Duke of Grief

Chapter 926: End of event

A ray of light flashed around Cervantes, the maid stepped out of the invisible portal, and the devastated land came into view.

She looked sideways, and saw Cervantes sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking down, and found that the two of them were now on a damaged altar, and behind them, a man with frost and frost 'Crushed ice' lay quietly on the ground.

With a sigh, the maid gathered her skirt and squatted down and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cervantes was now ragged and the top was the most damaged, almost leaving only a few pieces of rags hanging on his body, and the maid saw the scarred wound on his side waist at a glance.

"Escaped three..." Heilong snorted softly, with disgust in his eyes, "Failed to kill them all!"

He was not as gentle as he seemed. In fact, this black dragon was very grumpy, but if no one came to provoke him, he was too lazy to provoke others.

And those extraordinary people are not only their "old friends", but also set up such a bureau to calculate Serena, if Serena did not exchange body with him from the beginning, and use projection, it may be in this After the war, he may be going crazy.

Cervantes knew very well that Seranin could let himself die and would not be willing to summon him, because she wanted to win the war and let the country survive, so if something like that really happened, she He will never be called!

The group of dragon-hunting squads also set up a ‘Forbidden Enchantment’ here, and they are bound to get the life of Sera.

The maid put down her staff and gently put Cervantes's head in her arms. Even she felt very fortunate. Fortunately, she was cautious enough to make such a decision before that... Otherwise, once she was informed of her After the news of death, Seth will be crazy.

If there is a choice, no one wants to die, so is Serena. It is not difficult to deal with the two undead monarchs. In fact, after fighting with them, she already knew that the two The guy is just acting, and it's just a supporting role.

The real highlight lies in the hunt for ‘She’, Serena Winds of Sorrow, as long as she dies, the army of undead will come back and enter the Principality of the Winds.

The two undead monarchs did not exert all their power, and even the army of undead brought to the world of Assatom was only a part of their army.

No one can do anything afterwards. This is not a difficult thing. As long as all suspicious points are connected in series, the final result, even if it is not the answer, should be very close to the answer.

The members of the Dragon Hunting Regiment have already appeared, and the two undead monarchs are too weak. Now I think about it carefully. Everyone knows that they are deliberately showing weakness. The purpose is to lead her to this side.

As long as the undead monarch met her, she would deliberately be weaker, defeated by her earlier, and then attracted her to the altar behind.

Although they are not sure that she will appear here, they are prepared on both sides of the battlefield, and once they know where she is, they will let the "hunter" teleport.

They are also not sure whether she will bring people to investigate, but they have already prepared strong enough power, and there are'enchanting enchantments' around the altars on both sides. As long as her power is sealed, the remaining People will be much easier to solve.

Their calculations are profound enough, but what they did not count is that she and Seth can unreservedly reveal their hearts to each other, and even use this to make use of the [spirit link]'swap body' amazing effect.

The only thing they missed was the relationship between her and Seth. Not many people in the world could be like her and Seth.

"This is their weapon?" The maid raised her eyebrows at the ground beside Cervantes.

"A dagger, a heavy sword, a long stick, and a short sword..."

The maid let go of the black dragon, picked up the weapons and checked it, and she was a little nervous.

She took a deep breath and said, "It's all'Broken Demon' weapons!"

It seems that their "old friends" are indeed fully prepared for the matter of "killing her", not only arranging two identical "forbidden enchantments", but also bringing these magic weapons .

According to the description of Cervantes, I am afraid that the three escaped superhumans have other supernatural weapons, and even a spare short sword has the effect of "devil", then probably the monk's gloves .

Thousands of calculations missed a little, and eventually caused the entire plan to fail.

The enemy is smart enough that they have calculated everything they can calculate. She and Seth have only one of a small number of'uncontrollable factors'. Those uncontrollable factors are generally unlikely to appear. For the entire plan The impact of is negligible, but as long as it appears, it is fatal.

"Put up the crushed ice, let's go back..."

With that said, the maid put away those weapons and prepared to take them back to study, even the dagger that made the face of the black dragon's hot blood unrecognizable.

She did not intend to study the altar under her feet. Anyway, as long as both altars were destroyed, the snowstorm that would cover the principality for five days and nights would disappear.

Now the heavy snowfall is just a sequelae after connecting the water element plane, otherwise where in the world so many water elements can be called by the group of guys of the Dragon Hunting Regiment?

The snow has been falling for so long, even if it has almost stopped, but they still have a lot of things to deal with. The subsequent impact is not so simple to be eliminated. It is foreseeable that there is already a lot of government affairs waiting in the city hall. The maid went to deal with it.


"You say "Dragon Hunting Regiment"? Are they here to make trouble again?"

Latinia was slightly startled, so many things happened within a day, and even she needed to digest it for a while.

In order to kill a person, all the rest is incidental when a natural disaster is set off-what this kind of thing says is really shocking.

Now she is a little unimaginable. Is Sera's "worth" so high now?

The maid sitting at the desk sighing and writing sighed, put down the pen and stretched out. "Unfortunately, although I understood what they wanted to do, I still couldn't catch their tail..."

After she finished, she stood and looked out the window.

The previous snowstorm had "overdrawn" the water elements in the surrounding area of ​​the mourning wind. In a short time, it is impossible to "snow" or "rain" here, and this time...about four to Six months.

There is a saying that ‘spring rain is as expensive as oil’, although it is only early winter, but next spring is not too far away. If there is no rain for four to six months, then next year’s harvest will certainly be affected.

This time the operation was very successful~www.NovelMTL.com~ It was that people who could not take advantage of this opportunity to seize the people of the Dragon Hunting Order, or trace them to their branch or even headquarters.

Both the ‘Devil’s Weapon’ and ‘Forbidden Enchantment’ are very expensive items. After the two pieces of crushed ice placed on the altar have been tested, they even show some of the attributes of the ‘artifact’.

There is no doubt that the scope of their suspicions can be narrowed down again!

However, no matter how narrow the scope, there is still not enough evidence to blame, just like every big country in the world understands that some cult organizations are hidden among them, but they are forced by the international situation and cannot act rashly.

They can't let those conspirators succeed, and the Glorious Church and the Righteous Church have a team to track these things all the year round, but after so many years, there are still not many discoveries.

Those guys are too hard to deal with, but one day, she will grab the exposed feet of those guys, and then attack their headquarters to avenge their hatred!

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