Chapter 968 Marriage Grant

"Oh, that's a good thing." Brother Cat nodded immediately and responded, "The fourth sister-in-law is the queen. I don't know how many people are curious and want to see her. Grandma and aunts are not here. You, the county, want to reward you." A flower banquet is most suitable.

“Besides, remember to send invitations to the academy. My eldest brother and sixth brother have finished their exams and are going to become officials, but your brother and I have to stay in the academy for two more years.

“I don’t ask the college to pay much attention to me. At least don’t trap me and let me do my homework all day long.”

Jiayin rolled her eyes, feeling helpless at her brother's laziness, "You don't plan to take the exam to get a merit degree? The academy is a place for studying, but it is used as a temporary inn for you to stay!"

Brother Cat smiled flatteringly, "Sister, don't say that, hehe, I've been busy writing overseas travel notes recently. When I finish writing, I will definitely go back and study hard."

 When he said this, everyone just laughed and no one took it seriously.

 In the final analysis, the most blessed among the boys in the Li family is Brother Cat. His brother has already been on the gold medal list smoothly, and the other cousins ​​are also outstanding.

When it is his turn, he does not have the responsibility or pressure to take on the glory of the family. He just needs to make himself happy and not cause trouble for the family.

 Everyone chatted for a few more words, briefly discussed the details of the flower viewing banquet, and then dispersed.

Zhimin and Xiujiela were going to visit calligraphy and painting shops, and Brother Li, Brother Mao, and Guo Wenhao were all taken away by them to serve as consultants.

  Guo Wenhao originally wanted to say a few words to Jiayin, but in the end he was not given the opportunity at all.

Mu Jue also said quickly, "Princess, go to the fruit and vegetable shop. There is a flower viewing party, and there are many things to do. I need to go back early to discuss with the young lady."

Jiayin nodded, turned to the fruit and vegetable shop and the hot pot shop, took today's account book and went directly back to Suijintan.

 Wan'er and Abe took the children, as well as the little girls who were waiting at home, to the hot spring valley.

 In this season, many flowers in the valley are in bloom, and the light mist fills the air, making it look like a fairyland on earth and beautiful.

There are no outsiders, and the orchard on the mountain is quiet and quiet. As long as they guard the entrance of the valley, all the old and young girls can have fun for most of the day.

 So, even when they returned home, they all still had smiles on their faces.

Jiayin had just baked two stoves of snacks, made milk tea, and squeezed juice. When he saw everyone coming back, he asked Shuiling and Shuiyun to bring them up.

Everyone couldn't help but cheer and feast.

The children even hugged their aunt’s legs and shouted as if their mouths were dipped in honey, “Auntie is the best, and the snacks made by auntie are the most delicious!”

Jiayin was coaxed to smile, hugged them and kissed them one by one.

After Wan'er and Aibei had filled their stomachs, they asked about things in the city.

Jiayin briefly talked about it, and then mentioned the flower viewing banquet. Wan'er immediately agreed, and Aibei didn't have any objections.

So Jiayin asked Shui Ling to write and finalize most of the guest list.

 After nightfall, Mr. Li Laoer and Mr. Wen rushed back with Jiaren and others.

Li Laosan returned to the college. Jia Huan was guarding the restaurant and several shops and did not come back.

Li Laoer heard that there was going to be a flower viewing party, so he added two wives who were friends with his colleagues to the list.

Mr. Wen also has two more children, both of whom are close to Mrs. Wen.

Because he had to return to the Earl's Mansion for the flower viewing party, Abe was still a little reluctant to leave Broken Gold Beach.

 The Broken Gold Beach was not the best scenery she had ever seen in her life, but it was the place where she felt most at ease and warm.

No wonder my husband always wants to come back here when he is at sea...

 The next morning, Li Laoer and Mr. Wen hurried into the city again.

 The things they need to be busy with do not end just because the Northern Expeditionary Army sets off. Instead, they have to worry more than before.

 Because the army is outside, all the support and confidence are in the court. Any slight disturbance will have a great impact and harm to the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Wan'er was busy writing invitations and shopping, while Jiayin helped her sister-in-law prepare ingredients and other items.

Of course, the most important thing is flowers. After all, it is a flower-viewing party.

Even if everyone knows that flower viewing is a gimmick, they still need to make it more beautiful.

 Fortunately, some peach trees have been planted in the space and they will be in full bloom soon.

Jiayin simply moved the peach tree out and planted it in the garden of the Earl's Mansion.

In this way, after the flower viewing feast, at the end of summer, the family also had peaches to eat.

 In the busy life, the days pass quickly.

On this day, Caiyun suddenly came from the palace, and Jiayin quickly stopped her to chat.

"What is the princess busy with in the palace? Why haven't you come to play with me recently? Did the third princess eat the snacks that were sent to the palace before?"

Caiyun was steady and responded thoughtfully, "Thank you, Princess, for thinking about it. The princess ate the snacks sent by the Princess before and liked it very much. She always talks about it on weekdays and thinks of the Princess all the time.

"It's just that the princess has a happy event recently and is shy for a while, so she can't go out and walk around."

Jiayin was stunned for a moment and asked quickly, "Has the princess's marriage been decided?"

Shui Ling and Shui Yun were also curious, and asked with a smile, "Sister Caiyun, please tell me, has the third princess really decided on the consort?"

Caiyun smiled and nodded, "Yes, the imperial edict has been issued just now. The emperor has granted marriage to the third princess and Prince Lu!"

“Ah, it’s really Prince Lu! Prince Lu is a good person, good-looking and kind-hearted!”

“Yes, this time we got the handsome man! He and the princess are so talented and beautiful, they are a perfect match.”

Shui Ling and Shui Yun praised her without any words, both of them were happy for the third princess.

Jiayin was also happy and said with a smile, "Since the imperial edict has been issued, what else can the princess be shy about? I told her to come to my flower viewing party. I arranged for the little girl to tell stories. If she missed the fun, don't blame me for not telling her. she!"

Caiyun's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she quickly responded, "Okay, I will definitely tell the princess when I get back. The princess has long been thinking about the little girls taught by the princess, but she didn't expect that she would be willing to shout out and show up at this flower viewing banquet."

  Previously, Jiayin once went to the relief department to take her second uncle home. Occasionally, she heard a few children quarreling. Two little girls were particularly sharp-tongued and looked funny and cute.

She had a sudden idea, so she wrote some cross talk jokes and asked the two little girls to practice.

 Unexpectedly, the two little girls were extremely talented and learned quickly.

 A month ago, the old lady of the Jia family celebrated her birthday. Jiayin sent two little girls to perform a performance, which made all the women laugh non-stop and the scene was extremely lively.

 The two little girls received more than 20 taels in reward money, which was enough to feed and drink them for five or six years.

In the relief department, children who are unwilling to study will also be taught some survival skills.

For this reason, Jiayin discussed with his second uncle and added this opportunity to make a fortune.

There are little girls under ten years old on the left and right, who go in and out of the back houses of various houses to tell stories to the women to relieve their boredom without causing any trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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