Chapter 912 Undue Invitation

"What are you doing, Coral? Get up, get up!" Mrs. Li was startled and quickly bent down to help Coral up.

Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru also followed suit.

Tao Hongying thought that Huan was thinking about her deceased parents and was unwilling to acknowledge her, so she said: "Miss Huan, our family is very liberal and will not force our children to do anything. If you don't like it, just say it, you don't have to admit it." "

Color shook his head and insisted on kneeling and said, "Old Madam, Third Madam, Fourth Madam, I am just an orphan, and there are many rumors about me. I am grateful to the Li family for accepting me and marrying me.

“Today the old lady came to my door again in person and made careful plans and considerations for me, and I would never be able to repay her even if I die.

"But I still have an undue request, and I want to ask the old lady to grant it."

Mrs. Li and her two daughters-in-law looked at each other, both half curious and half confused, and asked.

"Coral girl, please tell me first, what is the problem?"

Then Coral said: "Old madam, when I went to take revenge, I finally wanted to commit suicide to find my family in Jiuquanxia. Unexpectedly, I was rescued by General Li, and was finally sent to the wounded barracks and settled in the wounded barracks.

“Doctor Sun from the Wounded Barracks treated me like his own daughter. He treated my injuries and advised me to live well. He even protected me and stayed in the Wounded Barracks for such a long time.

“I know that if I accept the old lady’s arrangement, I will definitely have a good adoptive father or adoptive mother, who will definitely benefit me in every way in my future life.

“But old lady...can I recognize Dr. Sun as my adoptive father? I want to support him for the rest of my life. Please fulfill my wish to repay my kindness!”

 After saying that, she put her head on the ground.

There was no movement in the room for a long time. For a long time, when Hualu was feeling extremely anxious, Mrs. Li helped her up with her own hands.

“What a good girl!” Old Mrs. Li sighed, gently tidied up the messy hair of the coral, and said with a smile, “Sometimes, I think that our ancestors of the Li family must have accumulated good deeds.

“Not to mention our little granddaughter Bai Ling Bai Hui, the daughters-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law we married are all outstanding.

“This excellence does not mean how well-born you are or how capable you are, but that you are all good children with kindness and righteousness!

“You must know that when a man marries a wife, everything else is secondary, and friendship must come first. After all, life is so long, and no one can guarantee that there will be any bumps in the road.

“Having a wife who will never leave her even if she eats chaffy vegetables, I will not be afraid of any difficult days and will be able to get through them.

“Obviously, our family’s family justice is also a blessing!”

 Color was a little stunned after hearing this, and asked, "Old madam, do you agree?"

“Of course I agree, silly girl!” Tao Hongying patted the coral on the shoulder and said with a smile, “My mother not only agreed, she also praised you as a good girl who is affectionate and righteous!”

Zhao Yuru also smiled and said: "Yes, Miss Huanhuan, you will know when you marry into our family. In Suijintan, Xindu, the largest number of disabled veterans in our village are the elders of our family. Jiayi sees everyone I want to call you grandpa.

“You are willing to accept an old military doctor as your adoptive father. He is so kind and righteous. He is a natural member of our Li family!”

 Coral breathed a sigh of relief and also laughed, but her eyes became red when she smiled.

“Thank you, old lady, thank you! I am just a burden, but my family allows me to support my adoptive father...”

“What are you talking about!” Old Mrs. Li pulled off the handkerchief and gave it to Huanhu, and said angrily: “You will have to help Jiayi and your uncle take care of the family’s future properties in Quanzhou. You are not a burden!

“Besides, a daughter should provide for her adoptive father to support her in her old age. Our Fu Niuer is shouting every day to support her adoptive father in his old age!”

After saying that, she settled Coral next to her and sat down, and discussed with her daughters-in-law with great interest who should be invited to talk to Dr. Sun about this matter. When the time comes to host a banquet to recognize relatives, who should be invited to bear witness...

At the wounded barracks of the Hailan Army, seven or eight more wounded soldiers were sent in due to a small conflict at sea yesterday.

Doctor Sun was so busy that he didn't go to bed until midnight. He had to get up at any time to check whether several wounded soldiers had fever.

 After all, he is getting older. When he got up early this morning, Dr. Sun felt a little top-heavy and his mouth was very bitter. He wanted to ask Coral to help him make some porridge, but before he could speak, he remembered that Coral had left camp to get married.

Unavoidably, he felt a little lost.

This girl has been with her for a few months, and he is used to it. He occasionally talks to her, has meals together, and keeps company like a father and a son.

Now that the girl is gone, he is reluctant to leave her, but he is also happy for her.

 As a woman, if she has a good home, she will have someone to rely on for the rest of her life.

 At this time, a soldier came to invite him.

“Doctor Sun, the general would like to ask you to go to the main account.”

“The general is looking for me?” Dr. Sun was confused, but he quickly changed into clean clothes and hurried over.

 As soon as he entered the main tent, not only General Tang was present, but also Li Jiayi.

Doctor Sun's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the Li family was dissatisfied with the coral and wanted to return it?

He also had a bad temper. He gave a hasty salute and said, "General, General Li, has something happened to that girl Huanhuan? That's a poor child. It's not easy!"

"If she does something wrong, just tell her and I will go and persuade her..."

When Li Jiayi heard this, he knew that the old military doctor had misunderstood, and quickly asked him to sit down.

General Tang also said: "Doctor Sun, don't worry, that girl Huanhuan is fine. I invite you to come here today because there is a happy event."

 Happy event?

Old Doctor Sun was relieved, but also a little curious.

Li Jiayi then said, "Doctor Sun, our family thinks that Huanhu is alone, so we want to find a godmother for her. After we get married, Huanhu will also have a place to move around.

“Coral agreed, but she personally asked my grandmother for permission to recognize you as her adoptive father, and she also wanted to support you until the end of her life.

“I came here today to ask on behalf of Coral, do you want to recognize her as your adopted daughter?”

 General Tang was afraid that Dr. Sun would disagree, so he quickly said: "Doctor Sun, this is a good thing. To be honest, I want to be this adoptive father.

“But Miss Coral is a grateful person. Thinking of the care you have taken for her these past few months, she wants to be your daughter-in-law.

“Hurry up and agree, I’m still waiting to go to Li’s house to drink this wedding wine!”

 Old doctor Sun was stunned for a long time, and the circles under his eyes turned red.

“This silly girl, what kind of foster father does she think I am? Anyone in this city would be better than me.

“A woman has the confidence to have a good natal family. I am just a lonely old man with half his neck buried in the ground..."

Hearing this, Jiayi said seriously: "Doctor Sun, after I get married to Huanhu, I will treat you as my father-in-law and take care of you until I grow old.

“Don’t think too much about it. Our Li family doesn’t have the habit of relying on in-laws to gain advantage. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who my father-in-law is.

"In addition, our family supports several elders over at Suijintan in Xindu. They are all veterans and wounded soldiers. They are also highly respected by the villagers. When you have the opportunity in the future, you can go and take a look and you will know."

General Tang was very anxious, fearing that Doctor Sun would still refuse to agree, so he shouted loudly, "Jiayi, go back and prepare the banquet. I will take this old fool with me tomorrow."

“What a wonderful son-in-law and daughter, but you are still so hesitant. Be careful of someone cutting off your beard. I regret you to death!”

 (End of this chapter)

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