Duke of Grief

Chapter 927: progress

?"Natural disaster swept through the road, heavy snow closed...

Ruhrno frowned tightly, and gently lowered the report in his hand.

These are just superficial things, and the actual situation he has learned from the maidservant Serena.

The Dragon Hunting Regiment and the group of bones dared to make such a thing to deal with the Principality of Gale Wind, and maybe dare to use them against them, plus their army was not as elite as the soldiers of the Principality, Most of them are still a group of greedy life-and-death gangsters, maybe it is really possible!

But what they haven’t dealt with all along is the ‘Eyes of omniscience’, but since the Dragon Hunting Rebellion is in trouble during this tense period, they also need to be more prepared.

The **** cultists will never let them worry, especially after they have vaguely guessed what hidden contact the'eye of omniscience' and'Dragon Hunter' might have with the arcane empire. Even more irritable.

Now no matter what kind of cultists are restless, **** sacrifices appear frequently. If there is no accident, it is now just a beginning.

The people of the Dragon Hunter Church are so presumptuous and dare to calculate the life of a country’s ruler-perhaps in their view, this is not a big deal, they just want to follow their own plans, but in Runo, these people look Come, this is a big deal!

And it's still a big deal!

If organizations such as the Dragon Hunting Order want to make the situation on the mainland chaotic, then Ruerno and others need to be vigilant, even if their purpose may not be this, just to deal with the Serena maid Long, but in any case, there can be no fluke in this matter.

Ruhrno sighed. Because of the root cause he left behind, his energy is not as strong as in previous years. Every year he can feel that he is aging, but there are still many things in this empire that he needs to do. So he can't die yet.

Not only can he not die, neither Charlemagne nor Elba can die. The most important thing is his student, now the emperor of the Kurkut Empire.

These people are in high positions, so they cannot have the slightest chance of luck, because even they themselves do not know how much power is secretly prepared to deal with them.

The news hasn't spread yet. Once the resurrection of the Sloane Mendes continent by the "Undead Nation" has spread, it may become panic-stricken.

Especially those small countries, they do not have enough power to protect themselves. If the undead monarch really appears on this continent, even if there is only one, their country may be destroyed.

This world has never been fair. Take the black dragon of the Principality of the Windy Wind, for example, he alone can compete against several legends. If it is not for quick battle or quick decision or to protect someone, Rurno estimates the enemy It's impossible to even hurt him.

Ordinary undead monarchs may not be strong, but they are not something that ordinary legends can deal with. They have learned a lot in the long years, and they also have a legion, which is difficult for human legends to possess.

If a country suffers from the scourge of undead, then other countries may not even care about themselves. Where can they find the energy to help other countries?

Most people in this era are selfish and self-interested. They don’t understand the truth of ‘cold lips and teeth.’ Even if they understand, they won’t do anything, because that doesn’t have any obvious benefits for them.

Thinking of this, Ruhrno couldn't help but sighed deeply again, and the blood vessels in the forehead jumped suddenly.

"Teacher, is there anything you asked me to do?"

After knocking on the door a few times, Donald Mueller pushed the door in and answered.

Rurno Luches was once the chief of the association and the teacher of many mages in the association. Charlemagne and Elba did not like to do this kind of thing, and the burden fell on his shoulders.

He wants to make the empire stronger and stronger, so the progress of magic is indispensable. He wants to cultivate as many good mages as possible, but he did not expect that he would be calculated by the heir he likes in the end.

Now that his life is about to end, these thoughts are lightened, but there are indeed many students, and Donald Mueller is one of them.

"How is the first energized pontoon?" Rurno said briefly to those annoying questions and asked his students lightly.

He personally followed up the project. He had also been to the site before and helped solve several important problems. Now that he has entered the experimental stage, he hasn't gone again.

Although it is still impossible to achieve mass production now, with the advent of the magic wave, a new type of transportation must appear in their empire. Only in this way can it be ensured that material transportation does not depend on other forces.

"The experiment has entered the final stage..." Donald stopped talking.

Ruerno glanced away and said in a deep voice: "If there is any difficulty, just say that now the Empire needs this technology!"

Donald hesitated for a moment and gritted his teeth: "If you want to use the "electricity to magic" technology, the energy required for the floating boat will increase a lot, but if you don't use this technology, the cost will be difficult to reduce, and our floating Nothing that does not conform to the "aerodynamics" can appear on the boat, so it is not possible to install a wind turbine. In this way, the floating boat can only fly for a certain distance, and at most it can only cross three viscounts and must replenish energy. , Otherwise it may crash!"

After all, it is still a question of ‘energy storage’.

Ruerno frowned, this problem had troubled them for a long time, and until now it has not been completely resolved.

They have done some experiments, and the experiments have proved that [Energy Storage] can be engraved on many kinds of materials. Even rocks can become energy carriers, but the amount of storage can be very small.

However, they cannot engrave [storage] law circles on the surface of the floating boat. These positions must be reserved for other runes and law circles. The control system and flight system of the floating boat need to be engraved on these places. .

In order to allow the floating boat to save as much energy as possible, they have tried to make the floating boat's appearance close to the so-called'aerodynamics', modified the shape and made it into a'bird shape', and sacrificed many spaces and functions.

Although all runes and law formations can be combined using the [co-law] law formation, the energy consumption is greatly reduced, but the energy consumption of floating boats is still quite large.

Sometimes Ruerno is still thinking, is he really doing something wrong, floating boat is really not suitable for today's world.

But besides that, they have no other strengths and cannot create other new vehicles, just like the steam locomotive of the Ogden Empire, which requires many mechanics who are proficient in "Mechanics" to make, but There are not so many mechanics in their empire.

At this moment, the door of the study room was suddenly knocked.

Rurno and Donald turned their heads to look at the same time, and after saying "come in", the people outside the door hurriedly pushed the door into the room.

"Teacher, Elba III... News came from the second seat!"

Although I saw Donald standing in the room~www.NovelMTL.com~, the man just glanced at him, and then he yelled: "Magic furnace, the magic furnace that we made can be used in certain parts 'Technology substitution can reduce costs, and can also transform a small amount of'Magic Element'!"

Hearing this news, Ruerno couldn't help but rounded his eyes and took a breath.

"Elba really did it?" he hurriedly asked, to see if he had heard something wrong.

"Yes!" His students looked excited and nodded again and again.

Ruhrno opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

The goddess of fortune once again favored him, this time, although the energy problem has not been completely resolved, but this represents a trend-their magic furnace can continue to improve!

As long as it continues, sooner or later, the magic furnace will become the standard in a region...

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