Duke of Grief

Chapter 934: New technology

"New technology! Gregory, new technology!!!"

The door to the office was beaten repeatedly, and Gregory frowned and looked up, not even listening carefully to know that it was Calvin's voice.

He was too familiar with this voice, and I don’t know why Calvin so desperately slammed the door...if it’s just ‘new technology’, can he be so excited?

Gregory lowered his head, looked at his left hand, raised his finger, the operation that closed the door was unlocked, then Calvin suddenly pushed the door in, and his other hand was still clenched tightly. With a book and the thickness, it should be a magazine.

After thinking for a while, Gregory suddenly sounded that today is the release date of "Magic".

Wait, Calvin just called out "new technology", that is to say, is there any new technology published in this magazine?

Gregory suddenly became a little dry, he seemed to understand the meaning of the issue of "Magazine"!

Perhaps, the maidservant and the legendary mages not only used ‘magazine’ to popularize certain knowledge to guide the development of magical technology, but they also wanted to make ‘technical development’ public!

"What new technology?" Gregory Horan clapped the table and startled Calvin, who had just pushed the door in, but when he reacted, he was excited again.

"Magic alloy! New magic alloy!" Calvin waved excitedly the latest issue of "Magic" and yelled at Gregory: "Do you know? The new magic alloy can make magic related The cost of things is a brand new alloy that has plummeted! And there is also a'formula' published above, do you know what this means?"

Gregory didn’t answer, Calvin replied: “This means we can also produce this magic alloy, as long as we pay a certain'property fee' to the manufacturer, we can put it into production. Among them!"

Looking at the excited face of Calvin's blood, Gregory noticed a brand new phrase keenly, "'Property right'? What is property right?"

This phrase is very simple, that is, a combination of the words ‘product’ and ‘right’, but Gregorian can’t figure it out. Since the formula for manufacturing has been published, why mention this thing?

Calvin froze for a moment, then explained with a smile: "Oh, "property right" is a brand-new concept proposed by the maidservant Serena. This alloy was actually developed by [Xinghai Zhou]. In fact, [Xinghai Zhizhou] and the developers themselves each own half of the'product's'disposal right'. The'property fee' we need to pay is the cost of buying this product. Before investing in'commercial', we can do it ourselves Experiment to see if this product is really correct and effective. If it is confirmed that it can be used and we also want to use it, we need to pay a certain fee to buy the right to use this technology-this is The concepts presented in this issue of "Magic", which are also explained above, do not require us to spend our time to understand."

"Since it has already been announced, then we still need to pay a certain fee?" Gregory was a little puzzled. If the concept was not proposed by the maidservant but by others, then he must think that the person's head was broken,

"That means... everything depends on consciousness?" Gregory asked incredulously.

Calvin smiled, put his hand down, and nodded. "Yes, everything depends on consciousness. Maybe the maidservant wanted to "throw the bricks and attract the jade." Use this method to promote a new R&D concept!"

Gregory frowned deeply, his hands supporting the table, and fell into contemplation.

"...To be honest, if it is someone else, I will definitely think that he is crazy, this kind of "reliance on self-consciousness" will only bring countless losses to the developers." Grie bit his lip. Gaoli sighed, "But the maid chief should think further than us, she is cautious, and there is a lady of wealth beside her, she should not do such stupid things..."

"You mean..." Calvin hesitated. "The maidservant actually has a follow-up?"

"Even if there is no follow-up, as long as she puts forward this concept, the organization that uses this technology unluckily will be unlucky." Gregory walked towards Calvin and took the book that was crumpled by him. "Magic", after ironing it, open it for reading.

While reading, Gregory said: "The payment of the "property fee" must go through the Wealth Church. With the guarantee of the lady of wealth, no one dares to embezzle the "property fee", and once paid, it may still be available. 'Payment receipt'-this is also the behavior being implemented recently by the Fortune Church, but not many people have paid attention to it. Presumably this time it should be a joint action of the "Starship Boat" and the Fortune Church."

"Even if someone dared to use it without paying the "property fee", the maidservant would accuse them in front of the public, not to mention other places, just from a "magic world" can make them lose their reputation, unless someone does not want to be in This world is mixed, otherwise, they will inevitably pay the'property fee', which can promote the development trend of magic technology! This means that as long as a new technology is successfully developed, there is no need for the mage organization itself. Others pay for developers..."

With that said, Gregory suddenly gleamed, because he thought of the guys who didn't care about his reputation at all—the notorious cultists!

They can also buy the magazine "Magic", maybe other knowledge is also very important for them, but unlike this kind of magic alloy, they can improve their strength in a short time. .

In this case, the maidservant should have thought of this too, that is to say, the formula above may not be complete. They can be used for experiments, but they may not be used for ‘production’!

This is not the case, it is not necessary to rely on consciousness at all, but if you do not pay the property rights fee, it is impossible to know the subsequent knowledge and carry out mass production.

After Gregory figured out this joint, he explained his guess to Calvin.

This time, Calvin also suddenly realized.

"Which can let people know the emergence of a new technology and promote a new research and development concept, the maidservant really is very powerful..." Calvin couldn't help but admire.

Although this is just a guess, they are probably the truth.

"By Calvin, have you experimented yet?" Gregory suddenly thought of this question and hurriedly asked.

Calvin stunned slightly and shook his head. "No..."

"Run the experiment as soon as possible, and then get the results as soon as possible, so that we can apply to His Majesty for the budget!" Gregory frowned, "The title fee of this magic alloy must not be too low~www.NovelMTL.com ~So we have to be fast!"

Now the finances of the entire empire are not in the hands of the royal family, but in the hands of a'financial department', which is mainly controlled by a large noble of a certain family.

The various ministries held each other in check and established a new political system for today's empire.

This is one of the reasons why the nobles are willing to join the royal family and let the empire change the political system.

They must go to the experiment as soon as possible, otherwise, the budget may have to apply for a considerable period of time, if other countries have already put this technology into production during this period, what should they do?

Calvin's eyes widened and he nodded immediately, "Okay! I'll go!"

Now, they are racing against the clock!

All of this must be done as soon as possible. Once this technology is put into use, it is not an exaggeration to say that this society will bring about a tremendous change. Remember the site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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