Duke of Grief

Chapter 908: Night King

In this world, only he Krylov III has this qualification!

Only he has the possibility to reconcile the hatred between the werewolf and the blood.

A part of the blood clan has surrendered to him and has become his people under his command. If he can make some werewolves his people, then this will be a good start between the two clan.

Why did the blood clan kill the last sun **** together with other undead creatures, but only they were cursed by the sun god's twin gods?

Because they are ‘nobles under the dark night’ and ‘belonging to the night’.

The twin gods are in charge of the priesthoods of'Shuangyue' and'Dark Night' at the same time. The blood clan was once an undead creature under their command, but they were rejected by the sun god, even if they are dependents of their own gods, they still think they are not Clean.

Therefore, the blood clan resolutely launched a rebellion and killed the sun **** together with the undead **** and other undead demigods.

After that, they were cursed and were cursed by the Twin Gods. Even if the curse is lifted, they will still be attacked by another family of the Twins.

Before the death of the twin gods, they battled each other, and they had forged a **** enmity. Until now, the two ethnic groups are still fighting each other. It is never possible to get along peacefully.

After the position of the moon **** and the night **** succeeding the twin gods, the werewolf and the blood clan regained their faith and gained more powerful power from the faith, but they always wanted to use this power to destroy each other, it seems Only when one party becomes extinct will the other party stop.

Now they don't know why they are fighting each other, but as long as they meet each other, then a battle will inevitably erupt, either you die or I die, and even die together!

They believe in the moon **** and the night **** separately, but they will not heed the deity's call, and they still continue to do not know how many thousand years and tens of thousands of years of fighting...

"You still have more compatriots in jail."

With just one sentence, Krylov III changed the eyes of the werewolves who were frozen in front of him.

"I didn't kill them because they didn't kill the blood races living in Greenland." Hei Ye wore a royal robe for Krylov III, which was very dim, but there were still faint stars Embellish it.

His eyes were determined, as bright as the crown of the moonlight. "I don't care what their motives are. Even if the blood people living here repeatedly ask, I haven't killed them. I just want them to use labor like ordinary criminals. Come to atonement."

With that, Krylov III waved his scepter, and at the next moment, the werewolves felt that they had regained control of their bodies. The werewolves floating in the air also regained their inertia, but they all changed their posture in the air. Lelov III passed by, and some jumped to the side of Viscount Latis, while some fell directly to the foot of Krylov III, making Viscount Latis pale.

But before he screamed, he saw his majesty, his palms raised, beckoning him to close his mouth.

Viscount Latis closed his mouth obediently, but his eyes fell on the werewolves squatting beside Krylov III, ignoring the werewolves who appeared beside him.

"Just do you believe us that way?"

After a long silence, the werewolf crouching next to Krylov III suddenly asked.

"In this city, I am the king of the night. In the night, no one can hurt me." Krylov III grinned, "not to mention, there is another person who can let me commit my life to protect me, he Fear?"

The werewolf's eyes rolled and looked at the shadow of Krylov III.

That shadow was once'boiling'!

"I never knew that a king would also entrust his life to others." The werewolf said lightly and stood up.

His hair re-converged, his size gradually shrunk, and soon changed back to the strong man who seemed to have only a little thick hair.

After seeing the ‘leader’ return to human form, the other werewolves did not hesitate for too long, and also changed back to human form one by one.

"My name is Torres..."

The werewolf leader was interrupted before he had finished speaking.

"His Majesty!!!"

They looked up together, and for a moment, both eyes were red.


Seeing the werewolf's tendency to reshape, the blood clan on the roof also tried to jump and attack, and Krylov III had to speak again to stop their movements.

"Vico, you give me down!" Krylov III rarely issued harsh orders to the blood tribes.

The blood races didn't want to come down and stand with the werewolves, but they suddenly felt an invisible force, which pulled them to the ground, but their bodies were still stiff.

Both the werewolf and the blood clan stared at each other awkwardly, but the body was unable to move at all.

"The Moon God and the Night God once joined together. They gave me the scepter of the "Night King" and at the same time, made a request to me!"

Krylov III’s eyes continued to wander between the two parties, and when they focused on themselves, they solemnly said: "They want me to reconcile the war between you, and the unnecessary fight between you. There are already too many!"

"Hate, can't let go..."

Krylov III lifted the two chiefs' "forbidden words", but they shouted at the same time.

After that, they stared at each other again, as if to curse the other party to death.

Krylov III stared, "Your hatred is meaningless!"

"Of course I know!" the two leaders shouted in unison, they gritted their teeth, and their faces were grim.

They all know that their hatred towards each other is meaningless, but they do not want to let go of hatred!

"Your Majesty, please let go of us and let us kill them!"

"King of human beings, if you can let us kill them, we would like to respect you as king, become your warrior, and fight the Quartet!"

Vico and Torres petitioned Krylov III at the same time, but they saw the pair of cold eyes.

Viscount Latis froze aside. He didn't know how to speak to persuade his majesty to speak for his majesty.

This is obviously a good opportunity, no matter what you do, you can gain the friendship of one side. As long as your majesty nods, you can make a certain side become their "warrior" and resist the coming "magic wave".


Krylov III resolutely shook his head, "I will not loose the shackles of you. I promised the moon **** and the night god. If a king does not believe, who will choose to believe the other words of this king?" "

"Your Majesty, you know, the hatred between us cannot be resolved."

"The king of mankind, you are in vain!"

The leaders of both sides spoke at the same time, they did not show how strong emotions, but their words showed their inner persistence.

There can never be peace between the werewolf and the blood race, and it has always been the case since thousands of years and thousands of years!

Krylov III snorted~www.NovelMTL.com~ said: "You are so selfish? Don't you think about your descendants?"

There is no doubt that this sentence touched the heart of Torres, but also touched the heart of most werewolves.

Because they are different from blood races, they can have ‘blood sons’.

Seeing the blood group unmoved, Krylov III took a soft breath and said softly, "Vicco, Archbishop Koklov has approved your efforts. Do you know what this means?"

As soon as the voice fell, the blood tribe's face changed.

Archbishop Koklov is the priest of the Glorious Church. He represents the will of the Glorious God, and his approval...

Krylov III lifted their imprisonment. After that, they did not start fighting, but just gave each other a deep look.

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