Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 970: Female university students are not allowed to stay in the university

Chapter 970: Women are not allowed to stay in college

 The first few to come were Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Jia Er.

They are close friends with the Li family. Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying are not here, so they naturally have to come over to help entertain the guests.

Wan'er is the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the Earl's Mansion. She has given birth to another son, and now her husband is on the gold medal list.

 This confidence ranks first among the women in Xindu and is envied by everyone.

Today, she wore a floor-length silver silk satin dress and a pair of mutton-fat jade bracelets. She dressed up noble and dignified. She served tea and joked with everyone, very gracefully and calmly.

Aibei wore a bright red traditional dress from the Golden Buddha Kingdom, but she made a slight improvement and covered her exposed arms with gauze. It was not disrespectful and did not damage the overall beauty of the skirt.

 The ones responsible for the improvement are of course Wan'er and Jiayin.

This is also what Ai Bei is most satisfied with about her husband's family. Even though her foreign daughter-in-law has some habits that are very different from Tianwu's, her husband's family never severely reprimands or forces her. They only ask for her opinion and then discuss a simple solution. Method.

Just like now, even though she doesn’t understand the language, her sister-in-law will patiently explain to her whatever everyone talks about.

 In fact, she still didn’t understand most of it, but she laughed from the bottom of her heart.

Everyone originally thought that Queen Abe would be proud, cold, and difficult to get along with, but they were unexpectedly surprised.

 When everyone spoke to her, she would respond with a smile.

Children would run up to her out of curiosity, and she would tease them with a smile and coax them to play.

 When delicious snacks are served, she will eat a piece generously, with a look of love on her face.

This makes everyone couldn't help but like her. Such a daughter-in-law, let alone a queen, is a child from an ordinary family. Marrying her into the family is also a blessing for the family...

Jiayin is an unmarried girl. Of course, today’s task is to entertain the little sisters from various families who come to visit her.

The third princess came out of the palace early under the guise of helping. As a result, she and Baozhu ate non-stop, happier than anyone else.

In order to talk and laugh more freely, Jiayin specially built a temporary grass pavilion on the side of the peach blossom forest, surrounded by light-colored gauze, forming a separate small world.

 Girls get together, whisper a little, and play wildly, without fear of being seen and said to be unruly.

 The important prop of playing cards was once again put on the table.

 The third princess and Jiayin have been playing in the palace for so long and have become super masters.

After a few rounds, she had Baozhu and the other two girls covered in notes.

 “No more playing, no more playing! The princess is so powerful, she is just chasing us to bully us!”

“That’s right, that’s right, the princess has made a marriage, and it’s a time of great fortune. We definitely can’t compare!”

The two girls have cheerful and lively temperaments. They have met the third princess several times on weekdays. Now they are having fun and are less restrained, so they start to act coquettishly and laugh.

The third princess blushed when she heard this, threw the cards and said, "Okay, then I'll take a break and you guys can play another game. I'll be responsible for finding some good fruits for you with the good news!"

"Okay, okay, it would be better if the princess could pick some bananas and come back. I like to eat bananas the most, but unfortunately the ones sold in the princess's shop are too expensive. If you get the chance today, you must eat enough!"

 A girl cheered in response, and then dragged a companion to join the battle.

The third princess was in a very good mood and left without caring at all. She took the good news on her arm and left.

 The male guests were in the front yard, and the female guests were on the other side of the garden, which made the road very quiet and gave the little sisters a chance to whisper.

Jiayin asked in a low voice, "You are too fast. I have only been in the palace for a few days, and you have already decided on the marriage?"

The princess smiled proudly and replied, "My father said that Brother Lu has good character and knowledge, and his family also agreed, so it was decided."

Jiayin smiled and poked her waist, jokingly saying, "Hey, don't blame it all on Uncle Huang. You must also like Brother Lu, otherwise you wouldn't agree."

The third princess was itching to hide and run away, holding up her skirt while Jiayin chased after her.

 As soon as they left the garden gate, the third princess ran into a hug.

It turned out that Jiaren and his friends were bringing some classmates and friends over to enjoy the peach blossoms. It was Lu Zong who caught the third princess!

The third princess was startled when she saw that it was her fiancé. Her face turned red again, and she shyly broke the good news and ran away.

Jiayin laughed and waved vigorously to his brothers.

 Some students joked to Lu Zong, "The prince and the princess are destined to meet each other like this!"

 The others also booed, and Lu Zong smiled stiffly.

Fortunately, Jiaren came to the rescue and said, "Let's go, everyone, let's go enjoy the flowers. I asked someone to find a few jars of peach blossom wine. We'll write poems while drinking, and the winner will get the jackpot!"

 “Haha, Brother Li is so generous, let’s go, let’s go! I won’t come back until I’m drunk today!”

"Okay, the peach blossom wine is yours, and the winnings are for me. What Brother Li brings out will definitely be good."

Everyone entered the garden talking and laughing. Lu Zong turned his head and glanced. The two girls had run away hand in hand, and only the laughter like silver bells still lingered faintly in his ears.

 He covered up the incomprehensible look in his eyes, and put a warm smile on his face again...

 There is no destiny from the beginning, and forcing will only destroy the last bit of fate.

 That’s good, that’s good…

The Li family's banquets never lacked good wine and good food, and the guests who came and went were not sarcastic.

 So, it is a rare moment of relaxation and enjoyment for everyone to have a banquet at Li's house.

 Not to mention the men drinking happily and the children having fun, even the women rarely take a break from their busy lives.

As the sun set, the guests took their leave, with smiles on their faces, and invited the Li family to come and sit at their home.

Finally all the guests were gone, and the young and old of the Li family were too tired to talk, so they put a hasty cushion on their stomachs, washed up and went to sleep.

Jiayin was thinking about Beizheng's adoptive father and father. He didn't hear much news at home. After staying at home for two more days, he spoke to his sisters-in-law and then entered the palace.

The third princess is following her grandma in sorting out her dowry and learning how to manage the family. After all, the princess's mansion is about to be built.

  After getting married, she and Lu Zong had to choose a house to live in. Even if they had a nanny and a maid to help them, she, the head of the house, couldn't understand everything.

Suddenly hearing the good news that she had entered the palace, the third princess was so happy that she ran out with her skirt in hand.

As soon as Jiayin entered the yard, she was hugged so much that her nose hurt. Before she could complain, the third princess started looking in front of and behind her again, "Where is Santiao? Where did Santiao go? This heartless one, I feed it on weekdays. What a good thing! It went back with you and didn’t even come to see me!”

Jiayin is helpless. The little fox has been playing with the children at home these days. There are endless snacks and fruits, and free grooming services.

It has long been so happy that it has forgotten what night it is!

When her master entered the palace, the cat refused to follow him!

So, she could only say, "Let Shuiling go back and catch Santiao soon!"

 “Haha, that’s pretty much it!” The third princess was finally satisfied and walked inside with a smile on her arm.

Jiayin asked, "Is there anything new in the palace these days?"

"No, I've been bored all day, and I'm just waiting for you to come and save my life." The third princess looked around and said in a low voice, "I'm looking forward to getting married early. At least I can play everywhere and don't have to be trapped here. ”

Jiayin rolled her eyes, revealing her little thoughts.

“If you want to go and play with Brother Lu, just say so. How sad it will be if this word reaches Uncle Huang’s ears. I have raised you with good clothes and good food, but you still don’t appreciate it!”

 The third princess chuckled, "Oh, I'm just telling you, you can't complain."

 After saying that, she suddenly remembered something and quickly changed her subject.

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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