Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 918: Teach the apprentice and starve the master to death!

Chapter 918: Teach the apprentice and starve the master to death!

Doctor Sun took a sip of tea and then said: "I ran out of medicinal materials, so I went for a walk in the mountains. Unexpectedly, I was very lucky and came across a plant of immortality. I just sold it for money, which is enough for you to buy a dowry." "

 Eternal grass is a specialty herb here in Quanzhou. Because it grows on cliffs, it is extremely difficult to collect, so the purchase price has always been high.

Doctor Sun practices medicine in the military camp, and the medicinal materials are all prepared logistically, so he needs to collect them himself.

Needless to say, the lack of medicinal materials was an excuse, and it was true that he went out to find immortal grass in exchange for money.

 At such an old age and with poor physical strength, he still takes such risks!

 Color was feeling guilty and anxious, and couldn't say anything. In the end, she could only kneel down with red eyes, "Thank you for your love, foster father."

“Silly girl, get up quickly!” Dr. Sun quickly helped his daughter and said with a smile: “My family, why are you so polite? My adoptive father is not very capable, but it is not a problem to arrange a dowry for you.”

After saying that, he thought for a while and then said: "At noon, my foster father will have dinner with you. Let's talk about what is missing from the dowry and whether there is anything that my foster father can do."

“Okay, sister-in-law Mi bought meat and two pounds of shrimp this morning. I will cook some dishes for my adoptive father.” Hualu agreed immediately and started talking with a smile.

 Her eyebrows, which were originally somewhat heroic, became much more lively now...

 Let’s not talk about Quanzhou, because happy events are coming soon, and it will be very lively and joyful.

 Just talking about Xindu, after the first lunar month, the weather gradually warmed up.

The mountains and forests that were originally wearing white winter clothes began to shed their coldness little by little and regained their vitality.

 In the city, because the city wall blocks the cold wind, the houses and pedestrians are enjoying the warm spring day, and it is becoming more and more lively.

 In the Shoukang Palace, the Queen Mother lay on her side on the imperial concubine's couch, frowning, and slowly eating the fruit.

In the middle of the room, the old nanny was tossing the third princess and Jiayin under the guise of teaching rules.

  Unfortunately, the effect is still as bad as ever.

 A simple kneel down, but the third princess said she couldn't learn it and asked the old lady to demonstrate it over and over again.

Often, she and Jiayin would kneel once or twice, while the old lady would kneel a dozen times.

The old grandma is already old, and she has beads of sweat on her head after kneeling for such a long time.

The Queen Mother secretly cursed the old nanny for being useless, but she was also afraid that she would be exhausted and lack someone to take care of her in the future.

Hence, the Queen Mother called a stop in time, endured her disgust, and invited Jiayin and the third princess to eat the fruit.

Jiayin and the third princess were not polite and ate happily.

In just a moment, half the plate was eaten in the blink of an eye.

 The old grandma felt distressed when she saw it.

 You must know that the Shoukang Palace is weak. How can those who climb high and tread low miss this opportunity? They have slowly reduced the supply since last year.

 Such fresh fruit is not easy to get nowadays.

 In the end, the master didn’t even have a few bites, and most of them were killed by these two dead girls...

If the master was in a good mood on normal days, he could reward her with a few mouthfuls, but today he definitely couldn't.

Thinking about this, she felt even more thirsty and uncomfortable in her throat.

  Perhaps she was staring at the fruit plate too intensely and was discovered by Jiayin and the third princess.

They were so "bad" that they bit the fruit so loudly that the juice even flowed out, and they even praised it from time to time.

The third princess said, "Grandma, you are so kind. You have prepared such delicious fruits for us! Even if you don't learn the rules from now on, I will come to accompany you more often."

Jiayin also smiled and said, "Yes, the Queen Mother loves us so much. She knows that we have worked hard to learn the rules, and we are so well prepared for food and drink."

The old grandma rolled her eyes angrily. In terms of hard work, she is the only one who deserves these two words. The Queen Mother couldn't stand the arrogance of the two girls, so she smiled lightly and said, "When you arrive at Shoukang Palace, I will naturally take good care of you."

After saying that, she changed the topic and asked, "The big exam starts in less than half a month, Kang Le, I heard that there are candidates in your Li family?"

"Yes, the Queen Mother." Jiayin admitted openly and responded with a smile, "My eldest cousin and sixth cousin are both going to take the exam. Tomorrow happens to be the day when I leave the palace, and I plan to get some exam materials for them. Woolen cloth."

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "Remind them a few more times that the examination relies on real skills and they should not think about crooked ways. Otherwise, if they are found out, the Li family will be embarrassed."

“Thank you, Queen Mother, for reminding me.” Jiayin still smiled and replied, “Don’t worry, Queen Mother, my brothers are all really talented and knowledgeable, and they are not afraid of any investigation.

“But we don’t rule out the possibility that someone doesn’t like our family and deliberately frames it.

“However, judging from the experience of the past few years, anyone who dares to reach out to our family will have their arms chopped off.

“Sometimes, I still feel bored and look forward to a few more people jumping out to practice their skills for our family. After all, you need a whetstone to make the blade sharper. Right?”

The Queen Mother was so depressed that she became even more unhappy when she looked at the proud little girl showing her little white teeth.

 “Aijia is tired, please kneel down and pay your respects.”

Jiayin and the third princess immediately put down the fruit, stood up with smiles, and were about to salute.

The old woman suddenly took out two brocade mats and placed them in front of them.

“Princess, Princess, I happened to learn how to kneel down today. Please kowtow to the Queen Mother and then go back.”

Jiayin glanced at the brocade cushion and smiled.

The third princess was not happy, however, and scolded the old nanny, "I have been kneeling for most of the day, and I am already tired. The royal grandmother hasn't said anything yet, what a shame you have done!"

Jiayin, however, gave her a tug and advised: "Princess, don't be upset. We should kneel down and let the Queen Mother see how well we have learned."

The third princess didn’t know what kind of medicine Jiayin sold in the gourd, but she was sure that she would not suffer any loss, so she followed Jiayin and knelt on the brocade mat, kowtowed, and then stood up steadily.

The old mama looked very surprised. Although she tried her best to endure it, she still couldn't hold it back and kept looking at Jiayin's expression.

 But Jiayin still smiled, her face was rosy, and there was no sign of pain at all.

Seeing her looking over, he asked instead: "What's wrong, Mammy, we've knelt down to worship, are there any other arrangements?"

 “No…no!” The old woman agreed quickly, bent down to take out the mat and was about to leave.

But I don’t know whether she was too panicked and stepped on the hem of her skirt, or tripped somewhere. Before taking two steps, she jumped forward and fell out, with the cushion in her hand just under her body.

 A scream instantly resounded throughout the Shoukang Palace!

The third princess was startled, pulled Jiayin's arm and hid a few steps away, asking: "What happened?"

Jiayin smiled and shrugged, and responded in a low voice: "Who knows, maybe it hurt too much from the fall?"

With a pale face, the old mama struggled to get up and quickly apologized, "Old slave, I accidentally fell."

As she spoke, she tried her best to hide half of her arms behind her back.

The Queen Mother shrank her eyes and cursed, "You're useless, why don't you get out of here."

The old grandma responded quickly, lowered her head and retreated.

The third princess quickly took Jiayin and followed her out the door.

It wasn't until they left Shoukang Palace and rounded the corner that the third princess asked with curiosity, "Jiayin, tell me quickly, what happened just now? How did that vicious old woman fall so badly?"

"It didn't hurt her from the fall, it hurt from being pricked!" Jiayin sneered and responded, "The brocade mat she was holding moved her hands and feet, and the one I was kneeling on had some fine needles stuck on it. If I had knelt down, it would have hurt a lot. I dare not walk for eight days!”

 (End of this chapter)

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