Duke of Grief

Chapter 910: Soul Body Awakening

?"‘Night City’ Green Lan..."

At the end of the letter, the maid's eyes gradually blurred. Although only a few years had passed, she felt that a long time had passed.

Since the last time they left Greenland, the number of times she left Wind City was one of the few. The original king was still quite'naive' and the means was not mature enough, but I didn't expect that it would now be famous throughout the mainland and become Known as the'King of Darkness', it is also appointed by the God of Light, Moon and Night.

If it weren’t for the spy in the letter who mentioned the title again, she might have forgotten the ‘Night City’ that began to spread two or three years ago.

But a moment later, the maid smiled and threw the secret letter aside.

At the beginning, her and Seth's experience in Greenland was very warm, although the stupid dragon had never been a worry, but for her, it was a pretty good memory.

As for the mention of'Krelov III intends to conscript from aliens' in the letter, she was not surprised. Since the rise of the Kurkut Empire, the name of the Kingdom of Koror's "Mageland" has been It is a real death, although there are still many domestic mage inheritances, unlike the Kurkut Empire, which is basically controlled by the official, but what is the use of some idle wild mages?

It is a good thing not to die and hold the ‘glory of the ancestors’, and to decisively discard those things that are useless except for being more beautiful in form. So far, the transformation of the Kingdom of Corot has been quite successful.

Although it was just a mistake, the civil war destroyed the stubborn old aristocratic forces in the country, so that the old aristocracy had no power to prevent Krelov III from awarding the ``other than the mage'' to become a noble, and then through the new noble When he did not gain a firm foothold, he resolutely launched military reforms, and this caused a fundamental change in the country.

Up to now, the former Master Country may have a stronger combat power than the Principality of Eagles, and even the Moore Commercial Federation.

However, these did not provoke her interest to the maid, no matter how powerful their neighbor became, anyway, it would not be as strong as their principality.

What really surprised her was the news that a large number of monsters appeared in the northern border of the Kingdom of Koror.

The spread of the magic element is much faster than she imagined, although the magic element from the northern black forest of the Principality of the Winds has been completely transformed by the magic furnace, but it is not necessarily from the Mason Prairie, and if If she remembers correctly, part of the northern territory of the Kingdom of Corot is connected to the Mason Prairie.

Now that the Kingdom of Corot has been affected by this, the Kingdom of Kurt should have been greatly affected.

A few beasts have mutated in the northern territory of the Kingdom of Corot, so even if the monsters of the Black Forest can't cross the big river, there should be monster mutations in the territory of the Kurt Kingdom, but why has she not received until now? Any news from the Kurt Kingdom?

If this is because of the negligence of the agent, it is not surprising, but the merchants who come from the Kurt Kingdom usually need to walk in deep forests and wilderness. They should be the most sensitive to outside changes, but the maid Nor did he get any information from the merchants about the "change in the Kingdom of Kurt".

This is a bit strange, is it because the monster on the Mason prairie broke into the territory of the Kingdom of Kolo, and the beasts in the Kingdom of Kolo have not mutated themselves?

After thinking for a while, the maid made a decisive decision.

"I should send someone to explore the territory of the Kingdom of Corot and try to get some information from the businessmen who came from South Road..."

Arriving from the South Road, she needs to pass through the northern border of the Kingdom of Corot or the east of the Kingdom of Kurt. She should be able to get some valuable news from the merchants.

But in fact, what puzzled her most was that the well-informed Latinia didn’t tell her this important thing at first sight. Latinia obviously would not hide it from her. Kind of news, then that is to say, in fact, even Latinia does not know this!

This is a bit strange...

Nowadays, the churches of the Fortune Church are almost all over the continent. It seems that there are also Latinia’s churches in the foreign country in the southeast of Mendes. There is also a Fortune Church in the northern border of the Kingdom of Colo. Know this news?

Now, unlike before, only enough important news can be reported to the deity.

Thinking about it, she soon decided that this thing was "different"!

Then, she took the pen and paper and swiped with a big pen. "Some of the newly produced "conquerors" were sent to the southern border, and the rest were transported to the east. The west can be suspended for a while, and the side of the Great Wall is temporarily enough..."

Boom Boom Boom!

There was a sudden and heavy knock on the door outside, and the maid frowned, "Come in!"

She looked up and met Latinia's panicked eyes.

Latinia took the door smoothly and banged the whole corridor. If it had not just been seen that Ms. Fortune hurried over, maybe someone would think that something terrible had happened.

"Sera, wake up! Our daughter wakes up!"

Hearing this sentence, the maid's eyes twitched subconsciously. If this sentence spreads, I'm afraid it will not scare many people to death.

Raised his hands and snapped his fingers, closing the sound in the room, and then the maid's brows were slightly soothing.

"Just, just when I went to the top of the Master Tower to see our daughter..." Then, Latinia breathed a few breaths.

The maid sighed rather helplessly: "Aren't you afraid of Seth beating you when he heard this?"

"Joke, I'm still afraid of him?" Latinia snorted sullenly, and then turned back, "When I went to watch, I found her awake! Do you know? Terrified God! She suddenly shouted I said'Mom', Mom, the old lady lived for so long, it was the first time she became a mom! Oh no, our girl is not a human..."

Listen, the maid can't help but raise her eyebrows again, feeling that Latina and the stupid dragon have been getting along for a long time, and they have gradually been infected as a fool-is this like what a goddess can say?

"So you came running hurriedly, just to tell me something, your daughter finally called you "Mom"?" The maid asked, putting down the pen and holding her chest in her hands.

"It's not..." Latinia walked over, holding the table with both hands, staring straight at the maid, "I just want you to show her in the past. What's wrong. You know, I don't know anything about'magic', and you are not her daughter..."

"Stop it! Needless to say anything later!"

The maid raised her hand to stop Latina from speaking the dangerous word, looked at her with a contemptuous look, then stood up against the table.

After seeing the maid standing up, Latiniah clapped her hands excitedly, ran to the door with a small step, and opened the office door for the maid~www.NovelMTL.com~ What is the trouble? "Do you want the maid to say such a thing, quickly walked over to close the door, and then grabbed Latinia's arm and snapped her fingers, the scenery around them changed dramatically, and in a blink of an eye came to the top of the Master Tower.

Latinia and the maid looked up at the same time, looking at the huge crystal ball standing in the middle of the room.

The white soul floats in the center of the crystal ball. Compared to before, she has changed a lot, and the biggest change is probably... She has a ‘human form’!

The figure had opened his eyes, and at the same time, Latnia and Serena felt their gaze from the crystal ball.

"Hey, daughter, how are you feeling?"

Hearing Latina happily say this, the maid slapped her face.

Sure enough, she was stupid...

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