Chapter 969 It’s conceivable but unspeakable

 After two or three years, when they have earned enough money to survive and dowry, they can change their career, which will have no impact on their integrity, let alone delay their marriage.

 After more than a month of preparations, the little girl has admitted a dozen of them and has been practicing. She just lacks a capable female steward to take care of them.

Jiayin intends to ask the housekeeper of the Hou Mansion to help find a nanny. After all, she has to go in and out of various back houses, and the housekeeper must know some rules...

Caiyun talked for a while, then picked up two boxes of snacks and went back happily with the good news...

 As night falls, the Earl’s Mansion in Xindulu rarely becomes lively.

These days, the eldest young lady and her children have been living in Suijintan, so the house is inevitably deserted.

 But today, not only the uncle and the third master are back, but also the young masters are also entertaining guests.

The lanterns under the eaves of the corridor swayed in the evening breeze, illuminating the maids and young men coming and going, as well as the cooking in the kitchen.

Li Lao Er went to write official documents after dinner. Li Lao San had nothing to do, so he walked around the house.

He went to the city to do some shopping today. After being delayed for a while, he came back to stay one night and return to the academy tomorrow morning.

At this moment, seeing the lights in his nephew's study brightly lit, he was curious and asked the boy who brought tea.

“What kind of guests are you hosting today, young master? It sounds lively?”

The young man quickly responded, "As for the third master, the eldest young master is having a wedding banquet with Mr. Jia and Mr. Lu. The emperor has decreed that the third princess and Mr. Lu will be married, and Mr. Lu will be the son-in-law.

 “The Prince of Lu was so happy that he and Mr. Jia came to see the eldest young master for a drink.”

Li Laosan frowned when he heard this. Thinking of the scene he had seen before, he felt uneasy.

So he made an excuse and asked the servant to call Jiaren out.

Jiaren was accompanying Jia Xu and Lu Zong to talk. When he saw Lu Zong drank a bottle of wine and grabbed a second bottle, he was about to stop him.

As a result, before he could speak, the boy knocked on the door and said, "Young master, the third master said that he wants to ask you for some elementary school books. It seems that there is a child from a farmer's family in the town who is very talented, but cannot go to school. The third master wants to help him. Bundle."

Jiaren did not doubt that he had it, so he stood up quickly and said to Jia Xu and Lu Zong, "You guys drink, I'll go and take a look. My third uncle rarely troubles the family. This is the first time he speaks. Maybe there is something difficult about it." ”

 After saying that, he went out the door.

Li Laosan was wandering outside the door, saw his nephew, pulled him to a secluded place, and asked, "Jia Ren, Prince Lu was given a marriage today and will be the crown prince. This is a good thing! But why is he not here? Why did you come to our house to drink while you were celebrating?"

Jiaren was stunned for a moment. He usually got along very well with Jia Xu and Lu Zong, and they were almost as good as brothers of the opposite sex.

Just now Lu Zong and Jia Xu came over. When they talked about the marriage, he just ordered the food and wine to be prepared without thinking much about it.

"Third uncle, do you think...there's something inappropriate?" Jiaren asked tentatively.

Li Laosan hesitated for a moment, then motioned for him to come forward and whispered several words.

Jiaren’s brows furrowed even more as he heard this, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Third uncle, this... this is impossible! If nothing else, the age difference is too big!"

Li Laosan was doing his duty, and he felt guilty for gossiping behind his back like this. He rubbed his hands and whispered, "I'm afraid I've made a mistake, so I'm telling you to pay more attention. In short, get along with friends. No matter how good you are, you can't be closer than your sister."

"Don't worry, third uncle, I know about this." Jiaren endured his anxiety and comforted his third uncle, "Just go back and rest, I will take care of it."

Li Laosan nodded, patted his nephew on the shoulder and turned back. Jiaren stood in the night for a long time before returning to the study.

Jia Xu was half drunk and his face was red. When Jiaren came back, he said loudly, "I can't do it. This guy is so good at drinking! Find a room and let me squint for a while. You can drink with him."

This was just what Jiaren wanted, so he immediately called Zheng Yi and others to help Jia Xu go to the guest room to sleep.

 For a while, only Lu Zong and Jiaren were left in the room.

Jiaren raised his hand and gave Lu Zong a piece of sauced pork with chopsticks, and said as if casually chatting, "Don't just drink, come and eat some food. My sister spent a long time thinking about the recipe for the sauced pork." Yes, I dare say that it is the only delicious food in Tianwu."

Lu Zong immediately put down his wine glass, ate the sauced pork, and praised in a low voice, "The princess is smart and ingenious. This sauced pork is indeed delicious."

Jiaren's heart became sinking, but he still had a smile on his face, and no change could be seen.

"Of course, my sister's intelligence is recognized by the emperor. Otherwise, he would not insist on calling my sister into the palace to serve as a companion to the third princess. The emperor just thinks that the third princess is too unruly and wants my sister to help control it. !”

As he spoke, he poured a glass of wine for Lu Zong and joked, "The third princess is much more dignified and steady than before, and now she has been given a marriage to you. So, you should be grateful to my sister."

Lu Zong's heart skipped a beat, and with the last glimmer of hope, he slowly raised his head to look at Jiaren, only to see that he had stopped smiling, and his eyes were full of coldness and sharpness.

The sky full of grievances and unwillingness swept over like waves. Lu Zong wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

Jiaren seemed not to notice his pain, he lowered his head and poured himself a glass of wine and said, "Brother Lu, you know that my sister is the treasure of our family and has never suffered any grievances.

“You are the same age as me and are more than ten years older than her. Although you are not a biological brother, in all these years, as long as there are good things, my sister has never fallen short of your share.

Now, your marriage is all due to my sister, so you have to give her a generous gift to thank her! "

Lu Zong squeezed the wine glass in his hand tightly, his mouth was so bitter that he couldn't open it.

He naturally knew that what he hoped for would be impossible to realize from the beginning.

But people are so strange. They know everything clearly in their minds, but their hearts just keep running towards the dead end, and they can't hold them back.

That elf-like girl seemed to be engraved in his soul with every smile.

 She is like a little sun. Wherever she goes, there is warmth and laughter.

Every time he spent countless days and nights guarding the deserted and vast mansion, he couldn't help but imagine that if he could join hands with her, his life would be much more interesting.

 She can cook delicious meals, talk and laugh with him, and accompany him to see the beautiful scenery in the world.

 And he will also take care of her with all his heart and support her with a windless and rainless sky...

 But when the dust settled, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only accept his fate.

With a hoarse voice, he responded word by word, "Don't worry, Princess... she will be my biological sister from now on, and I will definitely thank her properly."

Jiaren raised his head to clink glasses with him, feeling a little unbearable in his heart. He whispered, "When you live in this world, you can't do whatever you want. If a man cares about the world, why should he care about his children?"

Lu Zong did not respond. He raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp, choking until tears flowed down his eyes...

After seven or eight days of preparations, the flower viewing party at the Earl's Mansion finally began. At three o'clock in the morning, ladies from various families came to the door one after another with invitations.

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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