Chapter 861 The low-key God of Wealth

When Mrs. Xing went out to socialize, she heard too many people complain.

Every time she couldn't help but feel lucky for her daughter to enter a good family like the Li family.

So, she turned on the nagging mode again and said: "Wan'er, you must be filial to your grandmother, and be kind to your sister-in-law. Be more diligent and do more needlework for them..."

Wan'er was helpless after hearing this, and Xing Ning even grabbed two oranges and ran away, saying that he was going to find his father and would come back for a reunion dinner at noon.

  Not to mention that Wan'er was at home, but that Mrs. Li took her granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law directly to the best jewelry store in Xindu.

The shopkeeper of the jewelry store has the most vicious eyes. There is no reputable person in Xindu that he doesn’t recognize.

 As soon as Mrs. Li waited for someone to get out of the car, he hurried to the door.

Old Mrs. Li didn't show any airs. She smiled and said a few words to the shopkeeper, and the group went up to the second floor.

 There are other guests on the second floor, who are actually acquaintances.

Dean Gu and Gu Qingqing were choosing jewelry. Gu Qingqing was hesitating for a long time between a set of pearl headbands and a set of agate headbands.

Suddenly seeing the Li family and good news, Gu Qingqing was so happy that she immediately stepped forward to salute.

Dean Gu also smiled and sat with Mrs. Li talking and drinking tea.

Wenjuan took the stars and asked the shopkeeper to get some bracelets and necklaces suitable for children.

In recent years, cyclamen has been almost exclusively supported by family members.

Li Zhensheng, the uncle, is very generous. Not only does he pay his salary every month, but he also pays more dividends at the end of the year.

Wenjuan's purse is very bulging. It's the Chinese New Year. She plans to make needlework for her elders and sister-in-law, and buy some jewelry for the stars, crescent moon, and Yuanyuan.

Jiayin was dragged over by Gu Qingqing to help her choose jewelry.

Jiayin saw that the color of the agate was very bright, and Gu Qingqing was rarely so public on weekdays, so she asked, "Is there any happy event for Sister Gu?"

 Gu Qingqing blushed and responded in a low voice: "My family has arranged a marriage for me, and we will get married next autumn."

Jiayin subconsciously calculated that the Gu family planned to marry Gu Qingqing after she got hairpins.

 At the age of fifteen, I was still a junior high school student in my previous life, but here I am actually about to start a family!

"Well... Sister Gu will not stay at home for two more years?" Jiayin was a little reluctant and hugged Gu Qingqing's arm coquettishly, "Sister Gu is married, and if we continue to play turtle, there will be one less person."

Gu Qingqing laughed when she heard this, pinched her and said angrily: "I thought you were reluctant to let me go, but it turns out you were afraid that no one would play cards with you!"

After saying that, she sighed and whispered: "I don't want to get married so early, but he has no mother and his father is also seriously ill. He hopes that I will come over soon and be the director of the family."

 His eyes lit up after hearing the good news, and then he realized that it was not that the Gu family didn't care about their daughter, but that they had their own considerations.

 There is no mother-in-law to control her when she enters the house, and her father-in-law will soon pass away. This kind of marriage is simply too difficult to find.

 Once your daughter gets married, she is the master of the family, so you don’t have to worry about being punished!

She quickly asked Gu Qingqing to help her order the set of agate jewelry. The bride to be married naturally had to dress up joyfully and beautifully.

 After a while, Dean Gu took Gu Qingqing and left first.

Jiayin asked the shopkeeper to wrap up the remaining pearl jewelry and save it for Gu Qingqing to add makeup next year.

In this way, Gu Qingqing is happy, and she is not afraid that others will not like the gift she gave her.

Mrs. Li had no time to spare and was not polite. She bought two pairs of gold bracelets, three pairs of jade bracelets and two pairs of gold hairpins in one go.

In addition, I also ordered some gold and silver tassels in the shape of flowers and fruits, in case guests at home bring their children during the Chinese New Year, and they cannot be sent back empty-handed...

Jiayin is a rich little woman. Although she has stored a lot of jewelry in the space, it does not prevent her from liking the new and hating the old...

 Several people, old and young, were satisfied with their purchases and went to the silk and satin shop again.

The shopkeeper of the jewelry store brought the young man to the door. The young man couldn't help but sigh, "Shopkeeper, this old lady of the Li family doesn't look angry in her clothes, but she is so generous with her gifts!"

The shopkeeper knocked him on the head and took the opportunity to teach him a lesson: "Don't be like a dog looking down on others. The Li family doesn't want to be in the limelight. "Don't even think about it, Cyclamen is the most profitable restaurant in the new capital. Li’s, the most profitable dim sum shop is still Li’s!

“The Broken Gold Beach is the biggest treasure trove of Tianwu, and jade melons are sold for ten thousand taels.

“In terms of income, there are not many that can compare to the Li family. When I come back in the future, I will definitely serve you diligently!”

“Yes, yes, shopkeeper, I have remembered it!” The boy responded quickly, stretched his head and looked at the Li family’s carriage, trying to remember these gods of wealth...

 It is cold in winter and there are few customers in the restaurant. It stands to reason that business will be bleak.

 But Cyclamen breaks this rule!

 In the lobby, between the seats, the boys shouted loudly from time to time.

“A bowl of boiled meat slices and a plate of spicy crabs!

 “Here is a plate of mapo tofu and a plate of spicy chicken!”

 The spicy dishes that everyone usually avoids have now completely transformed and become the favorite of all guests.

Nearly every table has one or two of them. It’s spicy enough to make you sweat profusely, and the coldness of winter seems to have been driven away.

 In the back kitchen, Jia Huan and a group of cooks and handymen were also very busy and sweating profusely.

After finally going out to take a breath, Jia Huan saw grandma bringing his wife, children and sister.

He hurriedly greeted him happily, hugged his son and gave him a bump, and then invited everyone to the side room.

“Grandma, why did you come out for a walk today? If you want something to eat, I’ll go and make it for you!”

Jia Huan was talking to grandma and stroking her sister's hair. She guessed that it was her sister's fault that grandma was willing to go out for a walk.

Jiayin climbed up the pole and immediately ordered with a smile, "Brother, I want to eat boiled fish!"

 “No, I have acne on my face!”

Orange Mrs. Li and Wenjuan spoke in unison, breaking Jiayin's good wishes.

Jiayin was discouraged and lowered his head.

Last time, she was greedy and ate a pot of boiled fish by herself. As a result, when she woke up early, her face almost lost its original appearance.

The family was frightened and kept her under strict supervision for three days, eating a light diet before the acne on her face faded away. But from then on, the boiled fish completely disappeared from her world...

Jia Huan was amused by her sister and laughed, and quickly coaxed her, "There are many customers today, so the fish is sold out, but there are still a lot of prawns. I'll make some salt and pepper prawns for you."

Before the good news could be spoken, someone outside the door smiled and said, "It's better to come early than to be lucky. Brother Huan cooks an extra plate and I want to drink two glasses!"

Subsequently, the door was pushed open, and Li Lao Er walked in with a smile on his face, followed by Li Lao Si.

Old Mrs. Li was stunned for a moment, stood up suddenly, and asked: "Second brother, is Jia Yi coming out?"

Li Laoer nodded and said: "My mother guessed half right, it is General Tang from the Hailan Army who has returned and has already entered the palace to see the emperor.

"Tomorrow, at the court meeting, Hailan's army will present prisoners and receive rewards. If the merits and demerits of the family's righteousness are equal to each other, we can be released from prison and go home!"

"Great!" Jiayin cheered, "Tomorrow, I will pick up the third brother and take him home!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too!" Mrs. Li's eyes were red, "When I see Jia Yi, I will give this brat a few good slaps."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, but no one took it seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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