Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 910: There is really nothing to reason about!

 Chapter 910 There is really no excuse!

At the end, she pulled the Queen Mother's sleeve and said: "Grandma, my granddaughter knows that you are usually kind and don't want to pay attention to these slaves, but you should be punished as well.

“They threw their granddaughter and Princess Kangning into the side hall and froze for half an hour, and then they neglected you and gave you a headache!

“My granddaughter will help you give them a good beating. Next time they dare to do this again, my granddaughter will ask my father to send people to pull out everyone from Shoukang Palace to behead them, and replace them with a group of loyal and hard-working people!”

The Queen Mother frowned fiercely and tried not to throw the third princess away. She still wanted to speak.

The good news took the lead again, "Yes, Queen Mother. I am so fond of you that I went to the palace yesterday to read to the princess. As soon as I got up this morning, the princess took my daughter to greet you."

“It was originally a happy thing, but these blind slaves got in the middle and deliberately made things difficult for us.

"Those who know the kindness and generosity of the Queen Mother will say that these servants are so bold as to offend their superiors. Those who don't know may say that you, my grandmother, deliberately treat the princess and the ministers harshly.

“The princess and her ministers couldn’t bear the Queen Mother being smeared by these servants, and the relationship between the grandparents and grandchildren was ruined by these servants, so they gave them a few lessons when they were anxious.

"Your Majesty, you are so sensible and love your juniors so much, you will definitely not care about us, right?"

The third princess took over the conversation at the right time and asked: "Grandma, do you still have a headache right now? Would you like your granddaughter to rub it for you?

“You are the best grandmother in the world, and you will definitely not bear to let your granddaughter freeze. It is all the fault of these dog slaves, right?

“The Imperial Grandmother must punish them, otherwise the granddaughter and the princess will come over often in the future, and they will always be so indifferent. There are rumors that the Imperial Grandmother bullies the younger generation, and her methods are despicable!

"Obviously, the emperor's grandmother is not that kind of person. My granddaughter feels wronged and angry for you!"

The Queen Mother was violently bullied in the chest, and she was so angry that she almost spat out blood.

At this time, of course she couldn't admit that the slaves were all under her orders. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that she was making things difficult and mistreating her granddaughter, and her methods were cruel?

 The slaves must bear all the burden and suffer some more hardships. Otherwise, the third princess will really go to the emperor to replace the slaves in Shoukang Palace, and she will have no helpers.

She worked hard for a long time, and then responded with a smile: "The imperial grandmother is old and has been uncomfortable these days. She really didn't know that the people below were so bold and made you feel wronged.

“But the Imperial Grandmother is used to them serving, so it’s not a good idea to replace her. In this way, when the Imperial Grandmother is free, we can set good rules for them!”

The third princess glanced at Jiayin and saw Jiayin nodded slightly. She quickly stopped and stood up to salute the Queen Mother.

"Okay, as long as the royal grandmother is happy. You were sleepy after walking last night, and now you have a headache. My granddaughter and the princess will not disturb you. You have a good rest, and we will accompany your grandmother to watch the lanterns tomorrow."

Having said that, she did not forget to fiercely instruct the concubines, "My ladies, don't let the imperial grandmother worry too much. Just say a few words and go back.

“Whoever dares to let the Imperial Grandmother bother me, I will report it to my father! My father is so filial. If the time comes, you will get angry. Don’t regret it.”

All the concubines really wanted to give her a big look. They watched a big show as soon as they entered the door. They didn't say a word, but received two warnings in the end.

 What the **** is this!

 But they did not dare to respond. Recently, the third princess was very popular with the emperor. If they offended her, it would be more than worth the loss to speak ill of them in front of the emperor.

 So, everyone responded in a low voice.

The third princess immediately broke the good news, greeted Nanny Hao and others, and left the Shoukang Palace.

It wasn't until she turned the corner of the palace wall and there was no one else around that the third princess shouted happily: "Jiayin, your method is great. After teaching those dog slaves a lesson, the imperial grandmother can't be angry! She's probably going to feel aggrieved." I'm vomiting blood!" Jiayin gathered up his cloak, covering himself with only a white and tender face, and responded with a smile, "So, there is a reason why you were always said to be domineering when you were straightforward in the past."

“Soft knives are obviously better to use, right? Remember to practice more in the future!”

The third princess nodded repeatedly, couldn't help but rub Jiayin's hair a few times, and said with emotion: "Tell me, we are not two years apart, how come you are so much smarter than me!"

“Oh, my hair is all messed up!” Jiayin quickly dodged her clutches and ordered: “We just caught them off guard today, so they won’t be so easily fooled in the future. After all, everyone can use soft knives.

"But since we were young, we were our biggest support. We couldn't handle it anymore, so we ran out of Shoukang Palace crying. We kept her for less than an hour, and everyone in the palace would know that we were bullied. Look where she goes with her old face. put!

“Of course, another big killer is involved, rumors!

“We have just finished the work, but we haven’t finished it yet. We quickly find people to spread the news everywhere.

“He said that the Queen Mother was too kind and indulged her slaves, who were so daring that she treated the princess harshly when she came to Shoukang Palace to pay her respects.

“The Queen Mother is so angry that she is shouting to the Emperor to change all the slaves in Shoukang Palace!”

"Is it possible to say that? Just now..." The third princess wanted to say that this was a bit false, but Jiayin took the opportunity and ruffled her hair a few times.

Jiayin lowered her voice and complained: "Are you stupid? How many of the rumors in the world are true! There are so many people just now, it's hard for the Queen Mother to get angry. Afterwards, she doesn't know what to think about us!"

“These rumors spread, and the Queen Mother will punish the servants of Shoukang Palace even if she is not willing to do so, to show everyone that she has the ability to control Shoukang Palace, otherwise the emperor will really have reason to replace all the servants of Shoukang Palace.

“The Queen Mother may have felt that it was right for a slave to sacrifice for her master, but the slaves in Shoukang Palace were wronged. They were the ones who were beaten and took the blame from the beginning to the end.

“When we go there in the future, at least they won’t dare to neglect them casually. We will even be timid in cooperating with the Queen Mother’s plan, for fear that whether it succeeds or fails, they will be the unlucky ones. This will give us a chance to fight back.”

The third princess opened her mouth slightly when she heard the news. She looked at the good news as if she were looking at a monster, with a mixture of admiration and surprise.

Jiayin didn't care what she thought, she huddled deeper and deeper into her cloak, shouting, "Go back quickly, I've said it all, but you won't help me, I'm really in a loss."

"Hehe, we are good sisters. Asking for money will hurt our feelings." The third princess hurriedly stepped forward and walked back with the good news in her arms. She did not forget to tell Aunt Hao, "Auntie, go and get the news out. ”

Hao Hao quickly agreed, feeling helpless.

She usually spoke earnestly and sincerely, but no matter how much she said, the princess could not listen to a word.

It just so happened that the princess was always scolding and joking like this, but the princess took it seriously!

 Where is the reasoning in this?

 Soon, everyone left.

The cold wind blew by, carrying the snow particles and roaring away.

 The snowdrift in the corner suddenly moved, and then a thin man covered in snow jumped out. After a few jumps, he disappeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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