Duke of Grief

Chapter 928: College

"...Since everything in the world has ‘magic power’, why do we have to use ‘magic materials’ when casting spells?”

"Since as a mage, we can use the power of the "formula" to control the magic and elements, so why do we still use the "rune" and the "magic circle"?"

Calvin, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, stood in front of the blackboard with a teaching pointer, and asked the students a question that was absolutely "spicy" for "beginners."

Sometimes, even a mage who can use three or four ring spells may not be able to answer this question.

According to the traditional teaching method, the tutor will only teach the apprentice how to operate, but will not teach them the things that touch the lowest level of the concept of ‘magic’ and are closest to the ‘truth’.

This teaching method of self-preservation of the broom has made the development of "magic" has been very slow, but in this era, since [Xinghai Zhoujia] released the "Xinghai Monthly", this knowledge is no longer uncommon.

Not only can it make people more aware of magic, it will no longer be regarded as a beast of floods, but also paved a way for future magic teaching.

The sale of magazines is not smooth, at least Calvin believes that from the beginning, the maidservant wanted to expose civilians to this knowledge, but ordinary civilians neither literate nor spend these "wrong money" to buy A magazine that is useless in their eyes.

But since a few months ago, "Xinghai Monthly" has appeared in the libraries of various knowledge churches, and is separated from the latest periodical by "three issues".

After knowing "There is still such a way", the "Xinghai Monthly" in the previous period also appeared in the library of their "Military School", but like the knowledge church, it was separated from the latest one by "three issues". This was the decision they made after consulting the maidservant's opinion.

Even though this'military school' has not yet been fully established, the campus is under construction, but neither Calvin nor Gregory can wait a bit. The vacancies there are so large that they can only borrow a place from the royal family. The manor serves as a'temporary campus'.

Because of His Majesty’s decentralization, they renovated the house here, and finally able to accommodate all students in one room.

This is also due to the lack of teachers' resources, which can only be done under the last resort.

At present, only the'Master's Department' and the'Mechanical Department' have been established. The main teachers are still transferred from the R&D Department and the Manufacturing Department. After completing the teaching tasks, the teachers need to return to the department to complete the tasks assigned by the superiors.

Although they all complained, even their very busy minister was leading by example, and they could only continue to work silently.

His gaze wandered among the crowd, but what made him feel very helpless was that none of his students had much confidence. Even if he knew this knowledge, no one chose to raise his hand to answer.

With a sigh, he turned his head to prepare to continue writing on the blackboard.

At this moment, suddenly a hand was raised high, making him bright, raised his pointer and glanced at the seat table, "...Dela, please answer the question!"

He bet on the girl with the look of expectation. Thank God, these children finally have confidence!

"Magic materials can help guide magic and elements. Consumable material casting is a shortcut that can lead beginners to "skillful casting". With the talent alone, many modern mages may not be able to pass the beginner stage smoothly."

Feeling the eyes of other classmates, Della raised her delicate face slightly. When she saw the tutor's somewhat "burning" eyes, her lips curled, her face flushed, and she took a deep breath. , And then went on to say: "'Rune' and'Magic Circle' are the initial spellcasting methods of the mage. Even now, we cannot analyze all the spells. The spell formula can only be applied to low-level and medium-level spells. As far as I know, higher-level spells must rely on'runes' and'magic circles', and spells are an essential part!"

"Fantastic answer!" Calvin smiled and motioned the female student to sit down.

Della gathered her skirt with a sweet smile, and sat down neatly.

Her father let her come here to study just to see how huge the empire's demand is for the profession of'Mage' in the future.

The recent new things can be related to "magic", but as a female, she does not like the "mechanics" that is full of pungent smell and may damage the skin, so she follows Father's wishes joined the'Mage Department'.

Although the classmates sitting around her now are all civilians, what is certain is that they may all become the pillars of the future empire, so she wants to be their leader!

What's more, the mentor now...

"You should have known these things in "Xinghai Monthly", so take this opportunity, I can also tell you a thing that many mages do not know!"

This sentence succeeded in attracting the attention of the students. Calvin paused and said with a smile: "At least until now, the magic of the "superior" and the supernatural is two complete worlds. The world of "rationality", and after entering the "superior", is the world of "imagery"! This knowledge may not be used in your life, but I hope you can keep it in mind."

"Okay, finish this..." Calvin lowered his head and picked up the lesson plan placed on the podium, because there was no teaching material, and the lesson plan required their own preparation.

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the paper, Calvin smiled slightly, "Then we will enter the teaching of ‘fax’. This is the knowledge you need most in the future. You have sat and listened..."

The sunlight fell on Calvin's side face through the glass window, making him like an angel descending from the sky, the smile seemed to contain infinite warmth.

When the bell of the get out of class rang, Calvin recovered, and it turned out that an hour had passed unconsciously.

"This morning's class is here. It's time to take a break. For lunch, there is white bread in the cafeteria."

After tidying up the textbooks, Calvin lifted his feet and left the temporary classroom, preparing to go to the teacher's office to put down the textbooks and enjoy lunch.

Seeing him step away, Della pursed her lips and lifted up the skirt to catch up.


A warm call came from behind, and Calvin looked back and saw that the female student who had just answered her question in class just showed a gentle smile and nodded, "I remember you are'Dai What's the matter?"

Della tilted her head and put her hot eyes on the handsome face of her teacher, her lips slightly raised, and she took a deep breath.


At this time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ came a clear voice that seemed to be full of doubts.

Della couldn't help but feel a little angry, and that still seemed to be a female voice? who is it?

Calvin and her turned their heads at the same time, and after seeing the comer, Calvin's mouth twitched upwards, and his voice became softer. "Why are you here?"

Della suddenly had some disbelief, and she quickly turned her head, but she could only see ‘tenderness’ on her handsome teacher’s face. There was nothing else.

"Come and see you..."

Duke Ken’s second daughter looked puzzledly at the girl standing beside her husband, "She is your student?"

"Yes! Her name is Della. She is a student who studies hard!" Speaking of his students, Calvin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and he was very happy.

"Oh, that's the case..."

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