Chapter 860 The old saying never lies!

Jiayin stayed at the pharmaceutical workshop for a while yesterday afternoon and stayed at the Princess's Mansion nearby in the evening.

  She got up early and was a little lazy. Before she returned to her old house, she thought of her sister-in-law and asked someone to find her.

 She thought for a while, then changed into a beautiful coat and skirt, added a cloak, and then took Shuiling and Shuiyun to find her grandma.

As soon as she entered the yard, she shouted with a smile, "Grandma, let's go, I'll take you shopping, let's go spend some money!"

Mrs. Li was sitting in the room when she suddenly heard her granddaughter yelling. She thought something was wrong. When she heard what she heard, she couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You girl, you are making so much noise so early in the morning!"

Seeing that grandma changed her smile and no longer frowned, Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief and persuaded her, "Grandma, my sister is young.

“Before, because of that incident, she was kept at home and dared not go out. Now that the weather has calmed down, you might as well take her out for a walk.

“The Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Please help me choose two pieces of fresh fabrics. Wenjuan and I have also prepared new clothes for my sister to wear during the Chinese New Year.”

Wenjuan also quickly joined in, "Yes, grandma, I want to make a pair of shoes for you, my mother, and my aunts, but it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so I'm just waiting for grandma to help me buy them."

Just as good news came in from outside, when he heard this, he said: "It's not just me recently, my sisters-in-law haven't been out much either, so let's go into the city together.

"Second sister-in-law is going shopping with us. Sister-in-law can take Yuanyuan and go back to her parents' house to see her. I'm afraid Aunt Xing has long missed you."

 How can a married woman miss her mother’s family?

Furthermore, although Mrs.

She was very moved by her sister-in-law's arrangement, but she still looked at Mrs. Li.

Old Mrs. Li is the most open-minded person, so why would she stop her grandson’s daughter-in-law, so she immediately said: “Listen to Fu Niu’er, let’s go!

“Wenjuan is taking Xingxing with us to go shopping. Fu Niuer is going to prepare some pears for your sister-in-law to take back and make rock sugar pear water for your Aunt Xing to drink, which will moisten the lungs and dryness.”

“Okay, grandma, don’t worry, our family is short of everything except fruit. I’ll give Aunt Xing another basket of tangerines as a token of my filial piety!”

Jiayin agreed with a smile, and then asked Shui Ling to go back to the glass greenhouse of the princess's mansion to pick fruits.

By the time the fruits were picked and brought back, the old and young had already changed into their coats, skirts and cloaks for going out.

Mrs. Li wore a fox fur warm hat, a flowing coat and skirt, and a maroon embroidered plum blossom cape trimmed with fox fur.

Wenjuan is young, wearing a brocade jacket with peach blossoms all over the floor, a plain horse-faced skirt, and a smoke-colored begonia cloak.

 Wan'er's return to her parents' home is naturally more grand.

Wearing a bright red coat and skirt embroidered with peonies in gold and silver threads, and a hooded cloak with bamboo branches and lotus patterns.

 After all, she wanted her parents to feel at ease and know that she was doing well.

 Furthermore, she is the daughter-in-law of the Li family, and her clothes represent the face of the Li family.

Seeing how beautiful her grandma and sisters-in-law were, Jiayin burst into laughter and happily surrounded them and walked out.

 Outside the courtyard gate, two carriages were ready.

In the first car was Mrs. Li, accompanied by Wenjuan, mother and son, and Jiayin. Grandma Chang and Shui Ling Shuiyun were waiting on her.

 A veteran drove the cart, Mu Jue sat on the shaft, and two other veterans followed on horseback.

 In the car behind was Wan'er, her mother and her son, with their maid Chunxiu accompanying them.

The same veteran drove the carriage, followed by a boy running errands, and two veterans escorted him on horseback.

 In the past, the people who drove the carriages at home were all young men, but since the incident with the Wu family, Li Laoer took the initiative and found eight veterans in the second village.

These veterans were all slightly injured with missing ears, injured eyes, or lameness. They were sent out without delay, and were then included in his personal guard quota.

Veterans can ride horses and carry swords into the city. On weekdays, they are responsible for driving and protecting the Li family when they go out.

But the Jiaren brothers are surrounded by young men who are skilled in martial arts. They also have crossbows and arrows for self-defense. They rarely bring veterans with them when they come and go. Therefore, these veterans don’t have many opportunities to go out. They are happy to have the opportunity to follow them into the city today.

 The horsewhip was whipped up, and the horse's hooves clicked on the ice and snow road, especially briskly.

Some veterans sang a tune learned from the North. Mrs. Li heard it in the carriage and couldn't help but laugh: "They say that moving trees dies and people move people alive. This is true.

“When our family fled from our hometown in the North, to be honest, I was ready to die.

“It’s so uncomfortable to leave everything behind after living in a place where you have lived all your life!

“If someone had told me at that time that life at home would be so good in the future, they would not believe it even to death.”

Before Wenjuan and Jiayin could respond, Xingxing, who was wearing a sapphire blue jacket and trousers, suddenly jumped into the old lady's arms. She grabbed her neck like a little tiger and yelled fiercely, "I won't beat her to death, I won't beat her to death." !”

Jiayin and Wenjuan were stunned for a moment, then laughed.

This boy was just learning to speak, and he didn't understand it half-heartedly. When he heard the word "beat to death," he thought someone was going to beat the old lady to death.

“Oh, my stars! You know how to protect your great-grandma at such a young age. What a precious little baby!”

Old Mrs. Li was protected by her child, and her heart felt so hot that it turned into a puddle of water, and she kept calling her heartbroken.

Wenjuan also smiled and said: "The fourth aunt said the day before yesterday that Xingxing is most similar to my sister when she was a child. She has the same sweet mouth and can coax people."

Jiayin sighed, looked anxious, and said, "This guy has taken away my job. What will I do in the future?"

Mrs. Li and Wenjuan laughed harder. Only Xingxing stared with big eyes, not understanding what happened...

Mu Jue leaned against the carriage wall, listening to the jokes in the carriage, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

 The Chinese New Year is just over a month away, and it’s the busiest time in Xindu.

Although you can't go out of the city for a walk like spring and summer, the cold weather can't stop the wealthy and idle people from having fun!

So this family held a tea party, and that garden held a flower-viewing party when there were two half-withered plum trees.

I really have no excuse, so I just enjoy the snow and write poems.

There are so many gatherings. Whether the host or the guests want to attend in a glamorous manner, it is indispensable to buy things.

Men want new clothes, and women want dresses and jewelry. There is also a lot of paper, ink, pens, and inkstones for sale. The snack shops are booming, and the taverns and teahouses are also overcrowded...

The Li family's carriage entered the city, and Wan'er returned to the Xing family.

Mrs. Xing was thinking about her daughter when she suddenly heard that her daughter had brought her grandson back. She was so happy that she almost wiped tears.

Even Xing Ning quickly ran to the front door to greet him.

Soon, the whole family got together and talked while eating oranges.


Xing Wan'er fed her mother two baskets of oranges and said with a smile, "Mom, my sister-in-law said this basket of oranges was specially given to honor you.

“As for that basket of pears, you must not give it away, keep it to make pear soup to replenish your health.”

 “Okay, okay!” Mrs. Xing became even more happy and nodded in response.

 In fact, when a woman gets married, the quality of her husband is secondary. The main thing is not to get involved with the unreasonable mother-in-law and the trouble-provoking sister-in-law.

 After all, men are out all day, and they only return to the back house at night.

 In case of those who take more concubines, the women will not even be able to see their husbands at night.

 But my mother-in-law and sister-in-law see each other every day. If they don't get along well, life will be really difficult...

 (End of this chapter)

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