Duke of Grief

Chapter 909: pardon

Archbishop Perez stepped out of the door of the church. The black death church in the whole body stood quietly behind him, but if you could see through the open door, there was infinite light inside the church.

Being in darkness and looking towards the light, only in this way can one maintain one's own ordinary heart, and then be able to let them who are in constant contact with'death' maintain a relatively neutral attitude between'living person' and'dead person', no Let the dead disturb the peace of the living, and don't let the living disturb the peace of the dead.

The Archbishop of the Death Church in Greenland Church raised his head and looked at the sun.

There is no slight haze on his body, that is not what they should have. From him, others can only see the ‘quietness’ like the deity he believes in.

He looked up at the sky with a sun wheel burning in his eyes, but he was not hurt by looking directly at the sun.

"It's noon..." I don't know whether he was expressing emotion or simply stating a fact.

The **** of brilliance is the deity that holds the priesthood of "brightness". No matter whether it is dawn, dusk, or night, his power is unmatched, but at the noon, he is the strongest. Sheng Shi.

He is more powerful than the last sun god, because he has the power called ‘tolerance’, and after him, this power is even in the heart of every deity in the world of Assatom.

He is the light of an era. He is a hero holding up torches in the dark age. He personally squeezed this power into the hearts of every deity, just like the'sun'-gentle and overbearing.

Today, it is noon!

The warm sunlight broke through all obstacles, pulled apart the clouds covering the city, and shone the city.

In front of the gate of the Glorious Church, many people in black robes kneeled to the ground before a god.

People around come and go, and many people stop after seeing this scene, observing those who are kneeling on the ground, and talking with the people around them.

They don’t know what happened, they only know that these people have been here since dawn, and the door of the Glorious Church is open, and the idol has been moved to the door. Maybe this is a kind of ritual. indefinite.

But what kind of ceremonies are needed for the Glorious Church to require people to wear black robes?

During this time, they also saw someone behave impatiently and wanted to stand up, but they were pressed by others.

From this morning to the present, these people have not eaten, did not drink, did nothing, but just knelt in front of the god...what is this for?

Archbishop Koklov closed his head and closed his head, standing respectfully and praying in a low voice. From this morning until now, he only drank a few sips of water.

If the actions of those in black robe are strange, then the archbishop and other priests of the Glorious Church are shocking.

The sunlight fell on the front door of the Glorious Church, and shone on the idol of the Glorious God. Even though it was hot and unbearable, the blood races kneeling on the ground still prayed to their faith.

Suddenly, one of the people around seemed to blink at the god.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then looked at them with wide eyes, and then he saw a pair of bright pale golden eyes.

......It's like, the beauty of the morning light!

He opened his mouth wide and slowly rounded his eyes, making his eyes stand out as if he was about to jump out of his eyes.

There seemed to be something choking in his throat, making him unable to shout, but he had clearly seen it—the eyes of the gods, the eyes of the spirits, the eyes that should belong to the eyes of the gods!


Suddenly, there was a sound of kneeling down on the ground beside him. He turned his head to look in amazement, and then there was a chattering sound in his ear.

"...The king of light..."

The rest of the words were filtered subconsciously by the brain, leaving only one noun in his mind, and the meaning represented by this noun was gradually pouring out, and the noun itself was gradually being enlarged, immediately making him blurt out:

"The Lord of Glory!!!"

Jean Uther heard the call, and the supposedly hard **** suddenly became as soft as flesh and blood. He lowered his head slightly, and gave gentle eyes to everyone.

At the time, many people in the crowd immediately knelt down and prostrate on the ground with unspeakable excitement and excitement, shouting the honorable name of the **** of brilliance.

They are believers in the **** of brilliance. They usually come and go to the church of brilliance to pray. Although they did not have any deep beliefs, they now engrave the lord of brilliance and the king of brilliance in their brains.

He has been watching from high altitude for a long time, he has already bet his sight here, but it has not come.

Because he needs to accumulate strength, only in this way can he give a'blessing' to the blood.

"Look up, children." The God of Light said softly.

Hearing this voice, the blood tribes kneeling on the ground looked up, and their expected eyes spewed out of their eyes like flames.

"I'm sorry, I can't forgive your "sin". Even me, it is difficult to lift the curse of the Sun God before he died, but I can give you a "blessing" to offset the curse of the Sun God. "

The voice of the **** of brilliance was faint, but in the hearts of the blood tribes there was a sound like a Hong Zhong, which immediately shocked their hearts.

Their pale, bloodless lips were trembling, they wanted to say something, but they could not say anything, and they had long forgotten what it was like to cry.

"I, Jean Uther, bless you in the name of "God of Light" -"

Without even waiting for the blood tribes to answer, the voice of the shining **** sounded through the entire city: "In this city, "Night City" Greenland, all blood-abiding tribes will be regained You will regain the most basic power a life deserves for the power of ethnic groups to'breath and breath'!"

A faint smile appeared on the face of the **** of brilliance, and looked around, "Of course, I also wish you, my children..."

Krylov III, who was in the palace, took a deep breath after hearing this voice, raised the scepter in his hand to the werewolves kneeling on one knee in front of him, and then, Luna and Night God The ghost of slowly walked out of the scepter.

"Sorry, our children..."

Two similar ethereal sounds echoed in the hall, and the moon gods and the night gods lowered their eyelids, covering their eyes with shame hidden.

"Until now, the curse on you has been lifted..."

Krylov III lifted his scepter flat and looked at it all expressionlessly. Rikkan walked out of the shadows and stood beside him.

The werewolves' heads were drooping, but these rude men and women were clenching their teeth, and tears of undisputed tears kept pouring out of their eyes.

"In the name of the lunar **** "Ester" and the night **** "Lilith", in this city, "Night Capital" Greenland, all law-abiding werewolves will be redeemed, you will no longer be in At the end of the moon, if you want to give birth to the bones of your loved ones, you will no longer face the pain of wives and ions scattered~www.NovelMTL.com~You will be able to control your violent rage and no longer hurt others because of the "curse"... … No longer a'dark race', you can appear on the street in a fair and upright manner, you can get along with your neighbors..."

Luna and Night God seem to want to say something more, but the power of the scepter is already difficult to support their form, so they swallowed the words behind, leaving a pure blessing: "Children, may you Able to live a healthy life."

The **** of brilliance looked up in the direction of the palace, a smile appeared, and then, like the two goddesses, turned into a light spot and flew away.

In Greenland, two miracles appeared in one day, and the three deities forgave the sins of two'dark races' in this city...

Krylov III put away his scepter, but at this moment Torres, the leader of the werewolf, said: "The king of mankind, according to the agreement, we will respectfully call you "His Majesty"..."

He looked down and met those tearful eyes, only to hear the werewolves shouting like this--

"Your Majesty Krylov III!"

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