Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 909: Punish the evil slave on behalf of my grandmother!

Chapter 909 Punishing the evil slave on behalf of my grandmother!

Almost as soon as the third princess and Jiayin stepped into the threshold of Shoukang Palace, a young **** and a young maid came to greet them, and then respectfully led them to the side hall to wait.

Two maids of honor arrived shortly afterwards. One was wearing a pink jacket and the other was wearing a green jacket. They were both very eye-catching and served tea and snacks.

The eldest maid in a pink coat said: "Your Royal Highness, Princess, the Queen Mother went out last night and got up late this morning. She is washing and changing clothes. She will be fine soon. Please wait a moment."

The third princess didn't take it seriously. She waved her hand and the two of them left.

Jiayin looked around at the decorations in the side hall to kill his boredom.

As a result, the two of them waited and waited. Almost half an hour passed, and no one came to invite them or wait on them.

The third princess stamped her feet, which were numb from the cold, and looked at the good news, "Is this the beginning?"

Jiayin shrugged and said with a smile: "Of course. Didn't you notice that there is not a single charcoal basin in this room, and the tea served to us is also cold.

“I’m afraid that if you want to dampen our spirits, it’s best to make us both cold and sick, so that we can listen to the manipulations in the future.”

The third princess slapped her hand on the table angrily. Just as she was about to curse, she suddenly remembered something and changed her words!

“These dog slaves are so courageous! The Imperial Grandmother loves me so much, how dare they treat me so lightly!”

As she spoke, she rushed out.

Jiayin brought Shui Ling, and Grandma Hao brought two eldest maids, and they also hurried to catch up.

The two young eunuchs were hiding not far from the door. When they saw the third princess coming out, their expressions changed. They wanted to turn around and run to report the news, but they were grabbed by the third princess.

"Why are you running? You have bullied me and you still want to run away! Just wait to die!"

The little **** turned pale with fright, pulled her neck and shouted, "Sister Mo Ju, help!"

 Soon, the two eldest maids from before came over in a hurry.

The two of them were respectful and saluted when they arrived. The maid in a pink coat lowered her voice and persuaded: "Your Highness, please tell me if there is any way in which I have not taken good care of you. But the Queen Mother has a headache and is still resting." , please don’t raise your voice.”

"You mean that I am making trouble unreasonably?" The third princess glared, put her finger in front of the noses of the two maids, and cursed: "My noble third princess, came here with Princess Kangle to pay homage to the imperial grandmother, and you are These dog slaves have been left in the side hall for half an hour without hot tea or a charcoal basin! What on earth do you think?"

The eldest palace maid in a pink coat, also named Mo Ju, was not afraid. She bowed steadily and apologized.

"Your Highness, the servants were too busy getting up early and did not pay attention to each other. Maybe they forgot this. The Queen Mother is not feeling well, so the servants are unavoidable and have been negligent. Please forgive me, Princess."

 Just once or twice, it’s too obvious to use the Queen Mother to oppress others in this sentence.

 The word "filial piety" is as big as heaven.

No matter how domineering the third princess is, she should swallow her anger and hold her tail between her legs when she hears the words "The Queen Mother is uncomfortable."

 Otherwise, it is unfilial, that is, not caring about grandma's illness.

Although the two eldest maids and the little eunuchs lowered their heads, the corners of their mouths were raised, clearly indicating that they were determined that the third princess could do nothing to them.

 It's a pity that they don't know that the third princess is no longer the stupid girl she used to be.

 Now, the green tea training is in progress!

I heard the third princess say: "Well, you bunch of dog slaves, forget about neglecting me, but you dare to neglect even the emperor's grandmother!"

"Slaves... no!" Mo Ju was suddenly accused by the third princess and was a little confused.

Before she could react, the third princess had already scolded: "Nothing! You must have neglected to serve the imperial grandmother like you did just now. She didn't have a charcoal pot to use or hot tea to drink, so she caught the wind and cold, so Headache!"

“No!” Mo Ju continued to argue, but the third princess ordered Shui Ling, “Stop these ungrateful servants of this palace! Fortunately, the Imperial Grandmother treats them so well, how dare they treat the Imperial Grandmother so lightly!”

Shui Ling had long been so angry that her heart was on fire.

Had she known that her master would come to suffer from the cold, she would have changed her master into the thickest cloak.

 What if the master had just been frozen, how could she explain it to her family?

They are all these audacious dog slaves!

 She rushed to the front in almost two steps and kicked the two maids directly into the courtyard. The two little eunuchs were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Shuiling grabbed their collars and threw them out, hitting the two eldest palace ladies hard!

Grandma Hao and others secretly took a breath of air and subconsciously retreated to their master's side.

The little maid brought by Princess Kangning is actually good at martial arts!

  Why didn’t they see it?

Shui Ling didn't care what they did, he jumped directly into the yard and kicked the two eldest maids and two little eunuchs as balls.

Moreover, she specifically picked up the belly and kicked it.

The belly is soft and not easy to break. No matter how many times you kick it, it will only result in bruises.

But there are many internal organs inside the belly, and just hurting any one of them can cost them half their lives!

The palace maid and the **** screamed in pain, and the noise immediately caused the Shoukang Palace to turn upside down.

At this time, many people came to the palace gate, including all the concubines in the harem.

Today is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, and tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. Whether in the city or in the palace, there will be lanterns on display.

The city naturally has a lantern market in the shopping street. Every shop has to set up stalls, hang lanterns, and guess lantern riddles. This happens every year, without exception.

 But it was not possible in the palace. The queen was previously in charge, but this year the queen was "seriously ill" for a long time, so the window was opened.

Therefore, the concubines who would greet the Queen Mother on the first and fifteenth day of every month came one day early to ask the Queen Mother to appoint someone.

 In fact, whoever replaces the queen to host the lantern festival does not necessarily mean that she will be the successor after the queen dies of illness.

 But it’s always an honor, a good opportunity to show one’s face.

As a result, as soon as they entered Shoukang Palace, they were so shocked by the scene in front of them that they covered their mouths.

 This is Shoukang Palace, not a martial arts arena.

 But what is the reason for this miserable and brutal one-sided beating in front of us?

Jiayin glanced at the door, quickly tugged on the sleeves of the third princess, and then tilted her head towards the door of the main hall.

The third princess understood, picked up her skirt, and ran into the house crying.

“Woo, grandma, my granddaughter is here to see you! Don’t be afraid, these dog slaves dare to bully you, so my granddaughter will kill them and avenge you!”

The old nun beside the Queen Mother heard the commotion and was walking outside when she met the third princess head-on.

The third princess pushed her over, and the old nanny hit the door frame directly. The back of her head was hit with severe pain, and there were stars in her eyes.

Jiayin winked at Shui Ling, and Shui Ling ran back behind her in a few steps, with a well-behaved look, and there was no sign of the ferocity with which he had just massacred everyone...

 The Queen Mother is sitting in the room drinking tea, so naturally she is not sick.

The third princess suddenly barged in and didn't give the Queen Mother a chance to speak. She hugged her and howled.

The Queen Mother was startled and looked towards the door. Unfortunately, the old nanny was still fainting.

 At this time, good news and concubines also poured in.

"What's going on?!" The Queen Mother turned cold and scolded loudly: "Third Princess, you are too presumptuous. Why are you holding Aijia and crying all morning?"

The third princess was not afraid of her, and was just waiting for her to ask questions, so she started talking.

 (End of this chapter)

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