Chapter 917: Self-reliance

The three vendors were so distressed that they wanted to cry. They had been deceived for a month, and they had only saved so much, and it all became theirs.

 But no matter how good the money is, it is not as important as life!

Just when they thought they had succeeded in "losing money and avoiding disaster" and were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the woman got up, found a stone nearby, and then broke one of their legs...

There was a scream immediately from the seaside, so shrill that the seabirds flew up!

 The woman threw the stone, clapped her hands, and warned the three vendors in a low voice.

"Because you are not evil, I will spare your life. If you dare to bully women again, if I find out, I will definitely look for you again and personally send you to see the Lord of Hell!"

After saying that, she kicked a few people's injured legs a few more times. The vendors almost fainted from the pain, then picked up the seafood and turned away.

From beginning to end, she didn’t say a word, and she didn’t let the three of them see the whole picture.

  It can be said that he acts decisively and takes ruthless actions!

  Until the woman disappeared on the path outside the beach, a person actually walked out from behind the rocks.

 It was none other than Jiayi who was looking for his future wife everywhere.

 As for the woman just now, needless to say, she was Coral!

Jiayi looked strangely stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed, showing his white teeth.

 I remember when she first rescued Coral, she was fighting among the thieves with a knife in both hands, and her face did not change even in the face of danger.

 It was also at that moment that his heart fell in love with this unique woman...

 But after that, she entered the wounded barracks, as if she was relieved because she had taken her revenge, and turned into an ordinary woman who endured humiliation, was cautious, and was so overwhelmed by rumors that she could not hold her head up.

But today, it seems that Xu's marriage has re-injected her hope of living. The heroine among girls back then is slowly coming back!

From now on, I cannot support her enough to get out of the house, otherwise such an interesting and rare woman will be buried in the backyard...

 Coral didn’t know that her little secret had been discovered. When she sold the seafood and returned home with the money, she still had a smile on her face.

Twenty taels of silver is not much, but it is enough for her to buy bedding and clothing for herself.

 Although compared to the Li family's family status, such a dowry is still very shabby.

 But she believed that the Li family would not dislike her or look down on her for this.

 The only thing left is to prepare a meeting gift for the Li family.

 I can't say, she is still looking for opportunities to try her luck in the sea recently...

When Sister-in-law Mi saw her master coming back, she hurried forward to greet her. She smelled the strong smell of the sea before she could say anything, so she asked: "Girl, have you gone to the beach? You smell so strong of salt!"

 Color was about to take a shower for fear of being exposed, and asked casually: "Is everything okay at home?"

Sister-in-law Mi quickly responded: "Shortly after you went out, General Li came and gave you two boxes of snacks, and then returned to the military camp."

●Coral's originally high-spirited thoughts were immediately put down, and she happily ate a snack before going to take a bath.

On the second day, she went out alone on the pretext of going shopping, went to the fishing village to pick up the things she had stored, and then continued diving in the sea.

She didn't see that there were two veterans following her from a distance, ready to protect her at any time...

 The Li family is making preparations for welcoming their new daughter-in-law in an orderly manner.

Tao Hongying is in charge of groceries, and Zhao Yuru is in charge of needlework and cloth, so they are not too busy.

 Occasionally, I can help Sister-in-law Liu.

Quanzhou here is not like Broken Gold Beach. You can go to the fields for a walk, and you can go to the door to chat.

Although the sea is majestic and the local customs and customs are many different, it will no longer be new after seeing it for a long time.

In this way, some things are busy, and everyone barely feels that the days are going faster.

Hand Coral has gone to the sea several times, but he hopes that life will pass more slowly.

 But hard work has its rewards. She has been lucky recently. The dock has been visited by many merchants from the north recently. Her seafood has been bought at high prices several times, allowing her to earn more than thirty taels. As a result, her dowry became richer, and all the wedding gifts were prepared.

Needless to say, those merchants are also Jiayi’s handiwork.

He wanted to give the money given to him by his family several times to Coral, but every time he saw her selling her goods and skipping home, he gave up the idea.

 He is willing to carefully maintain this girl's self-esteem. Such a girl deserves to be liked and even more worthy of respect.

 Old Mrs. Li was very strange. While her grandson was at home, she pulled him in and asked him secretly.

“Jiayi, I see your money box is still at home, why didn’t you give it to Coral?

You love the child, but maybe you are anxious about the dowry. If you get it earlier, she will also buy things earlier! "

Jiayi thought about it for a while, but without hiding it from grandma, he said, "Grandma, in the past period of time, Miss Huanhuo was secretly fishing for goods from the sea without telling everyone, trying to save money to buy a dowry for herself..."

Mrs. Li became anxious after hearing this. She went to the beach and saw those fishermen girls carrying a spherical bag made of fish skin and fish glue. The bag was filled with air and tied around their waists. Diving into the sea.

 At the bottom of the sea, I felt really suffocated and needed air, so I took a breath into the bag.

If the fish skin bag is scratched on the bottom of the sea or something happens, the person may be drowned.

 It can be said that every time you dive into the sea, you are on the verge of death.

"How can this be possible! Stop him quickly! If something happens, it will be too late to regret it!" Mrs. Li grabbed her grandson's hand and was about to go out.

Jiayi quickly reassured her, "Grandma, don't worry, I've found someone to secretly protect her. And I've also had people buy the seafood I fished out at a high price."

Mrs. Li took a breath, and then Jiayi continued, "Grandma, I hope you won't stop Hualu from going into the sea. She wants to earn a dowry with her own ability, and maybe she feels that entering our Li family in this way will give her the confidence to straighten her back.

"Even if I gave her money, she wouldn't take it. Moreover, she has saved enough money and has not gone to the beach for the past two days."

Mrs. Li was completely relieved now and patted her grandson **** the back.

 “Damn it, boy, you can’t finish it all in one go and make me anxious!”

Jiayi chuckled, with a rare blush on his face and said to grandma, "Grandma, do I have good taste? I have found such a good wife!"

 Old Mrs. Li glared at her grandson angrily, "You have been disobedient since you were a child. Fortunately, you are quite lucky!

In the future, if you have such a powerful daughter-in-law to take care of you, your family will not have to worry. "

 Original Mrs. Li means what she says sincerely.

The so-called backing mountain falls, relying on everyone to run.

 Only yourself is the most trustworthy!

  Although she admired Coral's kindness and righteousness before, she still had some shortcomings in her private mind.

 Now I heard from my grandson that Coral's temperament and temperament completely suited her needs!

Such a woman is worthy enough of her grandson, and enough to help the Li family take root here!

At this moment, in the small courtyard where Hualu stayed temporarily, Dr. Sun, who had not been here for a long time, was also welcomed.

 Doctor Sun is much darker and thinner than before, but the smile on his face is very happy.

He didn't bother to drink the hot tea served by his daughter, and directly took out a money bag from his arms and stuffed it into it.

 Coral was startled and asked, "Father, where did you get so much money?"

 Two updates~~I have a splitting headache, and when I am sick, I suddenly realize that health is too important. Dear children, take care and take care of yourself.

 (End of this chapter)

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