backtracking, the sonic boom in the sky just spread out, but the backtracking stone suddenly smashed to the **** stepped on by Cervantes!

The black dragon jumped up and stood in the air, watching the gravel hit the **** piece by piece, and could not help laughing.

Although he knew that it had no effect at all, he just liked it.

The incarnation of [Magic Net Spirit] was shrouded in the gravel pile, and the anger in his eyes grew stronger.

He was seized by that woman with magic, and now, she came to stop him again!

Cervantes stood in the air and laughed for a while, and suddenly felt something was not right.

The light spot drifted through the gaps in the gravel pile, slowly drifting towards the sky.

He looked up sharply, but his eyes widened!

That crack in the sky is actually healing? !

He looked down, and Serena knew what he was doing, causing the rubble to collapse, but there was nothing in it.


Cervantes ripped the corners of his mouth, and at this moment, he had a particularly ridiculous feeling.

The magnificent [Magic Net Spirit], a deity with a powerful divine power escaped at this time?

"Because at this time, it is impossible for him to **** the'Internet' priesthood from us." The maid sighed, and the brain came to this answer after thousands of thoughts in a short time.

"Maybe it seems ridiculous to us, but [Magic Net Spirit] is not a **** in the traditional sense. He has lost his thoughts. Although he will feel angry, shocked, and has some emotions, he will not Possessing such things as'shame'-after it is determined that it is impossible to steal the'network' priesthood from us, even if it can be robbed, it will cause a lot of losses, most likely it will be both defeated. After determining that all is worth the loss, he left……"

This may be the closest guess to the correct answer. Besides, the maid can't think of other answers.

The channel between Sloane Mendes and the Kingdom of God has been blocked by [Magic Net Spirit] himself, and even if he did not pass the way just now, even he himself could not come to Sloane Mendes. This is the only way to isolate the deity and the kingdom of God.

The **** of brilliance is the most powerful **** in the world. If he does not do it thoroughly, the **** may find flaws and break through the blockade and return to his own kingdom.

Once the God of Glory returned to his own kingdom, the first thing he had to do was to settle accounts with [Magic Net Spirit], so [Magic Net Spirit] could not stay, leaving a flaw for himself.

Unless he is willing to lose an incarnation, he should have returned to his kingdom of God from Sloane Mendes by now.

However, after this situation occurred, they all raised their vigilance. [Magic Net Spirit] was no longer able to obtain the "network" priesthood from Joanna, accompanied by several parents. Under their protection, what was that **** Can't do it.

So the maid can be sure that the war is over.

Cervantes fell from the sky with an unhappy face. He had been beaten all the time before. He didn't even hurt the half-point fur of [Magic Net Spirit], but the guy just ran like this, which made him uneasy. .

However, he also knew that he had a few pounds or even a few pounds. Even with the support of Latina, he might not be able to fight [Spirit of the Devil's Net], or it should be said, "The hope of victory is extremely slim."

The maid was relieved, and if Cervantes was here~www.NovelMTL.com~ she didn't need to keep vigilant.

Then she turned her head and looked at it with a weird look at Latinia and the flail in her hand. "Weak? Don't know how to fight?"

Latinia blushed old, hiding the flail, and said with a smile: "Oh, this is the previous thing..."

Ziegler and Hill arrived late, only to find that [Magic Net Spirit] had disappeared, and they were relieved.

Cervantes walked towards Joanna, reached out and hugged Joanna who had been deflated and buried her head behind her mother.

Gently holding his daughter in his arms, he smiled and asked Latina: "How is it going?"

Latina knew what he was asking, and he was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly complicated.

She frowned slightly and sighed: "This... the situation is a bit complicated, go back and say more!"

... m.

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