Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 967: Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Chapter 967 Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Mu Jue took a breath, his tone was still calm, but his eyes were blood red as if they were infected by magma.

“In just one day, my family was ruined and I lost everything. I vowed to kill all the barbarians and pay with blood!

"I pretended to be a cowardly mute and was captured by the barbarians and taken to the camp to be a slave. I endured hunger, whipping and kicking every day just to find an opportunity to take revenge. But I had no power, let alone revenge. I'm going to risk my life.

"Fortunately, the Marquis led his troops to kill him from the south of the Yangtze River. I tried my best to find the Marquis, and then acted as an internal agent. After many life and death attempts, I finally cooperated with the Marquis and killed all the thousands of barbarians. I gave it to my parents, tribesmen, and the whole city. The folks took revenge.”

Jiayin heard the choking in his voice, hesitated for a moment, raised her hand and patted his shoulder gently, and whispered, "It's over, everything is fine."

Mu Jue nodded and tried to hold up his chest, as if he didn't want his shoulders to be weighed down by the heavy past.

“Our family is just one of thousands of broken families. It can be said that everywhere in Jiangbei is stained with the blood of the people.

“I still have a chance to take revenge, but the hatred of the rest of the people can only be waited for by the Marquis and the Northern Expeditionary Army to clear up their hatred!

“The Marquis has seen too much misery, and carries the hatred of his family and country on his shoulders. He is burdened with too much. Now this war has been planned for many years, and it is absolutely impossible to give up.

“Tianwu can let go of the land in Jiangbei, but he cannot let hundreds of thousands of innocent souls cry day and night without any comfort!”

Mu Jue looked into the distance, where large ships had already crossed the river one after another, rushing towards the battlefield destined to be baptized with blood and fire, without hesitation.

Jiayin followed his gaze and felt extremely complicated in her heart, "I'm sorry, I haven't experienced this and can't empathize with it.

“I just don’t want my relatives to take risks, I don’t want them to get hurt and suffer, and I don’t want to hear bad news about them one day.”

"I understand." Mu Jue waved his hand and sighed, "Things are divided into public and private matters, and it is normal to get along with each other at a distance.

"Sometimes, I also think that if I betray the whole world, my parents can survive, and I will do it without hesitation. Unfortunately, I don't have this chance, I can only be a good person!"

 After saying that, he jumped down from the tree, then stretched out his hand and carefully received the good news.

 The two of them changed their words in a tacit understanding.

Mu Jue said, "The left and right are also out. Do you want to go to the shop and have a look?"

“Okay, Guli is gone, and no one will take care of things for me anymore. I have to worry about it myself.” Jiayin wanted to find a good manager, but unfortunately there was no suitable one.

Perhaps it’s because Guli did such a good job, and the others who came after him would naturally be eclipsed.

They went down the mountain, found the carriage, joined Shui Ling and Shui Yun and entered the city.

The first stop was of course Baiyunjian. Unexpectedly, I met Jiaren, Lu Zong, Jia Xu, Brother Li, Brother Mao, Guo Wenhao, and the brothers Zhimin and Xiujie here.

They were all seated in a box, and everyone was in their prime, which made the rich ladies in the boxes next door send their maids to hang out in front of the door from time to time.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun guarded the door, while Jiayin and Mu Jue entered the box.

Everyone was happy to see the good news and greeted him one after another.

"Sister, I thought you went back to Suijintan. Does your sister-in-law know that you are coming to the city?" Jiaren poured a cup of warm tea for his sister, thinking that his wife was worried because she couldn't find her sister-in-law.

Jiayin nodded quickly and responded, "I told my sister-in-law, she knows I won't go back at noon."

Lu Zong pushed the plate of egg tarts in front of him across the table to Jiayin and said, "This is a freshly baked egg tart. Shopkeeper Peng sent it to me personally. My sister is going to put it on my stomach."

"Thank you, Brother Lu." Jiayin took one casually and ate it while asking, "Aren't you busy today? Why are you all gathered here?"

Jia Xu shook his fan and responded, "In half a month we will be dispatched. At that time, we will have to go to other places if we have no choice. Today, we will take advantage of the large number of people to get together and talk." "Then I want to congratulate my brothers." We will soon get what we want, and we will have a long journey ahead." Jiayin held the egg **** in her mouth and bowed to everyone, with jade beads hanging on her head, making a clear sound.

 Her naughty look made everyone laugh.

Jiaren patted his sister and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the egg **** crumbs on her body. Unexpectedly, Guo Wenhao also handed the handkerchief over to her, and they suddenly touched each other.

Guo Wenhao quickly took it back, his ears slightly red.

Jiayin didn't see it, so she asked casually, "Brother Wenhao, I heard from my brother that there are two thorn rose trees in your village that are blooming very well, and I want to ask you for one. Around my greenhouse The wooden walls are bare and I plan to decorate them.”

 Guo Wenhao's eyes burst with surprise, and he quickly responded, "I don't understand flowers, and I just keep them for fun. If you like them, just dig them all away."

"Okay, then I'm welcome. In a few days, I'll have someone build a grape shed for you, and give you dozens of grape vines. In autumn, you can eat grapes and read at the same time." "The good news was generous in return, causing Zhi Min and Xiu Jie to immediately protest.

Jimin shouted, "Sister, our yard in the town is also bare. Since we are giving away a grape shed, we cannot be left behind."

Xiu Jie also smiled and responded, "Yes, yes, I like eating grapes the most. Sitting under the grape trellis, eating grapes and reading, I feel happy just thinking about it."

Jiayin was naturally not stingy and agreed.

Mu Jue sat next to Brother Cat, chatted with him for a few words, took a piece of Shaqima and ate it slowly, not caring at all that everyone was ignoring him.

On the contrary, he secretly saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and the Shaqima in his mouth was no longer sweet. He only felt that the situation was extremely serious...

 At this time, shopkeeper Peng heard the news and brought some snacks and came over to talk.

Jiayin simply asked about the business. After seeing that nothing happened, he wanted to go to the fruit and vegetable shop and the hot pot shop.

 As a result, before I could go out, a young **** had already come looking for me.

 It turned out that the emperor summoned Jiaren, Jia Xu and Lu Zong to enter the palace.

Jiaren and others quickly packed up their clothes, tidied them up, and hurried into the palace.

Brother Li couldn't help but chatter and said, "I don't know where the emperor wants to send my eldest brother and the others to be officials. He is summoned every now and then, which makes others extremely jealous. I don't know how many harsh words were said behind my back."

Brother Cat shook the jade pendant he was playing with and smiled mischievously, "I think that the eldest brother and the eldest brother Jia are both accompanying guests, and Prince Lu is the one the emperor really wants to see."

 “How do you say this?” Everyone was curious and asked one after another.

Brother Cat said, "Last time, when the elder brother and the others entered the palace, I had nothing to do and took the car to pick them up. But when I saw the third princess and Brother Lu walking side by side, the third princess turned red."

"You mean...Brother Lu is going to be the consort!" Xiu Jie shouted in surprise, but Zhimin covered his mouth, "Don't yell, there are many people in the left and right boxes, be careful of the trouble coming from your mouth."

Jiayin also felt that it was not good to discuss this matter behind his back, not to mention that the third princess was a woman, so if it was spread, it would always be easy to talk about but not popular.

So, she quickly changed the subject, "Where are Fourth Brother and Fifth Brother, have they gone to the Foreign Affairs Department again? I also want to discuss with them to prepare a flower viewing party in a few days and introduce Fourth Sister-in-law to everyone. "

 Today’s update is here~~

 (End of this chapter)

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