Duke of Grief

Chapter 933: Wang Ting heard

"Without that stupid dragon, I'm not used to it..." Latinia looked around and murmured.

After she had become accustomed to the black dragon that often screamed around her, he disappeared all at once and had to say that no one could get used to it.

Joanna sat in the arms of her biological mother, but this is just an appearance. In fact, she is performing multi-threading operations-this is a skill she just learned recently.

While maintaining the shape of this side, while operating the Windy City's fan lock, she could not do this kind of thing before.

"You used to be annoying when he was there, but now he is no longer, and you say you are not used to it..." The maid took the time to glance up at the goddess, shaking her head and sighing, "Who knows what you are thinking!"

"Women are fickle!" Seeing what the maid was about to say, Latinia hurriedly added: "So is the goddess!"

"Sera, I'm back! Do you miss me?"

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Cervantes' light voice came in. Just now, some lamented Latinia sank her face again.

Looking at her appearance, the maid couldn't help but laugh, jokingly: "Latina, what did you say just now?"

With a black face, Latinia silently watched her daughter break free from her arms and flew towards the office door, turning her head and humming: "I didn't say anything!"

After laughing for a while, Serena supported her chin with one hand, looked at Cervantes, and asked, "Seth, how is it going to go to the elven king's court this time?"

Hearing Joanna’s Black Dragon for a moment, he froze for a moment, rubbing his chin for a moment, and summed up what he saw and heard in the past few days: "In general, it feels not very good. The cultural difference between elves and humans is too great. , If you want to further cooperate with them, there may be a lot of trouble, but if you look at it from the commercial value alone, it may be a good partner."

Latinia glanced at Cervantes, and she was not surprised by it. The black dragon just didn’t like to use her brains, but she was actually very smart, or it should be said that this group of dragons except the white dragon There is no other clan to deal with.

"So how does the elf react to our mission?" Then, the maid lowered her head again and used her two minds, asking questions while looking at the file in her hand.

Cervantes took Joanna and sat next to Latina. Hearing this question, he thought for a while, "Maybe it is because there is a big difference between the humans of the mission and the elves, even if there is no After some propaganda, ordinary elf civilians showed too much disgust towards us. After learning that the mission was from our Principality, according to the mission report, the attitude of the elven civilians towards them was much better, and even some elves still Some people will be invited to enjoy their food together... In general, the elven civilians have a very kind attitude towards our Principality, which should include the continuous promotion of the elven king, and the credit of the elven slaves who were rescued! "

The winds of the mournful people in the Principality have been contaminated by Moxue, and they have quite a lot of Warcraft bloodlines. During that period, almost all the people who grew up on this land have appeared the phenomenon of blood awakening. So that most of the Principality people now have the characteristics of a little beast. Only the settlers and the few local residents who do not show obvious characteristics are more like humans in the impression of elves.

This is a minus point in human society, but when it comes to elves, it becomes a plus point. I have to say that it is quite ironic.

"You should have inspected the plant factory there, what is your opinion?" The maid continued to ask.

Joanna, who was tired of playing with her mother, raised her head again and pulled the sleeve of her dad. Cervantes lowered her head and smiled at her righteous daughter, and then said: "There are indeed some different places. We rely more on "natural", if we say "processing", then they are "improvement"-research and development on the basis of the original, but can not break through certain restrictions, but there is also an advantage, that is convenient and fast , Can even be described as'simple'! Even if it is just an ordinary elf civilian, as long as he learns how to use some natural spells and has new ideas, then he can try it. Although this production method is quite slow , But it is in line with the characteristics of the race of elves, the elven king is really a rare talent!"

Elves are of this nature, and forcing them to do things would be counterproductive, but if they do things along their temperament, if they have spare time, they may help.

This race almost exerted the word "free and scattered" to the extreme, and it is no wonder that they will be reduced to the present situation.

"What do you think about the elves, elder councils, guards, and elves civilians if our people are going to live in the elven king's court, or want elves to live on our side?" Looking at Cervantes, this is what she wants to know most now.

Even Latinia stopped looking at her childishly and looked at Cervantes.

It seemed to feel something, Joanna looked at her two mothers curiously, and then looked at her dad, and became quiet.

"So say this..." Cervantes brewed for a while, "The Elven King is supportive of this; I have been in contact with them in the elder council, although I am not disgusted, but I am opposed to this matter. , I think we need to know more about it; the Guards Corps needless to say, neither support nor oppose, or say, support and oppose each other; and the elf civilians..."

Speaking of which, Cervantes lowered his mouth and sighed: "They have a good impression on us, but they hate'humans' very much, so when the envoys mention this, their emotions will be a little bit Excited, obviously, they don’t like this question."

Then there is nothing to expect... The maid was a little disappointed. All the elves agreed with the position of "elf king", but at the same time, not all of them would obey the instructions of the elf king.

Generally speaking, only elves with direct affiliation with the elven king will obey the elven king's dispatch, such as the Guards Corps and other elven soldiers.

The maid frowned and thought, and Latina hurriedly asked at this time: "So are they willing to do business with us?"

She now wants to know the answer to this question. All the time, it is the elven merchants who trade between Wind City and the elven king’s court. The footsteps of human merchants have never involved the elven king’s court, although as long as there is commercial activity, she can get it. A certain amount of divine power, but as long as the human merchant can't involve the elven king's court for a day, she can't improve her divine personality.

Latinia has always wanted to make ‘trade’ her main priesthood~www.NovelMTL.com~ Even if this is dangerous, if there is a crisis in trade, her personality may be reduced.

But compared to the incomplete priest that has been divided by many deities, the "trade" priest can make her a ``powerful divine force''!

And the ‘Fortune’ priesthood will imprison her in the world of Assatom, but if it’s a ‘trade’ priesthood, once the world of Assatom meets with other worlds, then she can go further.

"If this is the case, they are quite welcome!"

Cervantes gave an affirmative answer. At this time, he remembered what the Elven King said to him, and he could not help but sigh with emotion: "The Elven King said that the elf does not need money, but The elves need it-this is probably the most authentic portrayal of elves now!"

Elves can be self-sufficient, even if they have trading behavior, they can mostly trade things for things, but the elves are not. If they want to integrate into the current Sloane Mendes continent and want to occupy a place on the present continent stage, they need Master a certain right to speak, whether it is force, culture or economy...

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