Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 911: The emperor gave the princess a handover!

 Chapter 911 The emperor made a bouquet for the princess!

In the imperial study, the emperor was playing chess with the Marquis. Seeing that the Marquis was absent-minded, the emperor could not help but persuade him.

"Cousin, don't worry. It's the first time for these two little girls to go to Shoukang Palace. No matter how impatient that person is, he won't do anything to them."

At this moment, Manager Yi suddenly looked at the corner, and then kicked the young **** out of the room.

Soon, an inconspicuous white-clothed secret guard appeared in the room, knelt down not far from the desk, and reported in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the third princess and Princess Kangle have come out of Shoukang Palace."

"So fast?" The emperor was surprised. He glanced at the Marquis and asked, "How do they look? Is Shoukang Palace making things difficult for them?"

The secret guard looked very strange for a moment, and then he bowed his head respectfully and started talking.

The emperor and the marquis didn't think much of it at first, but later they threw away the chess pieces.

At the end of the sentence, the secret guard thought about what Jiayin said in the corner and repeated it word for word.

The emperor couldn't help laughing and said to the Marquis: "Cousin, I really wonder what kind of good luck you had in the first place to meet the Li family and find such a good daughter!

 “This girl Fu Niuer is so smart! She is only ten years old, but she actually knows so much!

“The third princess should really be under the supervision of a disciple. She can learn from Fu Niuer’s three points of transparency and intelligence, so I don’t need to worry about her anymore.”

Mr. Hou had a rare look of pride, and he was smiling from the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

“Your Majesty, don’t praise this girl so much. If she finds out, her tail will rise to the sky.

"This girl has never suffered a loss since she was a child, and she is very courageous. It is probably the one who underestimated her this time and was caught off guard. I'm afraid it won't be easy next time."

The emperor waved his hand, "I don't care about that. Today is a happy matter. If there is really no movement in Shoukang Palace, tomorrow I will fulfill my filial piety and replace all the people in Shoukang Palace."

 After saying that, he told Manager Yi, "Go to the warehouse and pick up some things that Fu Niu'er likes, and send them to Zhilan Palace in person, as a gift from me for the third princess.

“I am very pleased to tell my two children that they are so filial and punish the evil slaves for the imperial grandmother, and I hope they will keep it up in the future.

"By the way, last time, didn't the third princess say she wanted a jade Ruyi? I remembered that there was a pair of gold and jade Ruyi, so I gave them to her as well."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Manager Yi happily agreed and took people to open the inner treasury.

 But the secret guard had already retreated silently.

The Marquis was relieved and simply stood up to leave, causing the emperor to complain, "My cousin, you really want to leave when you know your daughter is fine. You don't want to finish the game of chess with me?"

The Marquis was not polite and responded: "Your Majesty, just look for someone else. I have to rush to the dock."

The emperor smiled helplessly and did not stay any longer.

There are many people who can play chess with him, but the only one who can deliver an army of 100,000 is his cousin...

Jiayin and the third princess returned to Zhilan Palace. After the excitement, the third princess was a little worried, so she quietly asked Jiayin: "If my father knew that we were causing trouble in Shoukang Palace, would he be angry?"

Jiayin was wearing an apron and was planning to bake a small cake with Shuiyun and decorate it with some fresh fruits.

Hearing the third princess ask this question, she responded casually: "It doesn't matter if you know. After all, it was you who caused trouble in Shoukang Palace. I was obedient and didn't do anything at all!"

 “Oh, Li Jiayin, you’re going to make me mad!” The third princess stamped her feet angrily and shouted, making Jiayin laugh and finally comfort her.

“Just keep it in your heart! For example, if you hate someone and I go to punish that person, will you be happy? Will you be pleased with me?”

"Of course!" The third princess rolled her eyes and finally changed her smile.

“Haha, let’s bake a cake quickly. I want to send a piece to my father and ask for a reward.”

Before she could finish her words, Manager Yi came over with the eunuchs carrying large and small boxes. Manager Yi smiled when he saw Jiayin and the third princess coming out with flour on their hands.

“Your Royal Highness the Princess, the Princess, the Emperor heard about the Shoukang Palace and was very pleased with the filial piety of the Princess and the Princess towards the Queen Mother. He specially asked the old slave to find a lot of good things and send them over.

“Among them, the pair of gold and jade Ruyi are for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

“The remaining silks, jewelry, and small ornaments were given to the princess as ordered by the emperor himself.”

 “Shuxiu?” The third princess laughed when she heard this. “My father is so awesome, he even guessed this! Jiayin really wants me to do this. Now it’s great, my father helped me do it.”

Jiayin had a smile on her face, but she confirmed some of her guesses in her heart.

The emperor did send someone to monitor her and the princess.

 In fact, this is normal. The emperor is the master of this palace, so of course he must control it all.

She and the third princess now live and eat in the same place. The emperor is not afraid that she will do harm to the third princess, but he must know what they are doing.

Especially when it comes to Shoukang Palace…

However, understanding is one thing, no one will be happy being watched.

 I can’t say, I have to be more cautious in my actions in the future...

After sending Manager Yi away, Jiayin left two sets of jewelry. The third princess asked the third princess to find someone for the rest of the boxes and sent them to the Earl's Mansion.

Wan'er has been on tenterhooks these past two days, fearing that her sister-in-law will have a bad time in the palace.

Suddenly she received something from the palace. She heard that it was a gift specially given to her sister-in-law by the emperor, and she was extremely happy.

  It’s not that she is short-sighted and values ​​property, but this proves that my sister-in-law is living at ease in the palace.

 At least make the emperor and the third princess happy, otherwise they wouldn't have these things.

While she had people seal the box and help her sister-in-law keep it safe, she also had people send letters to her husband who was returning to the academy to visit, so that he could feel at ease earlier.

 Let’s not talk about Kyoto, just in a small courtyard in the south of Quanzhou City. At this time, Mrs. Li, Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were sitting together with Miss Huanhuan, drinking tea and snacks, and discussing some trivial matters about getting married.

This small courtyard was rented by the Li family a few days ago. They wanted to settle the coral girl well before getting married.

In order to avoid suspicion and to better take care of the coral, Tao Hongying specially hired Mrs. Mi and his wife as part-time workers.

The son and daughter-in-law of the Mi family all work on merchant ships and are not often at home. Sister-in-law Mi and his wife are idle at home and are very happy to have a job to support the family.

Uncle Mi is responsible for chopping firewood, carrying water and other chores, while Sister-in-law Mi cooks, does laundry, and accompanies Miss Hualou to do needlework.

Today, Mrs. Li came to visit for the first time, and Coral gave her a pair of shoes sewn by herself. The craftsmanship is not very good, but she is full of heart.

With the Li family's current business, there is no need for the grandson's daughter-in-law to do any work, but Mrs. Li is particularly happy that Coral has such filial piety.

 She pulled the coral and chatted for a long time, then remembered what she meant, and said: "Coral, our family has no intention of disapproving of your origin, but when you are a woman getting married, it is always better to have a natal family.

“From now on, you will have a place to move around during New Years and holidays, right?

I have been thinking about asking you to recognize me as my godmother. I came here today just to ask you if you have any ideas. If not, I will start making arrangements. "

Color was stunned for a moment, then she didn't know what to think of, so she lifted up her skirt and knelt down directly in front of Mrs. Li...

 (End of this chapter)

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