Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 913: What’s special about a family dinner!

 Chapter 913 What’s special about the family dinner!

Jiayi could tell that Dr. Sun was willing, but he felt a little inferior and was afraid of causing trouble.

I believe that as we get to know each other over time, we will no longer have these worries.

 He smiled, saluted General Tang and Dr. Sun, and then strode out.

 Doctor Sun was pulled aside by General Tang, who was nagging him for a long time...

 When I got up early the next morning, the Li family yard was busy.

Tao Hongying, Zhao Yuru, sister-in-law Liu and Huiniang took the maids to work in the kitchen, while Mrs. Wen was responsible for looking after the children.

Mrs. Li is accompanying the guests, while Wenjuan is in charge of the tea and snacks.

The old lady of the Tang family came here early with Mrs. Tang, and even brought her most beloved granddaughter with her, intending to show it to the Li family.

The granddaughter of the Tang family is called Yu Wen. She is fourteen years old. She has pretty features. Because she likes reading, her demeanor is a bit bookish. She is gentle and quiet, which is very popular.

Mrs. Li didn't expect that Mrs. Tang really wanted to get married. Even Mrs. Tang's face didn't seem bad, and she wasn't as resistant as when her mother-in-law mentioned it before.

Old Mrs. Li guessed that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law must have had a private discussion, so she asked Grandma Chang to get a set of white jade jewelry as a meeting gift.

White jade is not very precious, but it gives people a sense of warmth and peace.

Moreover, this jewelry is extremely finely made and is very rare.

Yu Wen liked it very much, and even Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang were also surprised.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "My granddaughter likes these, so there are always jewelry craftsmen in the Hou Mansion.

“Occasionally, she would draw a pattern and send it to the craftsmen to make it. This time when I went out, she insisted on bringing me two sets, and I didn’t expect that they would come in handy.

“It’s not something expensive. If Yuwen likes it, he can wear it for fun. You are young and should dress up nicely. When you are our age, if you put more hairpins, you will be afraid of being called an old witch!”

 Everyone laughed.

Mrs. Tang praised her smoothly: "The princess is really clever, but today we are the best at Yu Wen.

“Yu Wen is clumsy. After several attempts, only needle and thread can be found. In a few days, let her embroider some small things for both the old lady and the princess as gifts in return.”

"Okay, then I'm welcome. It's far away, otherwise Yuwen will definitely be able to play with our family's good news!" As Mrs. Li spoke, she was a little worried about her little granddaughter, and she looked like this. Feeling lonely.

Wenjuan was a little anxious when she saw this. Although her grandmother rarely mentioned it, she thought about her family and her sister-in-law all the time.

They racked their brains to coax the old lady, and they managed to persist until now.

With these thoughts in mind, she was about to step forward to speak. Just then, the Yue family came to the door.

 Sister-in-law Liu is very satisfied with Yue Linlang as her future daughter-in-law. She has been with the Yue family a lot during this period.

The Yue family are merchants, and no one is better than them when it comes to seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

The Yue family chose Liu Yang as their son-in-law, firstly because they valued Liu Yang, and secondly because Liu Yang and Jiayi were like brothers, supporting each other.

 I heard that the Liu family lived in Suijintan and got along very well with the Li family.

Yue Linlang was later the daughter-in-law of the Liu family and half daughter-in-law of the Li family.

This time the Li family hosted a banquet to recognize Hualu as their bride, and the Yue family took the initiative to come and congratulate her.

As soon as Yue Yuanwai and Mrs. Yue brought their daughter in, they were even more happy to see that the Tang family were also there. After seeing the ceremony, Yue Yuanwai and Li Zhensheng went to the study to drink tea. Mrs. Yue was left behind, who was good at dancing and eloquent. After a while, she was chatting and joking with Mrs. Li and Mrs. Tang.

Linlang went to the kitchen to see her future mother-in-law and wanted to help, but was driven away to play with Coral and Wenyu.

Mrs. Yue didn't know much about the rules of the Li family, so she said to Mrs. Li: "Old madam, our family has several chefs who are very good at cooking seafood. If the old madam doesn't mind, I will have two of them sent to me tomorrow. Let’s take a break and give our family a change of taste, okay?”

Mrs. Li is not stupid, and she immediately guessed her concerns. She was afraid that the Liu family would imitate the Li family and let their daughter-in-law cook.

Mrs. Li laughed and explained a few more words.

“We have a cook in our family who is very good at cooking. The reason why I let my daughter-in-law cook today is because it is a family dinner.

“Those who eat are family members and elders, and the younger generation prepares the meals with their own hands as a sign of respect for the elders.

“Of course, it doesn’t happen often, only three or five times a year, so I don’t worry about the children being affected by it.”

Mrs. Yue blushed upon hearing this and quickly responded: "Oh, the old lady is really wise. This is how a family should be. The old man is kind and the children are filial. This is the long-term way for the family to prosper."

Mrs. Tang couldn’t help but nod her head and said jokingly: “Sister, I’m so lucky, I’m really envious of you. This stupid daughter-in-law of mine, let alone cooking and burning the stove, I’ll just recite Amitabha.”

Everyone laughed, which made Mrs. Tang angry, "Mother, you hurt my heart when you said that.

“Although my daughter-in-law can’t cook, most of the clothes you wear were sewn by her stitch by stitch.”

 “Oh, oh, I spilled the beans. I’m afraid I’ll have to wear my shoes when I get home!” Mrs. Tang pretended to be panicked, which made everyone laugh even louder.

Mrs. Li clapped her hand and replied, "My fourth daughter-in-law is good at cooking, but not good at needlework. Look at it this way, no one is perfect, she is good at it and not good at it. Speaking of which, I am young Sometimes, everything can’t be done and you have to learn from scratch.”

“Me too, I dance with the sword and stick every day, and my mother is afraid that I won’t get married!” Mrs. Tang also talked about her youth with great interest.

 For a while, the two old ladies began to reminisce about the past.

 After chatting and joking for a while, General Tang and Dr. Sun finally arrived.

Li Zhensheng took Jiayi and Brother Mao to personally greet them and brought them in.

Everyone greeted each other, because General Tang and Doctor Sun were old and there was no need to avoid suspicion.

  Yuwen and Linlang both followed Hualu into the hall.

 Old Doctor Sun was sitting on the chair. Under the witness of everyone, Coral Knelt down with red eyes, kowtowed to Old Doctor Sun, and called out, "Father."

Dr. Sun tried his best to hold back his tears. He hesitated and said, "Coral, when you were injured and went to the wounded barracks, I treated your injuries and took care of you. I deserved it. You really deserve it." There is no need for such a generous reward, I, a lonely old man, really can’t afford it.”

"No, foster father." Coral shook her head vigorously, took two steps forward on her knees, and insisted: "Father, I was determined to die at that time. It was you who persuaded me over and over again and deliberately found a job for me to keep me busy. , all to persuade me to live.

“You also saved your own rations and asked Sister-in-law Mi to cook porridge for me. You even subsidized the soups I drank later.

 “I know it all, and I bear it in my heart.

"I have lost my parents and relatives, and I am also alone. From now on, you will be my reborn parents. I am willing to support you until I grow old. Please give me this opportunity."

Seeing this, Jiayi also knelt down next to the coral and said, "Father, please give me and the coral this chance."

Doctor Sun wanted to say something else, but everyone was anxious.

 Dear children, my child has a high fever at school. I urgently picked him up and went home. It was a mess and I worked all afternoon. I can only do two updates today. Hugs, everyone should take precautions and take care!

 (End of this chapter)

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