Chapter 916 The strange fisherman girl

On a small pier by the sea more than 20 miles outside the city, people were busy bathing in the midday sun.

Some haenyeo carry baskets and sell the conches, sea urchins, fish and shrimps they picked up from diving into the sea here.

 No one gave them a high price just because they risked their lives to get back the harvest.

  Often a basket of conches can only be sold for 20 cents.

 But just twenty cents brought a smile to the faces of the haenyeo women.

 They live here all year round and go to the sea whenever they have free time.

 The sea is generous and tolerant, and the materials are abundant.

Occasionally, they would receive twenty or thirty taels of silver, and they would accumulate it over time. By the time they got married, they would have more than a dozen taels of silver.

This money is enough for them to buy some bedding and clothing for themselves, and they can walk into the door of their husband's house with dignity.

 Today, among the divers selling seafood, there is one who is very strange.

Not only was her whole body wrapped tightly, she was also wearing a face scarf and a big bamboo hat. If her clothes were not soaked, she could barely see some female curves, and I am afraid that neither men nor women would be able to tell the difference.

 There are vendors who walk around here all year round, gathering together to chat.

 “Did you see that woman?”

“Of course I’ve seen it. It’s a hot day and I cover it tightly, so I’m not afraid of getting heat rash.”

"What do you know! This person looks like a girl from a wealthy family, and she follows the rules."

“Impossible, a woman from a wealthy family is still short of money, so she comes here to compete with us for a few pennies?”

“Even rich families have money? Don’t be stupid! I’m afraid something will go wrong at home and your livelihood will be lost.”

“Hey, let’s go over there and have a look. If it’s really a lady, let’s touch it and take advantage.”

 “Haha, hurry up and leave! You make me feel itchy.”

 In a place like this, there are all kinds of religions, and there is no justice or rules at all.

 A few hawkers can be considered the tyrants here. They do business when there is business, and when there is no business, they use some tricks to take advantage.

Seeing them running towards the woman in a bamboo hat, the others were trying to avoid them, some were gloating, some were frowning, and some were stretching their necks to watch the fun.

“This girl, what are you selling?”

"Oh, that's good. There are actually a pair of parrot snails (made up)! These things can't be sold at a high price here. They need to be taken to the shopping streets in the city. It's best to meet those merchants from the north. Just in case. If you are interested, you can sell it for more than ten taels of silver!"

“That’s it, that’s it! It’s a pity to sell it here.”

Three vendors smiled and approached the stall of the woman in a bamboo hat, chatting familiarly and picking up the seafood.

One of the vendors grabbed the parrot snail and put it in front of the woman, as if he wanted to hand it to her.

 In fact, if the woman reaches out her hand, he will take the opportunity to grab her hand and wipe it with oil.

The woman raised her bamboo hat and glanced at him lightly without making any move.

 But her dark and bright eyes made the vendor's hands tremble and his heart became even hotter.

 This is definitely a beauty!

 He quickly winked at his two companions, and then said: "Sister, this parrot snail... I bought it!"

“I’m offering ten taels of silver, but I don’t have that much with me yet, only five taels. Why don’t you come home with us to get it?”

After saying that, she was afraid that the woman wouldn't believe it, so she took out the money bag from her arms. There were bits and pieces in it, and as expected, there were only five or six taels in total.

The other two hawkers also tried their best to help. One of them said: "Yes, we really want to buy it, but we just don't have the money. Our home is in Baisha Village, two miles away. It's very close. Come back with us to pick it up." Bar."

There are really two women from Baisha Village nearby. When they hear this, they are about to speak.

 As a result, their arms were pulled by an acquaintance.

 A few vendors hang out here often, but the woman is a stranger.

Even if the woman is saved, she will never come back again.

 But the vendors may still have to deal with each other frequently, and there is absolutely no benefit in offending them. The woman was unprepared, or perhaps she was really short of money, so she nodded after hearing this, packed up the stall and left with the three vendors.

 Everyone thought there would be a commotion, but it turned out to be so simple!

Some people secretly scolded the woman for being too stupid, some sighed, and some felt disappointed...

Let’s talk about the three hawkers, who helped the woman carry the seafood and walked all the way to the remote path, and soon came around behind a large reef.

The waves crashed against the rocks and broke into pieces. The water flowed down the rocks, forming patches of dirty gray-white foam.

The salty sea breeze blew in my face, making me feel suffocated.

 The three hawkers stopped, threw down their seafood, and looked at the woman with smiles.

The woman lifted her bamboo hat, exposed her eyes, and asked coldly: "Why don't you leave?"

"Of course it's because we're here!" A hawker rubbed his hands and smiled evilly, "Sister, your parrot snail is not that valuable. My eldest brother spent ten taels of silver to buy it, but it was interesting enough. Then shouldn't you also accompany me? Brother, are you having fun?"

 “Happy? Why are you so happy?” The woman was very calm, as if she didn’t even know that she was in danger.

 The three vendors all laughed when they heard this, but one of them was about to step forward but picked off the woman's hijab.

 “Of course I’ll sleep with my eldest brother, and he’ll be happy.”

Unfortunately, before his hand could touch the woman's cloth, he was kicked hard in the stomach, staggered a few steps away, and fell **** the beach.

The other two hawkers were stunned for a moment, and their faces turned dark.

 “Smelly girl, you’re shameless, right?”

 “Give me a good beating and then train her when she is honest.”

The two rolled up their sleeves and were about to step forward. The vendor, who was curled up in pain, yelled crazily, "Beat her to death. Let's have a good time and then sell her to a big ship out to sea."

 “Smelly girl, if you dare to hit me, I will kill you!”

The woman took two steps back, but her expression still showed no panic. Instead, she asked: "You have done this before, right?"

The two vendors didn’t brag, so they responded: “I’ve never done it before, I’ve only heard about it. But we’ll use you to open our business today!”

The woman snorted coldly, turned her hand and took out two daggers from her lower back.

The blade is sharp and it is held in each hand, giving it a certain posture.

 The two vendors were immediately timid, but they still kept their mouths shut.

“You bitch, you still want to kill someone? Humph, you just took two daggers and pretended we were afraid of you.”

“That’s it, you can try to touch us. I have more than a hundred brothers and I have found your home and will not let you rest for a while!”

 Unfortunately, the woman rushed forward directly.

The two of them tried to hide from the dagger, but in a panic, they were hit within a moment of taking care of themselves. They rolled on the ground like gourds, wailing for mercy.

The hawker who was kicked away earlier was about to rush over and want revenge.

Seeing this, he wanted to run away, but how could the woman let him go? She dragged him back by the collar and beat him again.

The three of them got together and became brothers in need.

 “Ouch, it hurts me so much, please spare my life!”

 “Hero, we were wrong, we really know we were wrong!”

 “Spare your life, we don’t dare to do it anymore. Ouch, it hurts, it hurts!”

The woman did not stop because they begged for mercy. When she was tired of beating them, she put a dagger on their necks and then plundered all their money bags.

 The three money bags added together amount to less than twenty taels.

 The woman nodded with satisfaction. It was rare for three vendors to be able to bring so much money to such a dilapidated wharf.

 (End of this chapter)

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