Duke of Grief

Chapter 932: In the fairy court (below)

   is said to be a ‘factory’, but in fact, the surrounding area is surrounded by railings, and a place is circled, which is regarded as a ‘plant factory’.

It is foreseeable that, just like the elves, the elven races will soon embark on the path of coexistence with the "plants". Unfortunately, their ancestors did not leave much information for them. It is conceivable to give up That path was a decision made by their ancestors themselves.

   Otherwise, the current Sloane Mendes continent will definitely not be able to dominate humanity.

   And Cervantes also found that the elves have a characteristic, that is, they like the sad spring and autumn, even the elven king around them.

   "...If it were not for the ancestors who abandoned this road, maybe now we will not fall into this situation."

  In just ten minutes, the elven king has sighed on the subject three times, and since they entered the factory, he has been sighing for a long time.

  Let Cervantes look at his eyes a little bit wrong-originally he also thought that the elven king was a courageous ruler, not like the peers like to look back at the past, but looked at the future.

Facts have proved that he was very wrong. It is not that the Elven King does not like to look back at the past, but because he hides it well enough. For the development of the elven clan, he must turn his attention to the future, and he does not need to do so in the future. At that time, he will again express his feelings and sighs to the past history like an ordinary elf.

   Cervantes shook his head, throwing away the messy thoughts in his head, looked at the plants around him, and asked with some doubt: "Is these plants... all considered'maternal'?"

"...Isn't that right!" The Elven King pondered, "His Grand Duke, the plants you see are actually "experiments". As long as we have new ideas, we will experiment here. The same is true of several other factories, the only difference is that the environment required for plant growth is different."

Looking around, the Elf King suddenly felt a little emotion in his heart: "Unlike the human factory, we are implementing'research and development' and'production' coexistence. After all, the technology used is very different, and our technology can be done To experiment while producing, and this system is more suitable for our elves..."

   Speaking of which, the elven king couldn't help laughing.

   Elves are born to be free and sloppy. There is hardly anything to restrain their hearts. Apart from a little ethnic feeling, there is hardly anything to connect them.

  Not to mention other people, even the elf king himself, otherwise he wouldn't play with sex, he would leave his job and leave, and he ran out to become Cervantes' guide.

   This system is indeed more suitable for elves. The system of forced work is for the elves to intend to imprison them. Unless it is the point of life and death of racial survival, they will never easily compromise.

"If R&D is unsuccessful, we can make it'degraded', and our research is just to add something we need on the basis of the original plant. It is not difficult to make it'degraded'." Generally speaking, the elf king patted a tree beside him, squeezed his eyes at Cervantes, and smiled: "Like this tree, we have been experimenting recently to make a tree knot Fruits that taste like meat and improve nutrition. Although it may be more convenient to slaughter the beast directly, if only planting a kind of fruit tree can let the civilians get more nutrition, then I think that this fruit tree should be Big sale. The nobles may not need it, but the people they need do, which can save them a lot of money!"

   The once pure and flawless elves have also become market gangs. Obviously they once hated human nobles, but now...

   "Kevin, do you really want to do this?" Cervantes asked suddenly, without a word.

The Elven King froze for a moment, and then the smile on his face faded away, sighing, "The elves don't need money, but the elves need them. Your Excellency, I know what you want to ask, I can answer you-until now, I Nobles who are very disgusted with humans, even the nobles of your Principality of mourning winds. In my eyes, they are completely a walking'trash can', which contains everything, but it is all garbage."

"However, for the sake of race development, I have to contact them, even if I haven't seen them with my own eyes, but with the gradual development of business, humans will also walk into the stars and the bright moon forest. , I think I will still see a bunch of greedy eyes hidden."

The Elven King pointed to his head and said lightly: "As long as our face is still so beautiful, people who want to hit our minds will never disappear. This is why I especially want to thank you in this era. There is also a group of people who are so upright, so simple, and willing to help our elves.

   Cervantes looked at the king, and said coldly: "If I said that our original purpose was actually to develop business, do you believe it?"

Pulling the corner of his mouth, the Elven King smiled helplessly: "What do you believe? No matter what you want to do at the beginning, what is the starting point, you have helped us. Just do good things badly, as long as you don't hurt Us, then we can accept..."

   The elven king is actually very sad. Cervantes can see that he is an elf with mental cleanliness, but for the sake of his race, he must discard those things that are of no use to the race.

  Maybe after saying this, the elf king will feel a little uncomfortable, but he will continue to cooperate with their principality-this is the only way out for the elves!

   The Kurkut Empire is still a country controlled by nobles. For elves, no noble is credible. Even if a few nobles still hold the ‘noble spirit’, how is that related to the insatiableness of most nobles?

   "This is one of our factories ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Our future blueprint will be depicted here..." Looking around, the Elven King whispered softly.

   Cervantes didn't disturb the Elven King's emotions. Here, he was just a guest, a special guest who was given the task of observing Elven Clan!

   "The age of "magic energy" is coming, and the future of this world will be guided by "magic"..." As the king of elves couldn't help laughing at himself.

   Obviously, they hate such things as ‘magic’, but they have to go to a new era under the guidance of ‘magic’.

   They have their own natural spells, but in terms of creativity, they have been difficult to catch up with human beings for many years. Only with the help of their allies can they continue to push this broken and broken ship to continue sailing.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, how is the development of your "network" over there?"

  At this time, the Elven King suddenly remembered this matter.

  If this thing goes well, their elves will be able to use this force to surpass many countries and formally enter the eyes of human nobles.

  He is very curious and eager now.

  If the'Internet' can be formed as soon as possible, the pace of their elves' rise can be accelerated much faster.

   They use their own technology, but since the standard has been set from the beginning, as long as the local master organizations have completed the construction of the "network node", the "Internet" can be connected at any time.


   Cervantes thought for a moment and nodded, "We are almost over there, just don't know what the other people are doing."

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