Chapter 863 Deliberate collision

Jiayin and Jiayi hurriedly picked the potato chips off the top of Grandma’s hair.

Jiayin was annoyed, opened the car window and asked, "What happened?"

Mu Jue held a half-grown boy who looked like a boy in his hand and shouted back: "A few people were standing at the intersection, and this boy suddenly rushed out and stopped the carriage, almost trampling on him!"

Without waiting for the good news to be asked, a man wearing a satin robe came over with seven or eight slaves and some boxes.

The man was in his thirties, wearing an azure-colored cloak, and his expression was a bit arrogant.

He stepped forward and saluted with a flattering smile, "Excuse me, are you Princess Kangle? I am polite to you!"

Jiayin raised her eyebrows, rubbed her painful arm, and asked coldly, without returning the greeting, "What's the matter with you?"

The middle-aged man probably did not expect that the good news would be so direct, so he hesitated and said: "Princess, I have come a long way, can you come to your house to ask for a cup of tea?

“It just so happened that Xiaguan’s servant was rude and almost startled the princess’s driver. This also gave Xiaguan a chance to apologize.”

As he spoke, he turned his body sideways and asked Jiayin to look at the boxes.

Unfortunately, Jiayin didn't look at the box at all, but instead glanced at the boy who caused the trouble.

The boy didn't look frightened. It was obvious that he had rushed out deliberately just to block her way and create an opportunity for his master.

 You must know that the carriage is not the car in the previous life. It stops as soon as the brake is applied.

This is done well by the veteran driver, and Mu Jue is also very skilled.

 Otherwise, if the horses are so frightened that they run wildly and they sit in the car, they will be seriously injured even if they do not die!

This is just for your own selfishness and not taking the lives of others seriously!

“Who gave you the courage and face to instruct the servants to rush into the carriage, deliberately murder the princess, and even want to drink tea from our house?!” Jiayin scolded him without any politeness.

Of course the middle-aged official didn't want to admit it, and he still wanted to defend himself. Mu Jue had already moved his hands, and he didn't know where he had moved the boy. The boy immediately screamed in pain.

After a few breaths, he couldn't bear it any longer, and the boy shouted indiscriminately, "It's our master, let me stop the carriage!"

“Woo, spare me, spare me, I didn’t mean it!”

The middle-aged official immediately changed his expression and glared at the young man.

Mu Jue let go of his hand, and the boy was piled on the ground like mud.

Jiayin did not look at the middle-aged official and directly ordered: "Come here, send this boy and this tea man to Jingzhaoyin to ask questions about deliberately ramming the carriage and murdering the princess and Mrs. Yipingaoming." What is the crime?

"If Jing Zhaoyin doesn't know, I don't mind going into the palace and asking the emperor!"

The middle-aged official turned pale, obviously frightened, and immediately said anxiously: "Princess, I don't mean you any harm. I just want to visit your house."

 But Jiayin was impatient to keep messing with him, so he waved his hands to several veterans who came over.

The veteran was about to pull the middle-aged official and leave. Perhaps the middle-aged official had never been treated like this before. He was so annoyed that he started to curse.

As a result, Jiayi was already lying by the car window, looking at him with a half-smile, "Our new capital is really lively. I just came out of Jingzhao Yin Prison and watched a big show."

 Jingzhao Yin Dalao?

The middle-aged official was not stupid enough. He immediately guessed Jiayi's identity and immediately shrank his neck, not daring to say another word.

This is Li Jiayi, the Li Jiayi who kicked Uncle Guo to death!

 Li Jiayi, whose evil reputation spread throughout Xindu!

 The middle-aged official kept his mouth shut, for fear of angering this man and putting his life at risk!

Li Jiayi snorted coldly and closed the window.

Mu Jue jumped on the shaft, and the carriage continued forward, passing the second village checkpoint, and headed home all the way.

 In the carriage behind were Li Zhensheng, Li Laoer and Li Laosi. They originally wanted to come forward, but when they heard the good news and Jiayi came forward, they pretended to be mute. Sure enough, with a few words, the brother and sister made the blockers retreat and even sent them to Jingzhao Yin Yamen.

Li Laoer couldn't help but sigh: "The children have really grown up and can stand on their own."

Li Laosi nodded, thought for a while and added, "Second brother, I can't feel sorry for Jiayi this time. I'm afraid he won't be promoted again in a short time..."

"Family, what are you talking about? As a nephew, he should give way to his uncle. Besides, he is still young, and working hard for a few more years is also training." Li Laoer patted his younger brother. shoulders, not wanting him to blame himself.

Li Zhensheng also nodded, "Anyone in the family who gets promoted is the glory of our Li family."

 Li Laosi didn’t say any more.

 He has made up his mind that after completely regaining Jiangbei next year, he will retire and go home.

 Come and be filial to me for a few years.

 The eldest brother is away from home all the time, and the third brother is not good at managing affairs. The second brother is alone in Xindu, so he is definitely not able to do what he wants.

He comes back to lend a hand, and he can also protect the home more airtight...

Li Laoer directly changed the subject and said: "That person just now should be here to plead for mercy and act as a lobbyist..."

“Second brother, are you talking about those people under investigation?” Li Laosi sneered, “How do they have the nerve to come to the door? Do they really think that our Li family has no temper?!”

"Yes, when they submitted a memorial to ask the emperor to kill Jiayi as soon as possible, why didn't they think of today!" Li Zhensheng leaned against the wall of the car and sneered, "It's useless for anyone to intercede. These people are just remembering If you don’t remember to eat, we have to knock a few times from time to time to establish our authority.”

While the brothers were talking, the carriage entered the new village.

The village chief, Uncle Zhao and others have been waiting here for a long time.

  Maybe it's going to snow, it's not that cold, but there's no sun either.

Several old men lit a bonfire and talked while warming themselves.

Three or five naughty boys who were not old enough to go to school came over and threw a few sweet potatoes and a handful of chestnuts into the fire.

As a result, the sweet potatoes were burnt black and the chestnuts crackled and exploded from time to time, causing the naughty boys to jump.

The village chief, Uncle Zhao and others couldn’t stop laughing...

At the time of excitement, the Li family came back.

"Have you brought Jia Yi back?" the village chief rushed over and asked loudly.

Jiayi opened the door, jumped down neatly, and said with a smile: "Grandpa village chief, Grandpa Zhao, Grandpa Wei...I'm back!"

“Oh, brat, you’re back! Finally, we don’t have to worry about anything anymore!” The village chief patted Jiayi’s back hard with his big hand.

 He and Lao Zhao are all retired wounded soldiers, so they can't help but act and speak in a rough manner.

 Compared to schoolchildren like Jiaren and Li Geer, they prefer sturdy naughty boys like Jiayi, Xi Geer and An Geer!

Especially Jiayi, he often learned skills from them on his way out.

 He is considered half of their apprentice!

 “Good boy, just come back!” Uncle Zhao and others also stepped forward, smiling happily.

Mrs. Li was very happy to take her grandson back and said, "Let's eat at home for lunch. There's no time to make any big dishes. It's just a bit of fun. Don't dislike it, brothers."

 “The old lady was joking, what does my family dislike?

"This kid Jiayi is back, even if we eat pickles, they taste better than meat!" The village chief waved his pipe pot and shouted to a naughty boy, "Go to my house and ask your grandmother Wu to bring a piece of bacon to add to the lunch. "

 (End of this chapter)

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