Chapter 966 Fight to the death

Jiayin naturally agreed. With Mu Jue and Shui Ling Shuiyun beside her, Ye Shan and his wife played little role.

Now that Aunt Mei stays behind to guard the yard while Ye Shan takes care of her adoptive father, she feels more at ease.

The Marquis rubbed the top of Jiayin's hair and smiled happily, "I must have been busy for a long time. Thank you for your hard work. Don't worry, your father and I will return safely and triumphantly."

Li Laosi also patted his daughter on the back and told him, "Have fun at home and do whatever makes you happy. If someone bullies you and you can't fight back, then write it down and wait until dad comes back to avenge you!"

"I know, dad!" Jiayin opened her arms and hugged her dad hard.

Li Laosi rarely blushed, patted his daughter, got on his horse, and set off.

Jiayin turned around and hugged the Marquis again. The Marquis smiled and squatted down to make it easier for his daughter to hug him.

Jiayin whispered a few words in the ear of the Marquis. The Marquis’s eyes flashed and he nodded gently...

 Outside Xindu, as in previous years, a tall Dianjiang Tower was built.

On the day of the expedition, almost no one was in the streets, and all the people in the city and outside the city gathered in one place.

Of the 100,000-strong Northern Expeditionary Army, 30,000 were sent to **** the grain and fodder first, and the 10,000-strong logistics battalion also set off. Only 60,000 elite cavalry were left, each wearing a helmet and carrying armor, holding a sword and gun in hand, standing under the general platform with his head held high. .

The sun shines on the tip of the gun and the blade of the knife, reflecting the cold light.

The people of Tianwu were all extremely excited, clenching their fists and shouting loudly.

 “The heavenly force is mighty, the northern expedition is triumphant!”

 The envoys from the eight countries gathered together and stood on the wall, watching all this from a distance, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Maybe Tianwu is not as good as their country in some places, but the land is vast, the products are rich, and the soldiers are so strong and brave now, it is definitely not something they can easily control in a short time!

The emperor was wearing a bright yellow nine-dragon robe and a crown on his head. He stood on the general stage with inexplicable fanaticism in his eyes.

The Marquis was dressed in golden battle armor and knelt down on one knee.

 The emperor personally took the helmet and put it on carefully for him.

"Xintinghou is sure to lead the army to victory this time and achieve success immediately!"

Manager Yi on the side shook his fly whisk and quickly passed on the message.

Immediately, thousands of people followed and shouted.

The villagers from several villages in Suijintan also rushed over, except for those who had to stay behind to take care of them.

They shouted louder and louder, and even the circles under their eyes were faintly red.

 “Victory begins with a clear start, and success is achieved!”

 “You must come back safely!”

 “Victorious as soon as possible!”

Some children waved their hands vigorously and shouted angrily to their relatives in the team, "Dad, come back early and teach me how to ride a horse!"

Hearing this, tens of thousands of soldiers felt their noses were sore, but their backs straightened even more.

At the general's stage, the emperor helped the marquis with his own hands, and the two stood side by side. The emperor whispered, "Cousin, no matter success or failure, you must come back safely. There is no need to worry about this side of Xindu, I am with you in everything."

The Marquis nodded and responded, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will go all out on this trip to regain Jiangbei and return in triumph."

Manager Yi urged from the side, "Your Majesty, Lord Marquis, the auspicious time has come!"

The emperor took a deep breath, rolled up his sleeves, took the drumstick, and beat the huge cowhide war drum vigorously to see off the soldiers on the expedition.

 Hintinghou knelt down and kowtowed again, then got off the general platform, jumped on his horse, and pointed the long sword in his hand to the north of the Yangtze River. "Recover Jiangbei and kill the Qiu barbarians! Let's go!"

 Sixty thousand soldiers all mounted their horses and shouted in response, "Recover the north of the Yangtze River and kill the Qiu barbarians!"

 For a time, the murderous spirit was fierce and the flags were fluttering.

The horse's nose snorted and its hooves paved the ground until the knight pulled the reins and bolted.

The army surges like a torrent, the sound of horse hooves sounds like spring thunder, crushing the dust and smoke, and rushes into the distance to fight to the death!

Countless people cried and cheered loudly!

Countless relatives are looking forward to it and praying for a safe return!

 Until the dust and smoke fell in the distance, the shadow of the Northern Expeditionary Army could no longer be seen.

The emperor returned to the palace and took most of the people in the city with him, and the rest also dispersed one after another.

 In just an hour, even the general order platform began to be dismantled.

On a hill not far away, Jiayin and Mu Jue stood on a tree trunk and looked into the distance.

Like a giant dragon, the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived at the dock little by little, got on the boat one after another, and crossed the river to the north.

Jiayin’s face was sullen, and the worry in her eyes almost flowed out.

She does not want to embolden others' ambitions and destroy her own prestige, but this time her adoptive father and father go to war, she really has a bad feeling.

However, the Northern Expeditionary Army had abundant food and grass, and the troops and horses were strong. She also helped prepare a lot of things. She did everything that could logically be done, and she really couldn't find anything that could go wrong.

This inexplicable worry made her extremely anxious.

If her family hadn't stopped her, and she didn't understand the art of war and tactics at all, it would have been a disservice to her. She really wanted to disguise herself as a man and go on an expedition together!

Mu Jue didn’t see Jiayin’s expression, but he yearned for it wholeheartedly and said with emotion, “I also want to go out with him and kill all the barbarians with my sword in hand!”

Jiayin frowned and responded, "Actually, Jiangnan is now enough to support all the people of Tianwu. Why do my adoptive father and my father still have to go to war? Do we have to recover Jiangbei? Even if we recover, no one may want to go back, right? !”

Mu Jue stopped his wandering legs, turned his head and glanced at Jiayin, and said nothing for a while.

Just when Good News was about to jump off the tree and go home, he suddenly spoke.

“Princess, has the Marquis told you about my life experience?”

Jiayin hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly, "After a few words, I only know that your parents and relatives have passed away."

Mu Jue leaned on the tree trunk and looked towards the north, with nostalgia and hatred in his eyes.

“My family is in a county three hundred miles north of Kyoto. Our ancestors have been studying for generations, and we are considered a scholarly family. My father is the eldest son. Because he didn’t like officialdom, he resigned and returned home to teach me how to read every day.

"My mother is weak and sick, unable to take care of the house, but she is very caring to me. But I am naughty by nature and often get into trouble, causing chaos in the house, but my parents never punish me and only say that they hope I will hurry up. grow up.

"My father also has two brothers, who are also married and have children, but they are not separated. There are more than 20 young and old, and servants in their 40s and 50s. They live in a big house and live a comfortable and prosperous life. But suddenly overnight, the barbarians broke through the border , Killed at the door of the house.

"It happened that my mother was seriously ill at that time, and my father took people with the doctor to go into the mountains to collect medicine. My mother didn't want to burden the family, so she called my uncle to take me away first, and she stayed to wait for my father. I didn't want to, so I looked for a place at the last moment. I hid myself and the whole family looked for me everywhere, wasting the opportunity.

"So, when the barbarians broke down the door, I squatted on the beam and watched with my own eyes as they killed my uncle and cousins. They also tried to humiliate my aunt. She fought hard and was chopped to pieces until she died. Didn't close my eyes.

“My mother was also bullied. When she was struggling, she saw me on the rafter. She was afraid that I would jump down, so she grabbed the barbarian’s knife and wiped her own neck. When she was dying, she was still shouting for me to live...

“The whole bed was soaked with my mother’s blood, and the blood of my family members filled the whole yard, bright red, like fire, and it burned me as if I had died countless times.

“Later, I took advantage of the chaos to escape from the city and wanted to find my father, but I saw my father who was rushing back had his head cut off by a barbarian knife, and the head fell in front of me..."

 Two updates today~~~

 (End of this chapter)

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