Chapter 915 Thoughts from my sister

After Li Zhensheng found out, he waved his hand and sent people to clean up and renovate the two courtyards, and also packed a full set of wooden utensils and supplies. He was regarded as an uncle and supported the construction of their small home.

Soon, the Yue family sent someone to the door to measure the dimensions of the main house and prepare it for their daughter before getting married.

Jiayi was worried that Dr. Sun had little money and could not prepare a dowry for Hualu.

He just wanted to see the coral, ask her what she liked, and then give her the remaining money from buying the yard.

After dinner that night, Grandma Chang came over and knocked on the door and said, "Third Young Master, the old lady asks you to come over."

Jiayi was confused and didn’t understand what grandma wanted from him, but he quickly packed up and went to the main house.

As soon as he entered the house, his eyes were dazzled by the golden light shining all over the bed.

Old Mrs. Li was sitting on the kang, with eight or nine boxes in front of her, as well as a small box.

“Jiayi is here, come and sit.” Mrs. Li patted the edge of the kang and asked her grandson to sit next to her.

Jiayi came over and asked, "Grandma, if you don't take a break, why are you still playing with the jewelry?"

"Silly boy, this is for you!" Mrs. Li pulled her grandson to look at the boxes and said slowly: "These four huanghuali boxes contain four sets of jewelry: pearls, cat's eyes, agate and red gold. , I have saved it over the past few years. When you brothers get married, each of you will receive one share. I plan to put it into the betrothal gift, which is decent and affordable."

Jiayi quickly said, "Grandma, I haven't been at home for so many years and I haven't contributed much to the family. I can't ask for subsidies from the family when I get married..."

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Mrs. Li glared at her grandson angrily, “You are the grandson of the Li family, and now that you have a family, of course your family will prepare a decent betrothal gift for you.

“Otherwise if word gets out, people will say that the Li family is stingy, and I’m afraid it will delay your brother and the others from getting a wife!”

Jiayi didn't dare to refuse now. Grandma was too harsh on him, and he couldn't bear the responsibility of letting his brothers become bachelors!

Old Mrs. Li ignored him and pointed out the four sandalwood boxes to him.

“These four boxes were specially entrusted to me by your sister to keep for you before I came out.

“She is the richest in our family. Look at these, one set each of suet-fat jade and jadeite, and two sets of red gold. Each one is exquisite, all made by the master craftsman in the palace.

"I don't know when this girl was made. She has grown up so much that she even hides it from me, an old woman, and has her own little secret!"

The old lady was chattering, but she had a smile on her face.

Jiayi frowned and shook his head repeatedly, "Grandma, help me take these things back and tell Fu Niu'er to let her wear them and play with them herself. You don't have to give them to me!"

Old Mrs. Li glanced at her grandson and sighed when she saw that he was not saying polite words.

“You brat, do you think you accumulated good fortune in your previous life to have such a good sister?

“If my guess is correct, Fu Niuer has probably been saving these things for you since she was four or five years old.

"When your eldest brother and your second brother got married, she also gave some, but there were not enough good things at that time. In the past two years, I watched Fu Niu'er find a lot of excuses to make up for your eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law. When it's your turn, let me bring you together.

“The younger sister gets married, and the elder brother adds the makeup. You are lucky, the younger sister actually prepares the things for the wedding.

“I didn’t agree with it at first, but your sister insists. I see her becoming less and less conscious of being a sister, and instead treating herself as a sister!”

Jiayi couldn't help but laugh too, her sister was indeed becoming more and more like a housekeeper.

Now she has taken over most of the big and small things in Broken Gold Beach, and she has taken care of them in an orderly manner.

They also ask their brothers to ask warmth. If you don't look at the age, there is really a posture of the eldest sister.

 But he still wanted to refuse, but grandma slapped him on the arm.

"Don't refuse anymore. Your brothers and sisters all have it, and it's not just for you. If you feel guilty, treat your sister better in the future. "She is a woman, and she will get married in the future. Your father, your uncles and aunts and I cannot protect her forever. When the time comes, your sister will have to rely on your brothers for support!

“Remember your sister’s kindness and repay her a thousandfold, so that your sister’s love for you will not be in vain.”

Jiayi quickly said: "Grandma, even if Fu Niu'er doesn't prepare these things for me, I will never let her suffer any injustice. Not even my wife and children, no one is more important than my sister!"

“Silly boy, just say this.” Old Mrs. Li pointed to the box, “There are five hundred taels of silver and one hundred taels of gold in it, which are the family assets given to you by your father and your father.

“Huanhuan doesn’t have any money to buy a dowry, so you should find an opportunity to give it to her. She is a strong girl, and she and Linlang come together, so there is no need to compare, and don’t make her feel uncomfortable.

"After you get married, this money will also be your family property. It doesn't matter if you and her spend it in advance."

Jiayi's heart was so hot that his family had really thought of every detail for him.

 How lucky you are to be born into the Li family!

“Grandma!” He lifted up his gown and knelt on the ground to kowtow to her. “Thank you so much, grandma, for considering me so carefully and for being so kind to the coral. We must live up to grandma’s expectations and live a good life.”

 “Get up,” Mrs. Li bent down and picked up her grandson, smiling and scolding: “My family members, don’t be polite. I’ll give you everything my family can give you, and you’ll be on your own for the rest of the day.”

 Jiayi nodded heavily.

That night, after explaining a big thing, Mrs. Li rarely had a good sleep, but Jiayi had insomnia...

 Early on the next morning, he went to the military camp. Seeing that nothing happened, he found the small courtyard where Hualu was staying temporarily.

As a result, Sister-in-law Mi was very surprised and said, "Why is General Li here? Miss Hualu went to your house. I wanted to follow, but she didn't let me!"

Jiayi was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong, but he still responded, "Really? I just came back from the military camp."

After saying that, he handed two boxes of snacks to Sister-in-law Mi, "These are the snacks among the white clouds. Remember to give them to Miss Coral when she comes back. I still have to return to the military camp. Send someone to call me anytime if anything happens."

"Yes, general." Sister-in-law Mi quickly took it, feeling extremely happy for Miss Hualou.

 It doesn’t matter whether a man is promising or not.

 For a woman, a good husband is one who understands both cold and hot, and always thinks about home...

After a few more idle words, Jiayi left the small courtyard and turned around the intersection. He immediately ordered a soldier.

"You go back to the old house for me and tell me that I left the dagger in the room. Then see if Coral Girl is there?"

The soldiers understood and left.

Jiayi found a table at a nearby teahouse to drink tea, and soon the soldiers returned.

“General, the concierge said Miss Coral didn’t come over!”

Jiayi frowned and felt heavy in his heart.

He didn’t know what Coral did in private under the pretext of going to the old house.

 But concealing one’s whereabouts makes people feel uncomfortable no matter what.

 He thought for a while and said, "You can simply ask and see if you can find the whereabouts of Coral Girl."

"Yes, General." The guards did not dare to ask any more questions and quickly dispersed...

 (End of this chapter)

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