Chapter 862 Their meal tickets are gone!

Before Jiayi could return home, the old lady had prepared several sets of new clothes and shoes for the meeting. The old lady loved her grandson even more, so how could she slap him? !

Within half an hour, the food was served.

Jia Huan not only made salt-and-pepper shrimp and braised shrimp, but also added four new dishes and steamed well-melted minced meat custard for her grandma and son.

 The family talked, laughed, and ate happily.

 After dinner, Mrs. Li went home to prepare a warm bed for her grandson.

No one was trying to stop him. The old man was busy with his work, so he didn’t panic...

 Early on the next morning, after dinner, the Li family, except Wenjuan and Wan'er who were taking care of the children at home, took the car to the city again.

They parked their carriage opposite the side gate of Jingzhao Yin and waited all the time.

 Fortunately, there was a charcoal basin in the carriage, which allowed me to make hot tea, warm my hands and stomach, and I was wearing thick clothes, so I didn't feel cold at all.

Those who make a living in the government office are not fools, they are all smart people.

With the Li family's posture, the prison boss immediately guessed that Li Jiayi was about to be released from prison after receiving the news.

So he quickly asked someone to prepare things, opened the cell again, personally led Li Jiayi to take a bath, and even asked a craftsman to help him shave his beard and rearrange his bun.

After putting on the cotton robe that the Li family had sent in before, Li Jiayi was no different from the noble prince walking by on the street.

 It was completely invisible. He had been in jail for many days.

 Back in the prison, Lao Huang stared at his greatly changed companion for a long time, not daring to step forward.

Is this still a fellow sufferer who fights with him and eats chicken legs with him?

Li Jiayi was so amused that he laughed loudly. Finally, he sat down with Lao Huang and said: "Brother, I don't know where you are from, but you must not be a treacherous person.

“Besides, it’s a pity that you’re locked up here because of your skills. Why don’t you go south with me to kill the Japanese pirates? You’ve learned all your skills in vain.”

 Lao Huang yawned. He didn't know whether he didn't understand it or whether it didn't reach his ears.

Jiayi didn't mind either and directly helped him make the decision.

"Okay, I'll take it as your consent. You wait here for two more days. I'll take you out after I solve your case."

 After saying that, he patted Lao Huang on the shoulder.

 Lao Huang actually lay down and fell asleep...

Soon, it was lunch time, and several jailers looked eagerly at the door.

 It's a pity that they didn't wait for Cyclamen's food box, but they did wait for Mr. Fu Yin and Mr. Li Laosi.

The prison boss quickly opened the door and invited Li Jiayi over.

Li Laosi patted his nephew's back hard and said with a smile: "Just now in the court, General Tang offered prisoners. The emperor was very happy and gave heavy rewards to the Hai Lan army.

“Originally, you should have been promoted two levels, but you killed people on the street, even if you were a fugitive, and it hindered the peace of the new capital. Therefore, your merits are worth the crime.

“From now on, you should follow General Tang back to the East China Sea and continue killing pirates and Japanese bandits!”

"Yes, fourth uncle." Jiayi responded with a smile, then knelt down and kowtowed to the palace.

 Finally, the uncle and nephew exchanged a few polite words with Mr. Fu Yin before walking out of the prison.

 A group of jailers followed him unconsciously, each with a grimace on his face.

 Their meal tickets are gone...

In the Li family's carriage, Jiayin half-opened the window, and his face hurt from the cold wind. He lowered his head and was about to rub it when he heard Mu Jue say: "Come out!"

Jiayin quickly looked up, and sure enough, the person following his father was his third brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

 “Nai, it’s my third brother!”

Jiayin was the first to jump out of the car and then helped Mrs. Li down. Jiaren, Jiahuan, Brother Li, Brother Mao and Liu Yang had already strode over.

They surrounded Jiayi in the middle, one patted his shoulders and the other punched his fist. The brothers finally met, and they were all extremely excited.

Jia Yi was hugging Brother Cat when he suddenly saw his grandma standing opposite with her face full of tears. His eyes turned red at that time, he rushed over in a few steps and fell to his knees.

“Grandma, your grandson is unfilial and makes you worry!”

Mrs. Li bent down and hugged her grandson. She choked with sobs for a long time before cursing: "Bad boy, do you know that grandma is old and can't bear the trouble anymore?

“Grandma doesn’t want gold or silver, she just wants you all to be safe.

 “Never come to this place again!”

"Grandma, I was wrong! I don't dare anymore, I was wrong!" Jiayi hugged her grandma's waist and clearly felt the old lady's whole body trembling.

 My parents are here and I won’t travel far.

At this moment, he deeply understood the weight behind these six words.

 He is young and vigorous, and he has countless ideals and wishes.

 But he never imagined how worried and concerned the elders were behind his back...

"Grandma, it's too cold here. My third brother hasn't eaten yet. Let's go home quickly. We have plenty of time to go home, so please speak slowly."

Jiayin was afraid that grandma would be hurt, and seeing that both her third uncle and mother were wiping away tears, she quickly stepped forward to give her a few words of advice.

 “Okay, okay, go home, go home quickly!”

Sure enough, the old lady felt sorry for her grandson and immediately got into the carriage.

The crowd came in a big way and left quickly. Soon, four carriages left the city gate.

Jiayi, of course, was in the same car as grandma. Mrs. Li held her grandson's hand and was completely relieved when she saw that he was cleanly dressed and his face was rosy, showing that he had not suffered any hardship in prison.

After the distressed feeling passed, the old lady's temper got worse.

She pinched her grandson's arm hard several times, but unfortunately his muscles were like iron knots and he couldn't pinch her.

She changed to pinching her ears and scolded: "You brat, you came back from the south and didn't know how to go home. You actually stayed in the city and caused such a big trouble!"

“Tell me, do you still see me as a grandma in your eyes?

“Have your wings become stiff and you no longer consider yourself a member of the Li family?!”

 "Ouch, oops, grandma, it hurts, it hurts! I was wrong, I know I was wrong!" Jiayi wanted to open his mouth to apologize, and he felt even more regretful in his heart.

 You shouldn’t have cleaned yourself up just now, the more embarrassed you are, the better.

This way, grandma will feel distressed for a while longer, and he won’t have to be pinched...

“Sister, please help me quickly!” Jiayi stretched out his hand and tugged on his sister’s sleeve to ask for help.

Unfortunately, Jiayin smiled and sat eating potato chips, and stuffed a piece into his brother's mouth, "Brother, I can't help you.

“I can only feed you two potato chips. If you gain strength, you can carry it a little longer!”

"You heartless girl, I avenged you, but you actually repaid me with kindness!" Jiayi felt that the force on his ears was a little weak, and he quickly argued with his sister at the top of his lungs.

“Brother, you are still too young. Remember, beware of beautiful women like me in the future, because beautiful women are the most vicious and evil!” Jiayin raised her feet and bit the potato chips more and more loudly.

Mrs. Li finally couldn't bear it anymore, let go of her grandson, and hit her granddaughter instead. She said in a fit of laughter and tears: "How old are you? If you talk about being a woman and not being a woman, outsiders should say you have no rules!"

Jiayin smiled and was about to act coquettishly when the coachman in front suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

 The carriage stopped suddenly!

Jiayin was unprepared for a moment and hit the siding. The potato chips in his hand were scattered all over Mrs. Li’s head like a goddess scattering flowers...

 (End of this chapter)

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